Throw Some Sass – 7 Short Hair Care Tips & Styling Ideas

Chopping hair is one of the hardest decisions for a girl to make. 

The dilemma of keeping hair long or short is difficult. On top of it, your hair looks extra shiny and smooth when you finally decide to chop them off (girl problems, indeed?). It’s normal to give it an extra thought. However, when you commit to shorter hair, you will likely feel out of different hairstyles. 

To tell you the truth, you can do a lot with ever shorter hair. All you have to do is learn to style them. Hence, we have got amazing hacks and tricks for you to try on your short hair. 

Let’s see what we have in our store for you. 

Short Hair Care Tips 

When You Wanna Look Cute and Manage Your Short Locks 

How to manage and maintain your short hair | Photo by Unsplash

The first thing you should be worried about is following a good short hair care routine. Similar to long hair, short hair also requires a proper approach to maintain and keep them healthy. 

Wash Frequently as Much as You Need to 

Now, you might be in the misconception that short hair care means less washing. Fun fact, short hair tends to get oilier than longer hair. As short hair strands are closer to the roots, it is easy for them to grasp oil. Hence, you will need a proper hair wash routine without losing moisture. 

Use Deep Conditioning Treatment

Just because your hair volume is lower doesn’t mean that they don’t need TLC as much as long hair. Instead, it will ask for more. Hence, replace your normal conditioner with a deep conditioning one to keep your hair shiny and smooth. 

Always Remember that Short Hair is Equal to Lesser Amount of Product

Do not use a LOT of shampoo and serum | Photo by Freepik

Similar to long hair, short hair also requires leave-in products such as hair cream and hair serum. 

However, you will surely need less quantity than usual. 

As you are accustomed to using a certain amount of product for your longer strands, it is likely for you to use the exact amount for short hair. Using too much product can make your hair look greasy. Hence, useless products on your hair for a healthy look. 

Schedule Follow Up Haircuts

The only concern with shorter hair is that you will need to maintain it more often. Short hair care is all about keeping your hair up to a specific length throughout the year. Trimming your hair once or twice a year won’t do any good. You will need to visit the salon more often. The best you can do is schedule your bookings beforehand and lock them in your planner to stay ahead of your chopping off routine. 

Short Hair Styling Tips

Tips to style your short hair | Photo by Unsplash

So, this was all about short hair care ideas. Now, it’s time to give you some amazing styling tips to make you rock any look. 

Add a Little Volume with Dry Shampoo

Are you suddenly feeling as if your hair is thin after a haircut? Or are your roots getting more oily than usual? We have got a solution for both- dry shampoo. The easy go-to hack where all you have to do is spray some dry shampoo onto your roots. Make sure to hold the can six to eight inches away from your hair and brush thoroughly. The result will be fresh, non-greasy, and voluminous hair. 

Time to Revamp Your Headbands Again

The worst thing you can do to your short hair is tie them into a ponytail- trust us. The super-short tresses with a ponytail just don’t work. Now, how are you supposed to get the hair off your face? We have a quick solution- a headband. Short hair is allowing you to revamp your headband style. Instead of always carrying hair ties or keeping them on your wrists, keep a headband ready to keep your hair off the face. Do you know the best part? You can find a variety of options and match them with your outfits. 

How About a Braided Hairstyle?

Make cute small braids | Photo by Pixabay

Well, if you are one of those people who believe braided hairstyles are only for long or medium hair, you are wrong. Instead, you can pull off a braided look easily with short hair. Look stylish by trying out different braids and match them up with your dresses for a classy look. 

Tousle Your Hair a Bit

Do you wish to add a little texture to your hair? Tousle them. Short hair looks best when they are a little tousled and textured. Get that messy, short hair look and rock your outfit any day. 

Air Dry Frequently 

This tip is not just for short hair but it is for hair of every length. Air drying is crucial as your hair is prone to damage due to heat and the use of hair products. However, you don’t need to sacrifice your look for the sake of air drying. You can take a wave spray and enhance the natural shape of your hair strands to create a fresh, natural look. 

Throw Some Color

Short Hair care Tips and styling Ideas
Try coloring your hair | Photo by Pixabay

If you are up for a makeover, why not change your entire look? If you wish to have a brand new look, pair your short hair with a new hair color. You can experiment with the hair colors you always dreamt of. Visit a salon for a haircut and update your hair color. If you are too scared to try, switch it up with temporary hair color spray and decide. 

Short hair is cute, stylish, and classy. Also, short hair care is different from long hair but it is easy. So, get over the haircut phobia and hit the salon because even short hair can make you stylish in a jiff. Stay tuned with us for more such tips!

Made of Grit, Glory, and Grace!

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