12 Shocking Facts You Must Know About Lightning

When the weather gets dramatic with heavy downpours and thunder, lightning is a common occurrence. Watching a thunderstorm roll in from the shelter of your front porch and seeing the lightning flash gives goosebumps to many. 

Did you know that about 16 million thunderstorms occur on the Earth every year? Or that other planets, such as Jupiter and Saturn, also have bolts of lightning? 

Well, here are 12 facts you probably didn’t know about lightning. Some of them can save your life, and others can win you a few surprising glances on the trivia night.

Let’s go!

Lightning Facts to Illuminate Your Mind 

  1. Lightning Does Not Come From the Sky

Shocking, right? We think lightning hits the earth like a missile from the way up. However, it’s not true. A negative charge hits the earth or an object on earth, such as a tower. Then, a visible flash goes up from the ground to the sky. Since this happens in a millionth of a second, it’s hard to tell which way the lightning is moving. 

  1. Males are More Likely to be Hit by Lightning Than Females

Sorry gentlemen, but we have a piece of bad news for you. It is because more men spend time fishing than women. It also has a lot to do with the heights of men. Think about it, you’re the tallest being in the water with nowhere to take shelter. Lightning is more likely to hit you.

  1. Venezuela Experiences the Most Lightning on the Earth

According to The Guinness Book of World Records, Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela holds the record for “highest concentration of lightning.” You wouldn’t believe it, but there are nearly 30 lightning flashes per minute. The scientific reason behind it is the abundance of methane from oil fields in the lake, making it conducive. 

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  1. The Lightning Heat is Hotter Than the Sun
Photo by Pexels

Sounds insane, right? Well, according to experts, lightning can be as hot as 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit. That’s three times hotter than the surface of the sun.

It is also the reason why any water in the way of lightning is immediately vaporized. 

  1. But, Lightning Itself Has No Temperature

No, we are trying to confuse you. That 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit temperature is not of the lightning itself. It is the temperature of the air or other materials as lightning passes through it. The lightning bolt is nothing but just a movement of electrical charges.

  1. Florida is the Most Lightning-Prone State in the USA

Florida is bordered by the ocean on three sides in a subtropical climate. Naturally, it has lots of dudes fishing. Thanks to the geography and people’s behavioral aspect, daily thunderstorms are common in Florida. 

There is a “Lightning Alley” too between Tampa and Orlando, which is the most hit spot. 

  1. Lightning Once Destroyed a Star Wars Collection

Graham Duck, a Star Wars fanatic from northern England, had £20,000 of Star Wars toys and memorabilia in his attic. When a bolt of lightning hit his roof, the fire ignited, and all the irreplaceable collectibles were destroyed.

  1. Lightning Can Strike Multiple Places At Once
Photo by Lee Junda on Unsplash 

You must have heard about the myth that lightning never strikes twice in one place. Not only is that false, but lightning can strike multiple places at once too. Double or triple lightning strikes at once are not uncommon.

  1. Lightning Has Killed 81 People At Once

On December 8, 1963,  a lightning bolt hit the Pan American Flight 214, causing an explosion in the fuel tank. The wing came crashing down, and all the 91 passengers died. 

  1. Once, Lightning Failed a Rocket Launch

In March 1987, the $78 million Atlas-Centaur 67 rocket was launched in poor weather conditions. It got hit by a lightning bolt just 49 seconds after its launch and came crashing down. The debris fell into the ocean, and luckily, there were no casualties. 

  1. Lightning Can Change You!

According to the University of Miami neuroscientists, an orthopedic surgeon switched his career to becoming a classical musician after being hit by a flash of lightning. He developed an urge to play the piano after the incident.

  1. Lightning Destroys Trees But Grows Plants
Photo by jplenio1 on Freepik

When a lightning bolt hits a tree, it travels just below the tree’s bark. It causes the bark to blow off, splitting the wood. 

On the other hand, the extreme heat of a lightning strike causes nitrogen to bond with oxygen to create nitrogen oxides. It goes on to create moisture in the air which falls as nitrate-rich rain, which helps plants to grow.

Did these facts throw you off as hard as a lightning strike? Well, we hope so!

For more such interesting facts, keep following The Glam Lives. 

Feature Image Credits- Photo by Pexels!

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