Top 10 Powerful Healing Crystals for Health, Wealth, and Good Luck

Crystals are increasingly becoming a fashion statement today. However, do you know these sparkling treasures have been used for thousands of years as spiritual healing remedies? 

That’s true. Numerous minerals are formed in the compressed womb of Mother Earth and eventually emerge to the surface as healing crystals that impart their power and wisdom upon humankind.

You see, rocks, diamonds, and crystals are just as much made up of energy as anything else on Earth. Each stone and crystal has its distinctive vibration and energy field since it is composed of precisely-arranged microscopic crystals that keep moving to create its unique energy field.

Every crystal has its special qualities and can profoundly affect different people. Therefore, this exhaustive list is an in-depth exploration of the best crystals for healing available for therapeutic purposes.

Revealing 10 Powerful Healing Crystals


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Amethyst, the stone of divine manifestation, is an extremely potent crystal and one of the world’s most powerful stones. It is a famous stone for those interested in crystal healing, and many people believe it can help them find love. Its deep purple hue represents the unconditional love that flows freely from your heart’s center.

In addition, by regulating the activity of your nerve cells, this stone can help you feel more at peace.

Rosé Quartz

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The rose quartz crystal is the material representation of unconditional love. This crystal, like other powerful pink stones, stimulates the heart chakra.

Incorporating its profound healing energy into your life will help you foster more harmonious connections with loved ones and yourself. It strengthens your sense of calm and, in turn, promotes balance in all areas of your life.


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Citrines, whose name comes from the French word for lemon, citron, are believed to bring good fortune and inspire confidence. Use this stone to magnify your unique abilities and bring prosperity. Confidence and wisdom will flood your soul as a result.

This brownish-orange gem helps one let go of toxic emotions like wrath and fear and instead welcome happiness into their life. It’s known to conquer sadness since it encourages one to express oneself creatively and without fear of criticism. You can use it to uplift your sense of self, let go of the past, and look at the future with hope and delight.

Citrine is often worn by business owners to boost their success, which is why it is also known as the merchant stone. It is regarded as one of the most powerful crystals for wealth. Keep one in your wallet or purse, and good fortune will reach you.


Fluorite, a crystal with various color variations, possesses enchanting properties. This particular stone can effectively absorb negative energy and low-frequency vibrations from either a physical space or an individual’s body, thereby creating a conducive environment for positive energy to thrive. 

It also possesses the ability to enhance mental clarity and improve concentration, making it a valuable aid for academic pursuits. Additionally, it has the potential to mitigate bodily inflammation, ease symptoms of colds, and promote healing of the mucous membrane.

Clear Quartz

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Clear quartz is known for its potential to aid in attaining objectives and facilitating mental clarity. It activates the crown chakra, which can help with spiritual awareness, higher consciousness, and enlightenment. 

The utilization of quartz jewelry or a sizable quartz stone within one’s living space has been purported to balance energy and reduce pessimistic outlooks. This variety presents an excellent option as an initial crystal selection.

Black Tourmaline

One of the most powerful healing crystals - Tourmaline
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Tourmaline is a commonly used talisman for protection. It is believed to serve as a psychic shield by grounding one’s energy and preventing the entry of negative entities into their energy field. It is utilized by magic practitioners such as wizards, shamans, witches, and magicians across all continents.

Despite its dark color, tourmaline possesses properties that can protect against negative energies, elevate one’s frequency, and facilitate a transition toward positivity. The stone’s dark coloration enables it to absorb light effectively as a channel for absorbing negative or evil energies. The concept promotes maintaining a positive and vibrant demeanor even amid challenging circumstances.

This mystic crystal has the potential to reduce joint discomfort and facilitate spinal column realignment. Furthermore, it can improve the performance of the immune, cardiovascular, and adrenal glands, ultimately reducing stress and relieving tension.


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The mineral, named after the Greek moon goddess Selene, is a rare powerful crystal that instantly releases any blocked or sluggish energy, allowing good chi to circulate freely throughout the body or a room. Selenites are among the most effective crystals when cleaning and cleansing negative energy.

If you wish to concentrate the healing energy on a specific place of your body, try placing a selenite crystal there. People with insomnia might also put it to good use. Put some selenite beneath your pillow to help you sleep better.

Lapis Lazuli

This stunning azure crystal is one of the most vivid, time-honored, and coveted powerful healing crystals. Throughout history, there has been a strong association between royalty and luxury with this particular object. No wonder, as it possesses celestial properties that aid individuals in the physical realm with the acquisition of wisdom and sound judgment.

The activation of the ethereal upper chakras by Lapis Lazuli is known to enhance the functioning of the Throat Chakra, thereby facilitating the process of expressing one’s ideas with clarity and ease. This magnetic mineral encourages introspection and veracity by aiding in exploring and depicting the metaphysical world.

Carnelian – One of the Most Powerful Healing Crystals

One of the most powerful healing crystals - Carnelians
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Carnelians have served as talismans and sources of inspiration throughout history due to their reputation as a stone of motivation, perseverance, leadership, and courage. Ancient warriors wore carnelian as a symbol of strength and bravery.

It is a grounding crystal, ideal for being firmly rooted in the here and now. Its great vitality helps revive flagging spirits and inspires the pursuit of novel goals. Meditators and daydreamers can use it to focus better and clear their minds of distractions.

The Sacral Chakra, also known as the Second Chakra, may be found in the front of the pelvis, just below the navel and above the pubic bone. Carnelian, with its lovely orange tones, can help open this chakra. When it’s in check, you move through life quickly, take satisfaction in the little things, and be in the flow without losing your cool. These gems are ideal for giving to someone special to help them feel at one.


When it comes to grounding, Hematite is among the most potent stones. This shiny dark grey crystal has a long history of protecting its owner against mental assault and other harmful energy. When you ground yourself, you take charge of your points and experience a sense of calm, confidence, and competence. 

When you’re overwhelmed by tension or anxiety, hematites can help draw that energy out of you. Hematite’s energy shifts instantly upon contact with the skin. If you want to feel more grounded, centered, and secure, wear a hematite stone bracelet or carry one in your pocket. It can free you from limiting beliefs and help you discover your unique abilities. This is one of the best crystals to carry daily.

Frequently Asked Questions About Powerful Healing Crystals

What are the perks of healing crystals?

Crystals are often touted for their purported ability to improve mental health, particularly in stress reduction, improved mood, and sharper concentration.

Depending on their shape, color, and type, it is believed that different crystals emit distinct energies that can correlate with various aspects of your life.

Can I wear multiple crystals at once?

Crystals aid in the healing of the mind, body, and soul by balancing the body’s energy centers. However, no hard and fast rule exists on how many different stones one can wear simultaneously. Therefore, if you like to wear more than one crystal, you can combine crystals of different colors, elements, intentions, or shapes.

The only thing you need to watch out for is that if you wear a lot of crystal healing stones, you can get more power than you need. A common rule of thumb is to avoid “Crystal Chaos” by not donning more than three crystals at once.

How do I charge my crystal?

Your crystal healing pendants or jewelry will lose some of its power over time. As a result, if you want the crystals’ beneficial effects to last, you’ll need to charge them up. Crystals can be charged in various ways, but one easy method is to rinse the crystal healing stones in the water while facing south towards the Sun.

You can charge them by placing them in the sun’s rays, under a full moon, or smudging them with sweetgrass, incense, or even sage.

Wrapping Up – Why You Should Use Powerful Healing Crystals

Crystals used for healing are enchanted, sentient beings. When handled correctly and with reverence, they may help you live a more balanced and robust existence, which is why humans have relied on them for healing since the beginning. They are stunning to look at, but they pack quite a punch.

The popularity of crystals has skyrocketed over the past decade. Therefore, buying them from reputable stores that get their stones responsibly is more crucial than ever.

These days, you can find healing crystals anywhere from Target and Free People to Amazon, but it’s in your best interest to support local businesses wherever possible. You can inquire about the crystals’ history and extraction method. It’s essential since they transmit the vitality of the entire procedure, from extraction to your hands. It’ll offer you a personalized experience — ask as many questions as you want and get the desired results with your healing crystal.

Stay tuned to The Glam Lives for more spiritual topics.

Feature Image Credits: Image by Aldk from Pixabay

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