Failing at Keeping Your New Year Resolution? Here’s What You Can Do

The beginning of the year often gets us oozing with energy and vigor. We start off with fresh determination, looking forward to a better self. More often than not, people tend to associate these significant landmarks with their aspirations, and this is why resolutions shape up!

New year resolutions are the targets you tend to achieve in the coming year. Whether it is losing weight, learning to swim, or bidding a farewell to smoke— these resolutions set us on the path of progress. While making resolutions seems to be a cakewalk, to live up to them is another can of worms. 

Studies suggest, only 46% of the people who make their resolutions, in the beginning, are able to continue with them after half the year is gone. With these statistics in place, it is a no-brainer to understand the importance of sticking to your goals. 

Ways to Keep Up With Your New Year Resolutions

In this fight, with your willpower and ingenuity, you must put forward realistic and achievable goals. This helps you to tread on the path for a long. If you are someone who writes down their resolutions each year but fails to keep up with them, we have got you covered!

Here are some of the most sought-after ways that can guide you to live your resolutions each day and accomplish them till the end. Let’s dive in:

Take Small Steps

Drastically changing your routine overnight is one of the common factors to derail your new year’s resolutions. You must start with small but effective changes that take you in the direction of their achievement. 

Making smaller amendments to your lifestyle helps increase your success rate of keeping up with your goals. If you wish to lose weight, it is advised to replace some of your favorite junk food and gradually increase the intake of a healthier diet. 

Similarly, you must start by rising 1 hour early each day if you aim to become an early riser in the new year. 

Taking small steps might frustrate you initially, but it is a sure way to success!

Plan Things Well

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Most people find it challenging to stick to their goals whenever faced with an obstacle. If you plan your goals well along with the way you wish to approach them with, you are likely to carry them for a longer time. 

It is essential to jot down what you want to achieve, how you plan to do it, and the issues you might face while you are at it. This helps in being prepared if you come across any hurdle, assisting you to continue with your targets whatsoever. Bingo!

Pick a Specific Goal

If your goal is simply to become slim, it is likely to deceive you of your actions. Having a measurable goal helps in keeping you motivated and gives clarity on what exactly you wish to achieve. 

Always try to put a number against your target to make it more concrete. For instance, it is better to define how much weight you aim to lose during the entire year. This also assists in mapping the progress you make after particular intervals. Another important factor of having specific goals is that it also tells you how far you are from your end target. 

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Trust the Process

As a matter of fact, you must realize that all your bad habits took years to develop. It is nearly impossible to get rid of them within a few days. Work on your goals with patience and trust this process of change.

You may take longer to achieve your goals or make mistakes during the process, but it is vital to understand that you are not in a rat race. It is a commitment you make to become better, and you might work on keeping it up for the rest of your life. Remember to take it easy!

Reach Out For Support

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Just as no war is won alone, your resolutions can be achieved faster if someone joins you in your journey. Like-minded friends or family members can keep you in high spirits and push you to stay true to your goals. Additionally, you also start to feel accountable when you share your commitments with others. Now that’s a win-win situation, isn’t it?

Stay Motivated

Your initial days are likely to be filled with immense motivation and enthusiasm, but the real struggle begins after it. You might regress on your path and fail in your daily commitments once the reality of behavior changes hits you. However, staying motivated and reminding yourself of why you started in the first place can help. 

Find your sources of motivation and turn to them whenever you feel lost!


These were some highly effective techniques that can help you in your journey of new year resolutions. Remember, your persistence and dedication can actualize your goals and turn your dreams into reality. 

Hope you find this blog valuable. Stay tuned to The Glam Lives for more such content. Cheers!

Feature Image Credits – Photo by Pexels!

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