Wants to Get Rid of Blackheads? These Proven Remedies Will Work Like Magic!

Genie: Make a wish, pretty girl!

Girl: Please make me get rid of blackheads. These are so pesky! 

Genie: Here you go, girl.

*Blackheads disappears*

PS: Back to reality!

We wish to get rid of blackheads would be this easy. *Sigh*

Blackheads appear when dead skin and sebum get accumulated on your pores. The sebum gets oxidized and turns black. The weirdest thing about blackheads is that they are stubborn. No matter how consistent you are with your skincare, they appear every now and then. These ugly blackheads annoy, and we want to make them disappear as soon as we can. But remember, the worst thing you can do is squeeze, pick, and pop blackheads. It can even worsen the situation. Try to get rid of blackheads at home instead.

Here we have come up with some proven remedies that help you get rid of your blackheads. 

How to Get Rid of Blackheads at Home? 

Baking soda and water

Yes, you can eliminate blackheads with such a common ingredient in your kitchen. 

Baking soda is known to neutralize the pH of your skin as it is a good exfoliant that can remove dirt, oil, and dead skin from your pores. 

Remove blackheads with baking soda and water:

Take two tablespoons of each baking soda and water in a small bowl. Mix them to form a paste. Gently massage the mixture on your face and then rinse with warm water. Do not forget to moisturize thereafter. 

Use this remedy only two or three days a week as it can make your skin dry. Baking soda also works best for blackheads on the back

Kasturi turmeric

get rid of blackheads with turmeric
Photo by Tamanna Rumee: https://www.pexels.com/photo/root-crops-coated-with-powder-besides-yellow-bell-flowers-7988017/ 

We all are well aware of the anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric. These properties of turmeric make it one of the best remedies for blackhead removal. Most people complain about staining due to turmeric. So to avoid staining, we suggest using Kasturi turmeric. 

Remove blackheads with turmeric:

Take one tablespoon of each turmeric powder and water or coconut oil. Mix to form a paste. Apply the turmeric paste to your face(avoiding the eye area). Let it sit for 15 minutes. Rinse it off. 

Repeat the remedy twice a week. 

Organic honey and milk strips

Honey and milk are good for dry skin. But did you know that it can help you remove blackheads also? Well, you can make pore strips using milk and honey to remove your blackheads. The anti-bacterial and soothing properties of honey when combined with the calcium and lactic acid of milk work wonders!

Remove blackheads with organic honey and milk:

Mix one tablespoon of each organic honey and milk in a small bowl. Heat it for half a minute, and now mix it again. Wait for a while to let the mixture cool. Now apply a thin layer of it onto the skin. Pat a strip of cotton over it and let it dry. After 10 to 15 minutes, carefully peel off the cotton strip. Rinse it off with cold water and moisturize. It is an effective at-home blackhead’s nose strip

Lemon, honey, and sugar

Blackheads are just clogged pores. You can get rid of blackheads naturally using lemon, honey, and sugar scrub. 

Lemon is a natural astringent that reduces the pore size, while honey works because of its antibacterial properties.

Remove blackheads with lemon, honey, and sugar scrub:

Cut a lemon in half and cover its cut surface with honey. Sprinkle a pinch of sugar on it. Now gently massage the prepared sponge over your face in a circular motion. This natural scrub is a great way of blackheads extraction. Use this procedure only once a week. 

So if anyone asks, how to get rid of blackheads on the nose and chin? Lemon, honey, and sugar is the answer. 


Green tea

remove blackheads with green tea
Photo by Charlotte May: https://www.pexels.com/photo/mixture-of-green-tea-in-ceramic-dishware-5946651/ 

Worry not! We are not asking you to drink green tea but to put it on your face. Green tea is a great source of antioxidants, and applying it to the skin can reduce oil production. 

Remove blackheads with green tea:

Mix a tablespoon of dried green tea with water to make the paste. Massage the affected area with the paste for two to three minutes. Rinse it off with cold water and moisturize your skin. So now you have one more reason to stock green tea in your kitchen. 

Cinnamon, turmeric, and honey mask

Large pores lead to blackheads as more dirt and oil accumulate in them. Cinnamon helps improve blood circulation and tightens the pores. While the anti-bacterial and anti-fungal nature of honey and turmeric helps deep clean the pores for dirt and excess oil, it makes the skin glowing and healthy. 

Remove blackheads with cinnamon, turmeric, and honey mask:

Mix one tablespoon of cinnamon with two-pinch of turmeric powder and some honey. Mix them well to make a paste. Apply the paste to the face and let it sit for 10 minutes. Rinse it off with lukewarm water. 

Egg whites and honey mask

As we know about the antibacterial property of honey, it cleanses the pores while the egg white works to shrink the pores and tighten the skin. Both together help to remove and prevent the blackheads. 

Remove blackheads with egg whites and honey mask:

Mix an egg white and a tablespoon of honey in a small bowl. Apply the mixture evenly onto your face. Let it sit till completely dry. Rinse it off with warm water. It leaves your skin blackhead free. 

Tea tree essential oil

This essential oil is known for its antibacterial properties. It fights with the bacteria inside the pores and makes your T zone blackheads-free. 

Remove blackheads with tea tree essential oil:

Mix tea tree essential oil with some carrier oil and apply it directly to the affected areas. It is best to use tea tree oil before bedtime so that it can work overnight. 


prevent blackheads with tomato
Photo by Charlotte May at Pexels

Tomatoes are one of the best natural cures for blackheads. Its acidic nature eliminates the buildup that leads to the formation of blackheads in the first place. 

Remove blackheads with tomato:

Grind the tomato to make the paste of its pulp. Apply the pulp directly to your skin and rinse it off in the next hour. 

Now you are all set to flaunt your glowing skin. 

This is how to get rid of blackheads fast

How to Prevent Blackheads? 

Blackheads are treatable, but it is a tough job. So once you get rid of blackheads naturally using these above-mentioned blackhead cures, try preventing them. Prevention of blackheads is easier than its cure. Here we have some best long-term solutions for preventing blackheads. 

Cleanse your face twice a day

Start with cleansing your face. It is important to cleanse your face twice a day to prevent blackheads. Use a gentle cleanser and apply moisturizer thereafter. 

Avoid over-cleansing your face as it may irritate your skin and cause redness. 

Skincare products with salicylic acid

use salicylic acid skincare products to prevent blackheads
Photo by Anna Tarazevich at Pexels

Salicylic acid is a common ingredient in anti-acne skincare products. Numerous moisturizers and cleansers are available in the market that contains salicylic acid. But if you have dry skin, you must not overly use the products with salicylic acid as it tends to dry the skin even more. 

Use non-comedogenic products

Comedogenic products can clog the pores, which can amplify the formation of blackheads. If you want to prevent blackheads, look for non-comedogenic products. Opt for cleansers and moisturizers that are light, oil-free, and gentle on the skin.  

Exfoliate every week

Exfoliating your skin once a week can help remove dead skin cells that cause blackheads on the nose and chin. 

Scrub your face gently in a circular motion with the help of your fingertips. Do not forget to apply moisturizer after scrubbing. 


Apply the mineral mask once a week

use mineral face mask to get rid of blackheads
Photo by Polina Kovaleva: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-woman-doing-her-skin-care-with-her-eyes-closed-6543125/ 

If you have not started yet, it’s time to include blackhead prevention techniques in your skincare regimen and get rid of blackheads

Mineral-rich masks work magic to remove impurities and excess oil from the skin. Apply the mask using lukewarm water. Rinse off the mask thoroughly and apply moisturizer. 

Stay tuned for more beauty tips!

Feature Image Credits – Skin care routine photo created by wayhomestudio – www.freepik.com

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