How to Get Rid of that Musty Smell During Rainy Days?

Don’t we all wait for the rainy season all year long? The cloudy skies, the cool breeze, the scent of the earth, the vibrant colors of nature, and the months of summer heat make rain a welcoming change.

Monsoon has its indescribable joys, but its unwanted companion, humidity and moisture, put us off. They bring the musty smell and bad odor into our homes. While avoiding this musty smell seems impossible, some ways help to keep our home smelling fresh.  

Try our easy remedies and get rid of the unhealthy and unpleasant musty smell of rain from your homes.

8 Ways to Get Rid of Odors During Rainy Days  

Frequent Cleaning

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To avoid odor, doing frequent cleaning is the key. Keep your home extra clean during the monsoon to prevent mold buildup. Wipe down the surfaces and furniture to ensure no moisture pockets are left in the house. 

Use a dehumidifier as it reduces the moisture in the area. Keep ventilation and windows open – it helps avoid the stuffy smell. 

Burn Camphor 

Camphor is easily available in Indian homes for religious use. However, did you know it can also rid your home of fungal infestation and odor? 

Light a few camphor pieces in each room on a steel plate. Let it burn completely. Once burnt, remove the embers and close all doors and windows. Keep the room packed for 15 minutes to half an hour and enjoy the wonderful fragrance of a mold-free room. 

Use Fresh Ground Coffee

Don’t we all love the smell of coffee beans? They can help you get rid of the musty smell from your closet. Keep freshly grounded coffee in an open container in your closet. With this remedy, the musty smell will vanish completely from the closet. 

Fragrant the Space

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After eliminating the odor, add fragrance to the room. Essential oils, incense sticks, and fragrant candles are the best way to keep the odor out and maintain a good smell. It will also help calm your senses. Do experiments with fragrances that complement each other. 

Let the Sunlight In

While you may not see the sun on most days in the rainy season, make sure you let the sunlight in your house whenever possible. Also, let the fresh breeze come into the house to deal with the smell. Keeping doors and windows open for the fresh air and sunlight will allow the ventilation to clear the smell from your home.

Do Not Keep Damp Clothes 

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Keeping damp clothes in the washroom may lead to odors. Instead, use a covered laundry basket to keep your used clothes dry. We also end up drying clothes inside the home. Do not do this as it adds to mold growth. Use a tumble dryer or a well-ventilated indoor space away from the bedrooms and the living area. 

Keep Washroom as Dry as Possible

Since the washroom is already a moistened place, it requires extra attention during rains. Make sure your washroom is well ventilated, and the exhaust is in working condition. It already makes your half job done. 

Also, try to keep your washroom as dry as possible. Make sure you drain out water completely after every shower. Make it a routine to wipe walls and corners with disinfectant every other day, as it avoids unwanted buildup. 

Use Natural Air Freshener

Make a natural air freshener combining vinegar and baking soda. Put the mixture into a spray bottle and use it as an air freshener. It is a powerful air freshener for drains. It also absorbs the cooking smell in the kitchen.  

The next time you get annoyed by musty smells, try out these tips and enjoy the monsoon without worrying!Stay tuned with The Glam Lives for more such content!

Feature Image Credits – Pixabay

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