7 Fascinating Facts You Didn’t Know About Makar Sankranti

Makar Sankranti is a unique Hindu festival observed in the 2nd week of January and marks the beginning of the harvest season. This festival is accompanied by kite flying, bonfires, and certain special feasts depending on the distinct cultures of India. 

The entire day is associated with various social festivities, including color decorations, singing, rural children going house to house, and asking for treats in the form of money and meals.

7 Fascinating Facts About Makar Sankranti 

Several facts and the significance of this auspicious festival impact its significant festivities. Here are seven of them:

  1. Day and night are equally long

Makar Sankranti is considered one of the oldest solstice festivals, which falls on the equinox. The day and night on this auspicious day, day and night, are known to be equally long. Post this festival is the onset of spring, and the days gradually start to become longer and nights shorter. 

  1. Same festival, different names 
Photo by Prachi Palwe on Unsplash

Makar Sankranti is celebrated throughout India, from North to south and east to west. 

It is most prevalent in west India and down in the Southern areas known as Pongal. In the North, it is celebrated as Lohri and Maghi, Khichdi, and Uttarayan are different names of Makar Sankranti. 

  1. Significance of kite flying 

Kite-flying was earlier done in the early morning hours, where the sun’s rays were quite bright but not too harsh. This way, the human body’s are exposed to the sun for long hours, which is considered expansively beneficial for one’s health. 

Since January, it’s the time of infection by being in the sun, all the bacterias get killed, and one remains healthy. 

  1. Worship of cows 

Worship of cows is an aid for agriculture sent by God itself. It is believed that lord shiva had ordered Nandi (auspicious cow)to remain on earth. This way, God intended to help people plow their fields to provide them with big food grains. 

  1. Good wins over the evil 

Makar Sakranti’s special significance is the bright sun rays coming from the North – a symbol of the abode of gods. Hence, the festival is considered an auspicious moment where good forces rice and evil ones diminish in the south. 

  1. Festival of gud and til 
Photo by Whatwolf on Freepik

The history reflects that Lord sun could never get along with his son Shani. On this auspicious festival, Lord Sun visits Shani and finally forgives him. 

This festival is believed to be of forgiveness and forget all your past quarrels and say words of love. In order to celebrate this, People distribute Gud and Til among people on this special day.

  1. Falls on the same day every year

Most festivals are based on the lunar calendar; thus, their dates keep changing every year. However, Makar Sankranti is one such which falls on the same day, every year according to the Gregorian festival. Makar Sankranti is usually celebrated on 14th January, except it took place on 15th in 2019. 

Wrapping Up

These were some of the fascinating facts of the opportune festival – Makar Sankranti. May this festival enlighten your lives and bring immense happiness and prosperity to your family. 

I hope you liked this blog post. Stay tuned to The Glam Lives for the more informative content!

Feature Image Credits – Photo by Pexels!

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