Angel Number 11:11 – What Does It Mean?

You look at the watch to see time, and woah, it’s 11:11 am. 

Your heart fills with excitement, and the blood flows with more pace. 

Deep in your heart, you realize that this number has some significance, but you are not sure what it is. 

Now if you see angel number 11:11 more often than not, pay attention! There must be some reason you are seeing this powerful number again and again. 

The great Greek philosopher Pythagoras believed that numbers take and lead the man on the path of reason. He is the first person to come up with the idea that different numbers have different vibrational properties. After that, modern science and mathematics also came with concepts suggesting the world follows geometric mathematical principles precisely. These principles apply to everything – from gravity to the movements of humans and animals. All credit for the development of the ancient theory of numerology goes to Pythagoras’ discoveries of the world. 

According to numerology, 11 is a master number that stands for intuitions, insight, and enlightenment. When you see a pair of this master number 11:11, it means the universe is giving you an indication to get conscious and aware. Many people believe that if you see 11:11 frequently, spirit guides are trying to connect with you. It is for your spiritual awakening. It is a sign that you are on the right path and taking the right actions to fulfill your soul purpose. In short, it is a good sign to see 11:11. At this time, an energy gateway gets open for your spiritual growth. 

To put it simply, seeing 11:11 means you are on the right path, and your soul, universe, and spiritual guides are assisting you to evolve and grow. Pay attention, stay conscious, and remember to be in the present moment. That being said, here are some guiding messages that connect with this angelic number. 

Some hidden messages in angel number 11:11

Ones, Elevens, Omen, Sign, Magic, Mystery, Revelation
Image Source: Pixabay

Alignment sign

11:11 is an alignment sign. When you are not aligned, forcing things instead of going with the flow, or so much self-involved that unnoticed the thing around you, you won’t be able to receive a blessed touch from the universe. 

You are noticing 11:11, which means you are aligned to the energy and flow of things happening in your life. So if you see 11:11 more often, congratulations – you are up to something big. 

New beginnings

Universe talks in the language of numbers. Number 1 is itself an indication of new beginnings. It signifies the first step to a new journey. Number 1 is the seed to all positive things. 

In other words, angel number 11:11 gives a message that you are on the way to beautiful new experiences. 

Must Read: How to manifest anything faster

See 11:11 as 4

11:11 is powered by angel numbers 1 and 4. 

In numerology, four ones mean number 4; a powerful angel number in itself. The four-time repetition of number 1 gives a powerful meaning.   

It is also associated with divine things of the universe: seasons of the year, four elements (fire, earth, water, air), direction (east, west, north, south), and four phases of the moon.

A gateway

Have you ever noticed the structure of 11:11? It looks like two doors that are kept side by side. These two doors are a visual representation of one door in this world and the other in the spiritual world. It is a gateway between the two worlds. It is a great time to realize that your spiritual guides are not away from the physical world. They are around you to guide you. It reminds you of your incredible power and support. 

Learn more about 11:11 and other angelic numbers – buy Angel Numbers paperback at Amazon!

The ultimate meaning of 11:11 depends on what you interpret. Since the universe speaks the language of symbols and numbers, so now it is up to you what message you want to draw from it. 

What does 11:11 not signify?

11:11 angel number
Image Source: Pixabay

The universe is motivating you to send reminders through divine winks of 11:11. But it is not right to carry this logic to the next level and think that you are about to win some lottery or some of your dream things will instantly cross your way. 

If you are thinking this way, it’s time to wake up because the universe doesn’t work in this manner. 

So take angel number 11:11 as a sign to boost positivity and align your energy with good actions. Do not just see this sign and relax thinking that your work is done. 

What to do after seeing angel number 11:11?


Every time you see 11:11, notice and write down what you were thinking, feeling, and doing at that time. If the universe is giving you some wake-up call or trying to draw your attention to something, get an insight into what you should focus on. 

Buy this iconic 11:11 Jornal to connect with your source energy!

With journaling, you can note down your thoughts, spiritual experiences. It helps you gain clarity and identify what the universe is guiding you towards. 


Some people make a wish when they see angel number 11:11. Yes, you can make a wish. However, it is better if you thank the universe and spirit guides and ask them to give clarity and guide you further. It will develop a deeper connection with them, and you will get more clarity on what you want to manifest. 

Connect with spirit guides

If you have your spirit guides, contact them for providing clarity and guidance. If you haven’t yet met your spirit guides, it’s time to connect with them. They are always there with you for divine guidance.  

Embrace new opportunities

If you are seeing angel number 11:11 often, it means the universe is calling you for a new opportunity. Stay open and embrace new thoughts and ideas. If there is something you are ignoring for a long time, now it might be time to look into it. 

Make yourself open and welcoming. We often ignore valuable insights thinking of them as irrelevant. But we need to understand that there is no harm in digging things a bit deeper. They are worth focusing on. 


When you see the angel number, pause for a moment and meditate for the things that matter. Mediation helps to hold the busy mind thoughts and allow a new way of thinking to enter. 

Must Read: How to Meditate at Home?

Identify more signs

The universe and spiritual guides contact you in so many ways. Pay attention and look for more synchronicities. Also, notice your dreams and make a note of other number patterns you are seeing often. It will help you receive the right message. 

So whenever you see 11:11, draw insights and look around for new opportunities. Know that the seeds you planted for positive change are on your way. Stay tuned with The Glam Lives for more interesting information.

Feature Image – Photo by Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash 

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