How to Wear High Heels (With No Pain)

Whether it is an occasion or a casual meetup, you can never go wrong with a dress and high heels. Although high heels look superfine and elongate the legs yet these can be extremely uncomfortable- especially after an entire day of wearing them. You can feel a tingling in your legs and heels or sometimes it can also cause back pain. We love heels but wearing them comes with a cost. But now you can wear high heels without any pain.

In this article, we are sharing some tips that can help you to wear heels without any pain. Let’s have a look

Tips to Wear High Heels Without Any Pain

wear high heels
Photo by Benjamin Wedemeyer on Unsplash

Hot Water and Socks Therapy

Soak your socks in hot water for some time and remove the excess water. Put these on before wearing your heels. Wear them for a little while before taking them outside. The heels will stretch a little and won’t cause any trouble.

Ensure Foot Care

foot care to wear high heels without pain
Image Credits – Pexels

Cracked heels, calluses, or hard skin can make it difficult to wear heels. Furthermore, the heels can even worsen the condition. Hence, take good care of your feet by ensuring proper foot care to prevent this from happening.

Double-Sided Tape

Take a double-sided tape and stick the bottom of your foot to the sole of your shoe. This will prevent blisters and pain in the toes by keeping your shoes on the feet. 

Hydrating Cream

Take any hydrating cream and apply it on your feet before putting it on your heels. This will prevent your feet from rubbing, blisters, and pain. Moreover, this is the best tip if your shoes are brand new and tight. 

Baby Powder

Surprisingly, baby powder can not only save babies but also you. If you have one at home, do try this trick on your heels. This will prevent excessive sweating or slipping thus reducing chafing and injuries.

Adhesive Tape For Toes

With adhesive tape, all you have to do is stick the third and fourth toes together to reduce the excessive pressure on your toes that causes pain.

Don’t Take Off Your Heels

Yes, this might sound stupid but trust us on this. Even if you are in pain, taking off your heels is a bad idea. You will feel good for a moment or two but it will end up swelling your feet immediately. Also, putting them on again after taking off will fetch more pain. 

Put On Your Heels At Home

Put on your heels at least one week before you are planning to wear them. Do this if they are new and tight. In this way, you will get used to shoes and they might even stretch a little. 

Use Deodorant

Yes, you read it right!

Before putting your heels on, apply some roll-on or any deodorant on the areas of friction to prevent discomfort and chafing.

Have Some Movement

women resting after wearing high heels
Image Credits – Pexels

Even if you are in pain, try to walk from time to time. Standing or sitting still in heels will cause more pain. If needed, sit for a while but don’t take off your heels.

Select The Right Heel

Stilettos may be the dream shoes for any woman. However, if you have never tried these types of shoes before, you should better shy away from them. Yes, they look sexy but they will also make you suffer more than you can imagine. 

What you can do is go for wider heels or the ones that can make your feet less suffer. For instance, heels with fewer inches won’t be a problem. Also, shoes with small platforms or wedges will work fine for you. 

Try Shoe Inserts

One thing to try is the over-the-counter products that market themselves for high heels- metatarsals or balls of the footpads. They are oval-shaped pads that go under the ball of the foot, usually made from silicone gel. These pads combat soreness under the ball of the foot. Especially if it’s made of silicone, it will hold your foot more steady in the shoe so your feet aren’t sliding forward as much.

Emergency Kit

If you’re not sure about how comfortable your new heels will be, just keep a couple of adhesive bandages and other blister treatment products in your purse. They will save your night if the shoes start hurting you.

So, these were all the tips that we found useful for the ladies wishing to wear heels. Do you happen to know other effective tips to make women’s lives in heels more comfortable? If they’re not mentioned on our list, go ahead and share them in the comments. We would love to know which tip worked the best for you. 

Also, stay tuned with us for more.

Feature Image Credits – Pexels

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