9 Tips to Achieve Work-Life Balance

Do you feel that your life is spinning out of control? Odd working hours, disrupted sleeping patterns, eating junk food all day, forgetting PTA meetings, and many more are telltale signs that something is not right. Perhaps, you are in dire need to achieve work-life balance

Here, we have brought some practical ways to help you achieve the much sought-after work-life balance:

Defining Work-Life Balance

Work-life Balance is attaining mental and physical equality between the effort you spend on work and the rest of your life. It is the boundary that is created between professional life and every other segment that makes up life. Such segments include personal life, family, spirituality, relationships, and health.

What causes an imbalance in work/life?

Exhausted freelancer sleeping Free Photo
Achieving work-life balance – struggle is real | Photo by Freepik
  • Often, overwhelming work demands keep employees off-balance at work and for the rest of their life. Individuals with excessive workloads and unrealistic performance expectations lead an unhealthy and unstable life.
  • Professionals, managers, and high-income earners usually find it difficult to achieve work-life balance.
  • Personal issues and work-related stress are misbalancing the work-life equilibrium.

Why should you have a balance between your work and life?

Achieving a work-life balance can make you become more productive and effective over the long term. Studies have revealed that employees who take breaks are dramatically more productive during the day as opposed to those who do not. Even after a 15 minutes break from work, performance levels increase dramatically and allow you to tackle any task with renewed vigor and finish them accurately.

Moreover, failing to achieve work-life balance often leads to physical and mental stress which further leads to serious implications in our health. If something that is being worked on becomes too stressful, it is good to take a break and resume the work once calm and collected.

Also, achieving a work-life balance can improve overall life by enhancing your relationships with others. Getting closer to family and friends can make you feel better, thus improving the way you go about your work and personal life.

How to achieve work-life balance?

There are many ways to achieve a perfect work-life balance state; here are the top 9 ways:

Love your work

Happy man sitting on sofa with laptop and credit card Free Photo
Do what you love – love what you do | Photo by Freepik

To achieve work-life balance, make your work reflect your values and strengths, that harmonious with your vision and life goals. By loving the work you do, it’s easy to feel a connection between professional and personal life with mutually energizing momentum. On the contrary, if you do not love your work, then it might get intrinsically incompatible and opposed to creating a balance with both your work and life.

Taking regular rest breaks from work

Do you ever find yourself working for hours in front of your computer screens without getting up to take a break? Well, this is common; in fact, many individuals continue to work for long hours sitting in one position. Whether you work in a traditional workplace setting or do work from home, it is vital to take breaks otherwise it can leave you mentally tired. This break implies the “life” part of the work-life balance equation as well.  

Get clear on your values, strengths, and passions

Find out what you want to achieve in your life; an entrepreneurship, senior position, peace, happiness, or anything else. Change your job, career plan, or start your own business if you do not get a satisfactory feeling about your work. Remember, finding a clear, inspiring life purpose is powerful; it’s just not effective but even transformative!


Socialize to achieve work life balance | Photo by Freepik

Having healthy conversations with others is a great way to achieve work-life balance. Whether with colleagues, friends, or family, spending time with people has great benefits towards achieving balance in your life.

Try new things

There’s more to life and work and this is why you need to find out the hobby and activity you are interested in. It could even be something simpler like cooking new meals or watching your favorite TV shows. Trying new things will give you a break from work and offers peace of mind that you do not get otherwise. So, find out your interests and start doing something new outside of work.

Leave work at work

Simply do not bring your work home after you leave the office. Bringing your office work to home can be good, but only in moderation. If you are taking your work home constantly, you would not be able to draw the line between your professional life and personal life. It will spoil you, mentally, over the long term.

Take a long holiday

Woman with hat sitting on chairs beach in beautiful tropical beach. woman relaxing on a tropical beach at koh nangyuan island Free Photo
Go for a vacation to revive your soul | Photo by Freepik

Another way to achieve work-life balance is to take a holiday. Your vacation does not need to be extravagant, it’s better to take a few days off to go for a drive, or plan a weekend away somewhere. Remember, the motive is to get away from work and give yourself a physical and mental break.

Bring a positive change in your life

Sometimes, a little change in our daily routine brings a huge difference. This is especially true as we get older and loaded with family responsibilities. For instance, if you drive to work regularly, prefer taking public transport as an option that might help. Go for a long walk in the evening or the morning before work. Deciding to go out and eat out at least once a week is another way. Doing these things will add a bit of variety to your life and can make you feel refreshed.

Practice exceptional self-care

Self care to achieve work life balance | Photo by Freepik

Loving and caring for yourself will make you feel your best and deliver. This means eat well, drink a lot of water, and get brilliantly physically fit by creating the discipline to exercise regularly. Don’t forget to care for the soul, it is just as important as your body care.

Achieving work-life balance is not that difficult, simply follow these tips and you will feel the difference almost immediately! The resulting work-life balance you will achieve will make you more successful as well as happier!

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