Hair Oiling Mistakes We All Need to Avoid!

Do you remember how our dadis and nanis used to run after us when we were young to oil our hair? Most of us would hate it – sticky and oily hair wasn’t fashionable. But the ladies would never pay any heed. They would take the oil and drench our tresses in aromatic oil and give us a good champi

Thank god they did that! 

Now that we are grown-ups, we understand the importance of hair oiling. Every night of the weekend, we give our hair the nourishment it needs by oiling it. A good quality hair oil promotes hair growth and gives life to dull hair. 

However, there are a few rules to hair oiling. If you are not following them, your mistakes are doing more harm than good to your hair.

Look out for the following hair oiling mistakes that you need to avoid immediately. 

10 Mistakes to Avoid While Oiling Your Hair

Not Combing Hair Before Oiling

If you have caught yourself wondering, “Should I comb my hair before oiling?”, you are on the right track. The answer to your question is one hundred percent!

You must detangle your hair before you oil your tresses. It is because your hair gets knots, tangles, and even tiny dirt particles. When you comb them, your hair gets free of all these particles. 

If you do not comb them before oiling, they get even more tangled. It results in hair damage and breakage.

Not Using Hot Oil

Most of us are too lazy to care about the right way of hair oiling. We just pick up the hair oil and start massaging our hair. However, the hair oiling benefits amplify if you use it hot instead of raw. 

A hot oil treatment can repair dry, brittle, or frizzy hair. If your hair is prone to split ends, sealing the hair cuticle with hot oil can help you protect them from damage. Color-treated or bleached hair should also use hot oil.

All you have to do is pour the required quantity of oil into a bowl and heat it. However, do not let it get too heated up. It should just be warm. Heating oil too much can rip it off its nourishing properties. 

Using Too Much Oil

hair oiling mistakes - using too  much oil
Source – Pixabay

Oiling your hair regularly can do wonders for your hair. However, using too much can back-pedal the good effects. 

It is similar to the phrase – Too much of anything is good for nothing. One may think that applying more oil to your hair will be more beneficial. However, remember that you also need to wash your hair in a few hours. The more oil in your hair, the more the quantity of shampoo you will need. 

While shampoos are a great product for keeping your hair clean, using too much of them can strip hair of its natural, protective oils and moisture. It will make your hair dull and dry. 

On that note, if you are wondering if you can wash your tresses without using shampoo, read this – how-to wash hair after oiling without shampoo.

Oiling Wet Hair

How to stop hair fall while oiling is one of the most asked questions. With every strand of hair falling, our heartbreaks too. 

One of the reasons why this might be happening is because you are oiling your hair when they are wet. Several people like to oil their hair after washing it. It is a good hack – oil does not stick to the dirt in your scalp. However, you should wait for the hair to dry first before applying oil. 

Wet hair strands are softer than usual. Hence, on oiling, they break and lead to hair fall. Moreover, it also clogs your pores and can cause dandruff. 

Must Read: Dandruff Making You Crazy? Try These Genius Hacks To Get Rid Of Dandruff Naturally

Combing Hair Right After Applying Oil

If you are wondering why there is hair fall after applying oil, the answer is another hair oiling mistake. 

Many women comb their hair immediately after applying oil. The hair is softer once oiled. Hence, combing them causes hair breakage and hair loss. 

However, if you need to comb your oiled hair for some reason, there is a rule as to how and when to comb hair after oiling. Always start combing the lengths first and gently make your way up to the top. 

Tying Hair Too Tight 

After oiling, your hair strands are soft and in a vulnerable state. Anything that puts pressure on them can lead to hair fall. Hence, you want to be mindful of how to tie hair after oiling

Do not tie your hair up in a tight bun or pony. You should make a loose ponytail or tie them into a braid. 

Woman photo created by nakaridore –

Getting ‘What to Do After Oiling Hair’ Wrong

The routine after oiling your hair is as crucial as the way of hair oiling. You do not want to wash your oily tresses too soon as you want the oil to penetrate your scalp. Leave them as they are for at least an hour to let them be nourished from within. 

Several people are under the impression that leaving the oil to soak overnight is beneficial for your hair. Sure, if you want to have sticky and greasy hair. Also, tossing on the pillow can lead to hair breakage.

Use a good-quality and chemical-free shampoo to wash the oil off your hair. Do some research and find some of the best shampoos after oiling hair to flaunt those healthy locks!

We hope these tips helped you recognize your hair oiling mistakes. To know more such helpful tips, keep checking this space.

Feature image source – Woman photo created by valuavitaly –

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