8 Most Common Pregnancy Problems and Solutions

People remain well aware of various miracles of the newborn and pregnancy glows, but only a handful know about its complications. Constipation, headaches, backaches – this list can keep going. During this time, a female body goes through a lot – which is not a comfortable journey. Even healthy women can experience pregnancy problems, but don’t worry! 

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Pregnancy problems can involve a mother’s health or fetus’s health or, at times, even both. Since these complications can highly impact the child’s life, it’s important to solve these immediately. 

The following solutions ensure you inform your doctor about your pregnancy problems since they can affect your delivery techniques. 

8 Most Common Pregnancy Problems with Effective Solutions 

Here is a list of common pregnancy problems along with their solutions to help you go through this amazing journey conveniently:

  1. Morning Sickness
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As the name suggests, morning sickness is a problem happening mainly in the mornings of your early pregnancy durations. However, ironically it can also happen at any other time of the day. Its symptoms primarily include nausea and vomiting. 


This sickness cannot affect your baby, but keeping yourself hydrated if you experience its symptoms can help you out with pregnancy easily. Drink excessive water and make sure to drink half an hour before a meal and take lots and lots of rest. 

  1. Insomnia

Adding up all the bloating, leg cramps, and constant need to pee can make sleep troublesome for pregnant women. It has been observed that about 8 out of 10 women experience insomnia during pregnancy, which complicates the journey more than ever. Without taking proper sleep, you cannot hope to be refreshed throughout the entire day. 

Beat Insomnia with these 7 tips!


Make sure to get yourself into a good skincare routine since it contributes to a proper sleep set. Listening to music, reading books, and staying calm can help you to sleep peacefully as well. By transforming your room into cozy dark surroundings, you can easily get relaxing and sleeping vibes in no time. 

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  1. High blood pressure

Also known as hypertension, this can lead to more serious problems that can be harmful during pregnancy. Women with blood pressure-related problems should visit a doctor at least once every week during their pregnancy. 


Maintain a healthy diet along with a consistent routine of exercise. Avoid indulging in any stressful activities. Keep talking to your doctor and implement the pieces of advice given by them regularly. If these solutions aren’t helping, do not hesitate to take therapies since they help you easily calm out through this complicated journey. 

  1. Constipation

Some women experience constipation during pregnancy because of the occurrence of hormonal changes. At times, even the digestive tract is also not able to function systematically because of the baby’s growth. 


Adding nutritional and fruits rich in fiber to your diet helps you to excrete stool easily. If this doesn’t work, start drinking a lot of water or best consult your doctor since your medications can be harmful at this crucial time. 

  1. Back Pain
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With the excessive loads on the center of your body, your muscles experience harder pressure during work, resulting in backaches. Short durations of backaches during pregnancy are not serious, but if they last more than two weeks, it needs to be treated immediately. 


You may love to lie down during this crucial time, but it can be harmful to you in the longer run. Keep changing your posture by sitting up with your shoulders and fixing it with the back of the bed. This technique can help you out to relieve the pain caused by backaches. Moreover, while bending, ensure you don’t put excessive pressure on your back; try bending with your knees only. 

  1. Swelling

Swelling is the result of drinking excessive water during pregnancy. The ongoing growth of the uterus can swell up your body organs easily. Short amounts of swelling on legs and ankles is natural, but if it starts growing – it’s time to check with the doctor since it can lead to serious medical problems. 


Lie down on your side since it can conveniently relieve the veins. Try to lift your feet so that your body experiences various exercises and changes in your body. Also, avoid crossing up your ankles and legs while sitting since increased pressure on veins can lead to inflammations. 

  1. Migraines
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Migraines are not just the result of hormonal changes but various other changing things associated with pregnancy. Not taking proper sleep, diet and stress can lead to high migraines. If your vision starts getting blurry and dizzy, accompanied by fevers, then you need to treat these major headaches. 


The perfect way to deal with such problems is to balance your diet with all the important nutrients. Since many migraine medications can result in a defect in babies, the best is to stay away from them by maintaining your sleep schedule effectively. 

  1. Bleeding Gums

Bleeding gums can also lead to many more harmful complications, including periodontitis, preterm birth, and much more. These are also caused by excessive swelling up of your mucus membranes. It might be normal to have a bit of soreness in your gums, but redness in them is a time to take serious action towards treating them. 


Improve your eating habits, avoid sweet stuff in your diet, and consume the required amount of calcium during pregnancy. Brush your teeth twice a day and use mouthwashes to remove any excess acids in your mouth. It’s necessary to consult dentists along with implementing these solutions as well. 

Pregnancy is a very sensitive time for women since she is prone to various medical issues due to hormonal changes. With the expansive growth of the child, a woman’s internal organs also take a shift to make space for the baby. 

This can at times lead to certain complications, which eventually go after the delivery itself. Until then, keep implementing the above-mentioned effective solutions, consult your doctor, and most importantly, take lots of rest and stay calm. 

Stay tuned to The Glam Lives for more exciting and valuable content. Cheers!

Feature Image Credits- Photo by Pexels!

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