How to Manifest Anything Faster?

How to manifest? The most thoughtful question one can ask during this tough time.

The year 2020 has been incredibly stressful for everyone. The pandemic induced uncertainty and hopelessness in all of us. But it also made us think a lot more about life.

What is life?

Meaning of life?

Where are we driving in our life?

The purpose in life?

Well, the answers to these questions are no one-liners. They are being explored for centuries by humans. But at the end of the day, it all comes dripping down to living your life with joy, hope, and dreams. 

Many of us relate happiness to external factors. We decide to be happy only after receiving validation. For instance, you think you’re happy when your family is proud of you, or when you accomplish something people around you expected from you. But it’s nothing more than a trap. This way, you’re only setting yourself up for an illusion of happiness. 

As the matter of fact is the pursuit of happiness for us, humans, is the achievement of our goals and our dreams. A dream motivates us to keep going even when we are refraining from taking a step ahead. And maybe, that’s what answers every question about life. Your dream has the potential to define your life, give it meaning, and a purpose. It leads you to fulfillment and peace from within. 

Sometimes, dreams are too quick. They slip as soon as you touch them. At other times, it seems to keep moving far away. But there’s a way to make your dreams your reality. 

As Roy T. Bennett, an author, quotes, “The surest way to make your dreams come true is to live them.”

If you want to make your dream your reality, you need to believe in them and live them in your present. That’s what the power of manifestation is. Catching a dream seems to be hard and frustrating but once you start manifesting it, the universe makes a way for you to achieve it. 

During the pandemic, the practice of manifestation is witnessing a spike in its popularity. While it has always been a matter of interest for people linked to spirituality, it’s now cropping up in popular culture as well. A part of the credit goes to the pandemic as well. Google searches for the term ‘manifestation’ have skyrocketed 669 percent from March to July. 

So what is manifestation? Is it a secret wand to your wishes? Or is it a hidden gem in the realm of the New Age? 

Well, it’s neither of them. It’s simply a part of life that’s been around since always and will continue to be so. We are here to help you with the secret to how to manifest anything that you want. But first, let’s understand the power of manifestation in detail. 

What Is Manifestation?

What is manifestation and how to manifest? | Photo by Pexels

Manifestation is obtaining something in your physical reality through thoughts, attraction, and belief. You put your energy and intention towards something you want believing it’ll soon happen to you. It’s basically set upon the thought that if you think about it, it’ll come to you. 

The meaning of the word ‘manifest’ is to display, exhibit, or appear. It’s a verb depicting action and consequence. If you manifest something, you basically make it appear. You bring it out in the open and establish it in your daily life bringing it out of your dreams or imagination. 

To some, it can be a complicated thought. But if you look at it, it’s nothing extraordinary that we don’t know how to do. 

According to Natalia Benson, a women’s empowerment coach, an astrologer, and a modern mystic, we are always manifesting in our own lives. The only difference is we do it subconsciously. We keep knitting our dreams in our heads. But the moment you start pursuing them consciously and become aware enough to be ready to experience them in your life, the power of manifestation starts creating its magic. 

The Process of Manifestation and Law of Attraction

Before knowing how to manifest it is important to understand what manifestation actually is. 

The process of manifestation is backed up by the law of attraction. When you consciously call something forward in your life and attract it in your life through your energies, the universe brings it into your life. 

The process of manifesting is a 3-step process – 


You set your goals and focus on your dreams. This is where you command yourselves and the universe to identify your dreams.


You work towards eliminating the roadblocks and remove them by identifying them. You put your belief in the process.


The actual process of manifesting your dreams where you take action and receive results.

For instance, if you want to land up a role in your dream company, you need to follow your goals with a set process. First, you’ll need to apply to the company. You may have several roadblocks during the process of applying like limiting self-belief or wrong mindset. Identify them and remove them from your life. You now need to focus on the power of manifesting your dream company and attract your goal into your life. The law of attraction will help your focus on every step and attract your dream job offer in the end.

In order to employ the law of attraction in your life, follow the following law of attraction tips – 

Use the Right Manifestation Tools

There are a lot of tools that can help you pursue the law of attraction in the right manner. They support you along with your way in the manifestation process. 

Keep experimenting with different tools and figure out what’s right for you. Different tools are – 

  1. Using a vision board to figure out the plan.
  1. Visualizing techniques to make your dreams feel real.
  1. Using the power of meditation to concentrate on a singular goal.
  1. Critical autosuggestion where you think about it throughout your day.
  1. Journaling down your goals to foster your belief system.

You can adopt a single tool or a combination of different tools to attract your dreams.

Get Clarity

Be specific with your goals and gain clarity. Ask questions to yourself about what you want, why you want it, and when you want it. 

Don’t mistake clarity with a proper detailed plan of your dream. Just be clear with the direction of your dream.

Eliminate the Abundance Blocks

Several internal or external factors can stop you from achieving your dreams. They are called the abundance blocks. The most common ones are – 

  1. Mindset
  2. Limiting Beliefs
  3. Self Image
  4. Emotions
  5. Habits
  6. Body & Health
  7. Environment
  8. Relationships

They create blocks preventing you from attracting your dream and goals. 

Secrets to How To Manifest Anything Quickly

Gateway to the future Free Photo
Manifest your dreams | Photo by Freepik

The most interesting part about manifestation is that it’s under your control. With practice, focus, and intention, you can manifest anything. Let’s learn a few manifestation hacks to speed up your manifesting process – 

Start Standing by Your Belief System

Allow yourself to believe in your dreams whole-heartedly. You need to be in total agreement with what you want without having a doubt in your mind. If your vision and belief system don’t match, you’ll subconsciously hold yourself back from achieving your dreams. 

For instance, if you want to become rich but your belief system reflects a thought that money is a limited resource and your gain is someone else’s loss. This thought will hold you back from becoming rich.

It’s like sending mixed signals to the universe and confusing it. Examine your beliefs, change the ones that no longer serve your mission, and align them well to speed up your manifesting process. 

Don’t Wait For It

Beginners often mistake the manifesting process for a wish-granting factory. They stop living their life and just wait for the manifestation process to give results.

That’s where you go wrong.

Manifestation is backed up by the law of attraction. It means you’ll attract what your thoughts create for you.

If you focus more of your energy on the waiting part for something to happen, the process will give you just more of it, i.e., the waiting part. You have now aligned your manifestation process with waiting. And hence, the universe will keep you stuck just there creating perfect instances for ‘waiting it to happen.’

So keep living your life to the fullest. Meanwhile, your dream will get fulfilled.

Release Yourself From the Limiting Chains

If you want to speed up your manifesting process, refrain from limiting thoughts. They create low vibrational energy blocking your manifesting process. 

More often than not, limiting beliefs are a result of environmental circumstances. The environment you grew up in as a child shapes the majority of your subconscious beliefs. Those early years shape your today’s reality. 

For instance, you may have heard as a child that dreams can’t be fulfilled easily, or don’t dream too big. Or you’ve been a self-conscious kid who still thinks ‘I am not good enough’. 

You always carry these thoughts in the back of your mind as an adult. That’s why your manifestation process is slowed down. You need to free yourself from these chains of thoughts and move ahead in life. 

One way to do this is to not give up limiting words like ‘I don’t’, ‘I’m not good enough’, ‘I hate’, ‘It won’t happen’, ‘I can’t’, ‘It isn’t possible’, ‘I’m tired of’. These words hinder your ability to manifest anything quickly. 

Believe in Yourself

How to manifest by self belief? | Photo by Unsplash

When you are a beginner in the manifestation process, it’s normal to feel unsure of it. You have doubts whether it’d work or not. But if you want to develop a mindset for a speedy manifestation, give up living in bouts of confusion and start believing in the process. 

Trusting yourself and going ahead is the only way to the law of attraction. Do you remember learning to ride a bicycle as a kid? You became perfect and started riding properly only by doing more of it. 

It’s the same with the manifestation process. The more you use your power to create, the stronger it becomes. At last, it’ll result in quick manifestation. 

Enjoy the Journey

Life is not a milestone of achievements. You aren’t here to keep ticking the boxes of your wish list. 

Think about it, would you be happy and content once you get what you wished for? 

No! You’d instead start looking for the next wish, the next milestone, the next box to be ticked. There’s no end to our dreams and desires.

Therefore, live life as a journey and not an end goal. Moreover, if you had everything you want, you’d have nothing to keep striving for.

So, stop being impatient and desperate to achieve all your goals. If the manifesting process is taking time, don’t start focusing on the fact that you aren’t reaching your goals. You’ll end up attracting the same energy and remain in the waiting zone. 

Instead, enjoy the process of manifestation and keep moving forward step by step. 

Manifestation is a partnership between you and the universe to create the life you want. Consider the universe as your friend and keep attracting what you want. It’s listening and sending signals to you. All you have to do is be attentive enough to catch those signals! 

We hope you enjoyed reading this blog. Stay tuned for more such tips!

Made of Grit, Glory, and Grace!

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