Benefits of Using Amla Reetha Shikakai Powder for Hair Growth

Ladies, we all desire to have full and healthy hair on our heads. Well, some people will have this long hair naturally, maybe from good genes. Others will struggle to have good-looking and girl-like hair. If you fall into the latter category, worry not because we got a solution for you – Amla Reetha Shikakai powder.

The Amla Reetha Shikakai powder is a powerful combination that comes in handy for all your hair problems. It not only strengthens it to prevent it from falling but also ensures immense hair growth. If you are looking for a magical powder for your hair, then this is it!

To learn more about amla reetha shikakai powder benefits for hair, read through this guide. We also provide a detailed review which we believe will be useful if you want to purchase this powder for hair growth!

Amla Reetha Shikakai Powder – What You Need to Know

Amla, Reetha Shikakai powder is an Ayurveda as it is natural and has no side effects. This powder will protect your hair from chemical damage caused by cosmetics shampoos. Also, there are many benefits of amla shikakai and reetha powder that you will derive from using it. Let’s first look at each of the ingredients!


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Also known as Indian gooseberry, amla is widely known for its herbal properties. It contains tons of antioxidants and Vitamin A that are beneficial for your hair.

According to research, amla promotes hair growth. It does so by hindering the activity of alpha-5 reductase, which is a component that promotes hair loss. By using amla on the hair, you reduce the damage from free radicals leading to better hair quality.


This product is widely known for promoting hair growth. Additionally, it is a good hair and scalp cleanser. It has anti-inflammatory properties that help in soothing the scalp. It does this by reducing itchiness and irritation.


Shikakai is also an excellent hair cleanser that helps remove oil from your scalp. The good thing is that it does not strip your hair of its natural oils. Moreover, Shikakai has great antioxidant properties that can prevent hair damage.

Amla Reetha Shikakai Powder Features

The benefits of using amla reetha shikakai powder for hair are immense. The product is specially made to suit different hair uses and is suitable for both men and women. Here are some of the features of this product!

  • Made in a way that it can be used on natural hair without causing harm
  • You can use amla reetha shikakai powders on your hair type and solve your hair issues based on your needs
  • Completely pure powders are used and have no added chemicals, impurities, or synthetic additives.

Benefits of Amla Shikakai and Reetha Powder

Prevents Hair Loss

Let’s face it- hair loss is pretty common to most people and can occur any time of the year. Various reasons lead to hair loss, including stress, poor hair care, and environmental factors.

With the many products that claim to stop hair loss, it might be hard to know the right choice for your natural hair. However, you do not want to go for the ones with chemicals – They will cause further damage.

If you face hair loss, why don’t you try the amla, reetha, and Shikakai combination? These three ingredients are put together to stop hair fall. This is one of the renowned benefits of amla reetha shikakai for hair.

When you combine these ingredients to make one formula, you will ultimately experience great hair growth. Don’t we all crave that?

Must Read: Hair Oiling Mistakes We all Need to Avoid

Helps Avoid Dryness

If you want to experience thriving hair, you must ensure that the scalp and hair are always moisturised. One of the main ingredients that helps prevent hair dryness has to be shikakai.

By using Shikakai on the hair, it makes it soft and shiny therefore preventing the scalp from drying. It moisturises the hair roots and cleanses the hair follicles.

Shikakai on hair will also reduce its sebum and ensure it retains its moisture. It also helps avoid lice in your hair and ensures that it retains its natural lustre.

Protects Hair Cells

Strong and healthy hair cells will help prevent hair loss. Amla contains antioxidants that help protect hair cells from damage. Additionally, it helps repair damaged hair.

When your hair cells are healthy, they will make your hair grow better. Additionally, they provide a healthy environment for hair growth.

Promotes Scalp Health

Another amla reetha shikakai powder with curd benefits promotes scalp health. Everyone needs a healthy scalp for excellent hair growth and good hair health.

Combining amla, reetha, and Shikakai to form a powder form creates a potent formula that nourishes the scalp and ensures good health. Being an important ingredient has antimicrobial properties.

These help minimise scalp infections and dandruff. Having a clean and healthy scalp ensures that the hair follicles are not blocked and promotes better hair growth.

Your scalp needs to be clean always, and this is exactly what the reetha ingredient does! It helps remove excess oil, dirt, and debris from the scalp, which prevents scalp itching and dryness. It is also a good product for maintaining the scalp’s natural pH balance, creating a healthy scalp environment.

Reduces Hair Greying

Who wants to have grey hair at a young age? Well, premature greying of the hair affects so many people, and often, they will find themselves on the hunt for ways to avoid it.

A top secret to reducing hair greying is using amla reetha shikakai powder. The amla helps prevent oxidative stress and radical damage, which are the main contributing factors to premature greying. Also, it stimulates the production of melanin, which is responsible for hair colour, preventing hair greying.

By using the combination of amla reetha and shikakai, your hair will maintain its natural colour and reduce the appearance of grey strands.

Makes the Hair Stronger

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One thing that inhibits hair growth is breakage. If you have weak and brittle hair, then it is most likely to break and get split ends.

Thankfully, you have amla reetha shikakai powder which contains essential nutrients that strengthens the whole hair preventing it from breaking.

Amla, for instance, contains Vitamin C and other antioxidants. These ingredients promote collagen production that helps hair strength and elasticity. This reduces hair breakage and helps maintain its length.

For reetha, it has natural saponins that cleanse the scalp without stripping it of natural oils. This prevents scalp dryness and hair breakage. The cleansing and conditioning properties of Shikakai add moisture and nourish the hair hence reducing breakage and brittleness.

What are you waiting for? Buy a complete pack of amla reetha and shikakai powder from Amazon now!

Improves Hair Texture and Volume

Another notable use of amla reetha and Shikakai for hair in Hindi is in improving hair texture and volume. Combining these three ingredients they provide deep conditioning and nourishment to the hair. This, in return, makes it appear fuller and more voluminous.

The nutrients in amla are perfect for strengthening the hair shaft and adding thickness to it. Additionally, they give the hair a fuller appearance.

Now, for Shikakai, it has natural cleansers that add volume and bounce to the hair strands. Reetha, on the other hand, has excellent conditioning properties for a soft and smooth texture on the hair. It makes it easy to style and manage it.

Add Shine to the Hair

The benefits of amla reetha shikakai go beyond making the hair grow. They also help add shine and lustre to the hair. The powder enhances the natural shine and lustre of your hair.

By combining these three powerful ingredients, it removes product buildup, impurities, and excess oil from the hair strands. This, in return, helps them look more vibrant and healthy.

The Vitamin C ingredient in amla adds a natural sheen to the hair, reducing its dullness. For Shikakai, its cleansing properties make the hair appear fresh and gloss. It does so by removing any residues that weigh it down.

Reetha being the hair conditioner, gives the hair a soft and silky texture making it look healthy, and also, it will be easier to manage.

Cons for Amla Reetha Shikakai Powder

While there are many benefits of amla shikakai and reetha, we cannot ignore the few cons of using this product. So, here are some of the cons of using the powder

  • Time-consuming: Well, amla shikakai and reetha are generally good products; however, preparing these powders for use can consume your time.
  • Gradual results: Like with any other product achieving good results while using the amla shikakai reetha will take some time. That is why consistency is required if you decide to use it for hair growth.
  • Strong natural odour: If you do not like strong odours, then applying amla reetha shikakai powder might be a challenge. The good thing is that it goes away after washing.
  • Limited availability: Even with the high demand for amla reetha shikakai powder, it may not always be readily available for purchase in all locations. However, you can purchase this product here!

Benefits of Using Amla Reetha Shikakai Powder – Wrapping Up

In conclusion, Amla Reetha Shikakai powder offers a natural and effective solution for promoting hair growth and overall hair health. With its rich blend of herbal properties, this Ayurvedic remedy nourishes the scalp, prevents hair loss, adds shine, and improves hair texture. Embracing this time-tested powder can lead to luscious and vibrant hair, making it a valuable addition to any hair care routine.

Follow The Glam Lives for more such useful hair care tips and tricks!

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