7 Tips to Beat Insomnia

Different persons have different sleeping patterns. But, due to busy schedules and fast-paced lifestyles, people are struggling to make time for themselves and have quality sleep. They genuinely need tips to beat insomnia

Nowadays, it is quite common to chase for a good night’s sleep, especially when you are stressed from a busy work schedule, worried about your work deadlines, or depressed due to family or relationship issues. 

Apart from this, what is it that interrupts your good night’s sleep?

Medical conditions, like insomnia, physical issues like neck pain, or improper food intake such as drinking plenty of coffee before bed can also interrupt the natural sleep cycle of a person.

According to a survey of the National Center for Sleep Disorders Research at the National Institutes shows that up to 40 percent of adults have some symptoms of insomnia, and up to 15 percent of adults suffer from chronic insomnia. 

However, intense insomnia for the short term may be a nuisance to some. In this condition, insomnia lasts for only a few days or weeks, but when chronic insomnia comes to our everyday lives it can be a real issue. 

According to experts, on average, adults need at least seven to eight hours of sleep at night. Fewer hours of sleep can cause various problems, including late reaction while driving which increases the accident risk and mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. 

The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) have published a study for their new research about various sleep patterns that are responsible to increase metabolic disorders. According to the report, people who do not have a regular bedtime and wake-up time have a 27% greater chance to experience metabolic abnormalities like obesity, high cholesterol, high blood sugar, and high blood pressure. 

As there are numerous health issues associated with improper sleep schedules, it’s important to address the issue. In this blog, we have come up with seven tips to beat insomnia. 

Let’s have a look.

Simple Yet Effective Tips to Beat Insomnia

Tips to beat insomnia – get comfortable mattress | Photo by Pexels

Do some exercise – every day

Exercise not only helps you keep your body fit and feel better but it also helps to improve your sleep habits. Charlene Gamaldo, M.D., medical director of Johns Hopkins Center for Sleep at Howard County General Hospital says exercise helps you sleep quickly and also improves your sleep quality. 

Exercise calms down and relaxes and gives rise to the cognitive process that is necessary to make you fall asleep naturally faster. 

Continuous exercise for 4 to 24 weeks decreases the chances of developing insomnia issues. 

Nap if you are tired

Asian japanese woman sleep at home. Free Photo
Napping is good to beat insomnia | Photo by Freepik

Naps are a good way to give your body and mind some extra rest. But avoid taking too long naps as it can make it hard for you to sleep at night. Naps of 20 minutes are best, it does not interfere with your nighttime sleep. While short naps of 20 minutes boost alertness, functioning, and mood.    

Keep your neck in a free position

Neck pain is one of the most common reasons people have sleepless nights. Sleeping in proper posture can prevent neck pain and help get better sleep. Make sure your neck is in free posture- your nose is in line with the center of your body. Use a pillow that keeps your neck in a neutral position. 

Cut down caffeine intake

Reduce the intake of tea, coffee, colas, and energy drinks that contain caffeine, especially in the evening. Caffeine disrupts the sleeping process and prevents deep sleep. If you crave some hot drinks then try healthy alternatives like herbal tea or other warm milky drinks. 

Create a sleepy environment 

Young woman resting in bed in the morning Free Photo
Cozy space will help you sleep better | photo by Freepik

Your bedroom is the place for rest and sleeps so make it peaceful. Control the temperature, lighting, and noise of your bedroom so that it helps you to fall asleep quickly and for longer.

If you have a pet with you to sleep consider shifting them to another room if it disturbs your sleep. 

Use comfortable mattress

Whether you are going to spend your night sleeping blissfully or tossing and turning- depends on your mattress. The mattress can highly impact your sleep. 

When you lay down on your body for a longer time, the weight reduces the flow of blood through the blood vessels and makes the skin deprived of oxygen and nutrients. The nerve cells and pain sensors send a message to the brain to change the position. With a new position, the area restores the blood flow, but it interrupts your sleep.

A comfortable and soft mattress reduces sleep interruption reducing the pressure on your body. 

Choose nighttime snacks wisely

Certain foods can interfere with your night sleep. Heavy foods that are fried and spicy trigger heartburn. Even citrus fruits and carbonated beverages trigger indigestion. Indigestion may keep you awake at night. So choose light and easy-to-digest food like cheese and crackers, cereal and milk before bedtime. Eat foods that do not provoke uncomfortable symptoms. To avoid heartburn, lean against your stomach to keep the acid where it belongs. Eat at least an hour before you go to bed so that the food gets enough time to digest. 

For better guidance, you can keep a track of patterns that contribute to your sleeping disorder.

Incorporating the above tips will help you regulate your sleep cycle and help you lead a healthy life. We hope you found it informative and interesting. Stay tuned for more health-related and lifestyle tips! 

Made of Grit, Glory, and Grace!

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