UTI Problem? Here are Five Home Remedies That Work!

Over 150 million UTI cases are seen among men and women every year around the globe. Estimation is that about 60% of women and 12% of men suffer through UTIs at least once in their life. This proportion is getting worse day by day. 

What is UTI?

UTI stands for Urinary Tract Infection. Bacteria that enter your body and reach up to the bladder cause UTI. UTI affects delicate parts of our body like the urinary bladder, ureters, urethra, urinary tracts, and even kidneys. 

The primary cause of UTI bacterias is not yet confirmed but, the lack of proper hygiene, changing lifestyles, and stress are significant factors. Urinary tract infections can be painful and irritating, can lead to bladder leaks and incontinence. 

It is often seen that people do not take common symptoms seriously, leaving them untreated. Once diagnosed, UTIs are generally treated with antibiotics, but it is proven that home remedies can also do wonders in this case. Home remedies have zero side effects, and they can quickly be done at home. So, in this blog, we have listed five effective home remedies that can cure UTI at home. 

How to Alleviate The Symptoms Of UTI at Home?

Drink lots of water to stay hydrated

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Hydration has a direct link to UTI. It is an easy, yet effective solution. Drinking more water leads to regular urination, which can help remove the harmful waste(including the bacteria) from the body. Water also dilutes the urine and makes it difficult for the bacteria to reach the sensitive body parts. According to several studies, lack of fluids and low urine output can lead to UTI. 

Drink unsweetened cranberry juice regularly

Unsweetened cranberry juice is one of the famous natural remedies for a Urinary Tract Infection. Cranberry juice resists the UTI causing bacteria to stick to the urinary tract. This makes the bacteria less effective and helps in treatment. Here, it is essential to understand that the juice should be “unsweetened”. Added sugar can make your UTI worse, so always consume cranberry juice without sugar. You can also eat cranberry fruits in case you do not prefer fluids.

Though cranberry is majorly used in UTI treatments, the survey has mixed results for the same. Most of these surveys show that Cranberry helps in reducing UTIs. But, a few surveys also mentioned that it does not show any benefit. Despite this mixed opinion, doctors recommend cranberry juice for UTI.

Check out & Me Herbal Cranberry drink for UTI at Amazon.

Follow a vitamin-C enriched diet plan

Vitamin c for Urinary Tract Infection problem
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Vitamin C is an antioxidant that strengthens our immune system. It increases the acidity of the urine by forming nitrogen oxide. This oxide kills the infection-causing bacteria. 

Experts say that taking Vitamin-C supplements along with other remedies speeds up the treatment. Citrus fruits like orange and lemon are good sources of Vitamin C. Also, strawberries, kiwi, broccoli, and pepper contain a good amount of vitamin C. Avoid consuming acidic food from unhealthy sources. 

Take probiotics for your Urinary Tract Infection

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that help in maintaining the gut healthy and free from harmful bacterias. There is a possibility that one can consume it with food or other supplements. 

Lactobacilli is the group of probiotics that is responsible for curing UTI. They prohibit harmful bacteria from sticking to the urinary tract, produce antibacterial compounds, and lower urine pH. These are readily available in the market in the form of supplements. Fermented foods like yogurts, kimchi, kefir, sauerkraut, etc., consist of probiotics, naturally. 

Urinate at regular intervals

It is a common habit, but we often ignore it. 

Due to a busy schedule and lots of work, avoiding going to the bathroom is a bad idea. Frequent urination does not allow the bacteria to stay longer in the bladder. This flushes out the bacterias along with the waste and also reduces its interaction with the body cells. Therefore, always drink enough water and do not hold urine when the urge strikes. 

When to see a doctor for UTI?

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A Urinary Tract Infection can be miserable if not treated on time. If a person suspects that they might be having a UTI, they must visit the doctor as soon as possible. 

In case you are following the mentioned home remedies, you can wait for a few days. However, if it doesn’t show any improvement and the infection keeps occurring, it would be best to see a doctor. Home remedies may ease symptoms in some situations, but we should never forget that medical attention is necessary. 

Urinary Tract Infection is a general problem. It is disturbing and sometimes can be hard to handle. However, by following a healthy lifestyle, you can reduce its chances of occurrence. In most cases, it is possible to cure UTI at home, but in case it gets serious, gets the medical consultation immediately. 

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Feature image credits- Photo by Pikisuperstar on Freepik!

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