7 Healthy Ways to Deal With a Breakup

Whether it’s mutual or one-sided, ending up in a romantic relationship always feels like digging a big hole in your heart. Romantic rejection often activates certain areas of the brain associated with pain. It becomes hard to deal with the breakup.

Additionally, researchers have found out that love can be easily compared to drug addictions and can highly affect your brain’s ability to work. This can also contribute to a strange feeling of sadness and loneliness. Since your body and mind are positively impacted, dealing with breakups is important. 

Top 7 Healthy Ways To Deal With a Breakup

There are always positive solutions for every problem; similarly, there are ways to cope with breakups in a healthy and non-toxic way. Wondering what they can be? 

Don’t worry; The Glam Lives has got you all sorted! Here are the top 7 healthy ways to deal with breakups:

  1. Practice the art of distraction
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Putting your mind on things that you don’t feel good about won’t help resolve them; instead, try to distract yourself. 

Everyone has their ways and techniques to distract their minds, and most people do it by going on vacations or watching movies. Figure out the best way to keep your mind off the breakup and the person and make yourself happy. 

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  1. Accept your situation

Running away from reality won’t help you in any way possible, but it will make things much easier if you accept your situation and face reality. Allow yourself to experience each emotional stage of the loss and then heal yourself. 

Problems can only be resolved once their roots have been dug out. Let your heart out and accept whatever you feel without any judgments.

  1. Figure your ex’s weaknesses

There are goods and bads in each individual, and so would have been in you and your relationship partner. Thinking about your ex in an objectively critical light situation – this can at times decrease your love feelings for them. 

This technique can be similar to focusing on one of their annoying habits or characteristics, which makes you feel bad about them. However, this way may sadden you for the short term but is helpful for a soft landing in the end. 

  1. Jot down your feelings

Sometimes even sharing your feelings with your close ones is not proven helpful. In such a case, paper becomes your ultimate support. Pouring out your emotions on a piece of paper or trying journaling can help you make your heart lighter. 

This way, all your stressful emotions get a safe place to land without experiencing any judgments. Researchers have suggested that the negative impacts associated with breakups are often reduced by doing this. 

  1. Don’t miss out on food

Breakups can be stressful, and eating after a breakup is very tough. However, if you focus on cooking your favorite meals or going out to your favorite restaurants, you can feel good. It can also help to lift your moods instantly. 

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It has been found that about two-thirds of respondents could cope with breakups by eating their comfort food. So instead of focusing on your sad emotions, try giving priority to the food that makes you feel happy. 

  1. Self-love is the key

When you have recently experienced a hurting breakup and have not dealt with it, try loving your inner self. Try motivating yourself and pampering your body in every way possible. 

Post-breakup, you may feel more insecure and doubtful about your life but don’t indulge in such negative thoughts. Show yourself as much love and compassion you haven’t shown to anybody else and make your inner self strong. 

  1. Treat your body

Whether exercising, bubble bath, short trips, spending time with friends, or massages – it’s important for you to indulge your body in some post-breakup pamperings. 

Experts have found that physical exercises play a major role in decreasing your stress and anxiety levels. So, put on your running shoes and pump your adrenaline. Use your breakups as an efficient opportunity to bring your body back into a much more healthy routine and lifestyle. 

Wrapping Up

Breakups can be difficult to deal with, but with these effective and healthy ways, you can bring relief to your aching heart. A painful breakup can often help us learn some of the most important life lessons. 

It helps your inner self grow at a personal level with much more confidence than before. Also, such a phase takes time, so don’t hurry; rather, stay patient. Take your time and heal your body from the deep. Most importantly, keep yourself happy and don’t stress, since it’s your life and nobody can ruin it. 

Stay tuned to The Glam Lives for more helpful articles.

Feature image credits- Photo by Pexels!

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