How to Become a Plant Parent?

Do you know what the term plantita means? A plantita is someone who is extremely fond of plants and loves to grow and take care of them. 

Now, who doesn’t love plants — they make everything look greener, calmer, and more serene. Not to mention, they have air-purifying qualities and beautify your space. They are even known to change your mood and improve productivity, so much so that a little Devil’s Ivy on your work-from-home desk can change your outlook towards the day.

However, becoming a plant parent needs a little more than just love for plants — it requires your dedication (and sweat!). It’s not everyone’s cup of tea to grow plants and take care of them successfully. You can’t bring saplings to your home garden and forget about them. They need to be taken care of just like a baby.

No, we’re not trying to scare you. We’re only preparing you to become a better and responsible plant parent so that you can fulfill your millennial dream of living in a home filled with plants. With a basic understanding, knowledge, and consistency, you can learn how to successfully grow your first sapling. 

In this blog, we are listing down tips for you on how you can become a plant parent successfully. Let’s go!

The Beginner’s Guide to Become a Plant Parent


First – Prepare!

When every fourth Instagram feed shows off delightful plant aesthetics, it is normal to feel an overwhelming emotion of filling your garden or room with gorgeous plants from the nursery. However, don’t do so!

Before investing in a plant, it is essential to research what plants are best for you and your space. Your local nursery will most probably keep plants that are suitable to your location’s temperature and humidity. However, if you are ordering online or buying from some distant store, choose a plant accordingly. 

Moreover, every plant requires a different level of commitment. Therefore, choose a plant that suits your lifestyle the best. 

Choose the Right Plant For You 


Since you’re going to be a plant parent for the first time, we strongly recommend taking baby steps. Start with small and low-maintenance plants that are easy to be taken care of.

If you live alone and can only look after your plant in specific hours, a plant that doesn’t require much attention should be your pick. If you have kids, you probably already have your hands full. Again, choose something that you can manage easily without needing to do too much. 

Another point of concern is there are a few plants that are toxic to pets. If you have pets, ensure your plant doesn’t negatively impact pets. Moreover, if your pet is generally active and curious, you can also choose a hanging plant.

If your home doesn’t get much sunlight, do not choose a plant type that thrives on it, and vice versa.

If you pick a plant that can live in your house and get all its requirements met, and you have the means and time to care for it, it’s the ideal plant for you.

Must Read: 16 Beautiful Plants To Decorate Your Balcony

Get to Know Your Baby Plant

Now that you’ve bought a plant, invest time in knowing more about it. Every plant is different, so you need to recognize its needs. 

Some houseplants need regular misting, others can be sensitive to chemicals in tap water. If your plant comes with a care card, understand it thoroughly. 

Also, pick the right corner for your plant. If you have an indoor plant that can adapt and thrive in a myriad of light environments, be it low or bright, things are fuss-free. Pot your plant anywhere. However, some plants need bright light to thrive. So pick a spot accordingly.

The more you know about it, the better care you can provide to your plant, and become a plant parent easily.

Do NOT Overwater!

Tips to become a plant parent - do not overwater

It is the most obvious, but the most ignored advice. Most beginners end up overwatering the plants under the pretext that plants grow more if watered enough. However, doing so can make the plant get wet feet. Their roots get over-saturated from sitting in a puddle of water for days. 

To know about your plant’s water needs, research about it or ask a plant expert. Accordingly, make a schedule, and consider the weather conditions. You can also stick a finger an inch or two into the soil to feel whether the plant is dry or moist.

Also, fill yourself up with different signs of a plant’s condition. Plants show a sign of distress if you’re overwatering or underwatering them. 

Talk to Them!

Sounds weird, doesn’t it? Well, no matter how absurd this sounds, studies have shown that talking to your plants helps them grow better. 

Plants are breathing living beings, so tending to your plants by talking and engaging with them is helpful. Their growth patterns show positive signs. You can also play music around them as it is also known to promote healthy movement in plant cells.

Another tip to promote growth in plants and keep them healthy and nurturing is keeping them along with other plants. By grouping them, you create a more humid microclimate in your growing area, which benefits all the plants. 

Be Ready to Cut Out the Toxicity


If you’re tending to your plants regularly, you will soon get deeply attached to them. However, don’t let your love come in the way of their growth.

Your plant finds some dying leaves or withered leaves. You can try to bring them back to life. However, if they are dead, you can’t do anything. After a point, they can’t contribute anything to the overall growth of the plant. By cutting them, you are allowing the remaining healthy plant leaves to receive more nutrients, hence, improving the plant’s appearance.

Taking care of another living being requires empathy, patience, and sacrifice. However, believe us, the experience is satisfying and the result is worth it. There’s no other feeling alike when you see your plants thriving in your space. So go, be a proud plant parent and keep following The Glam Lives for more such guides!

Feature Image Source – Pixabay

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