Mehndi Hai Rachne Wali… 9 Amazing Tips To Get Darker Henna Stain!

The festive season is here and so is the wedding season. Amidst all of this, there is one thing that is common and it is henna. Marked as a symbol of fertility, henna has been a prominent part of our festivities. Aside from this, it is also a medicinal herb that helps in keeping stress at bay.

While you must have decided on all those beautiful designs already, applying henna can be a little hectic- especially the drying part and waiting for the color to reveal. The dark color of the henna is considered fortunate. According to age-old belief, a dark color represents the love your family has for you. Whether we believe it or not, yet we pine for the color to be deep and darker. To end this struggle for you once and for all, we have compiled a list of tips and tricks that can help you in making your stain darker. Let’s have a look

How to Make Henna Stain Darker?

dark heena stain
Photo by Pixabay

Wash Before Applying

Wash your hands thoroughly with soap before applying henna. Also, ensure that you do not apply any cream or lotion. By doing this, you will get rid of any possible layer of obstruction and let your color penetrate deep within the skin. 

Lemon and Sugar Mix

Lemon and sugar mixture for dark heena stain
Photo by Fas Khan on Unsplash

This is one of the most sought-after tricks that work wonders on henna. For this, take a bowl, pour some lemon juice, and mix it well with some sugar. Make sure that you don’t put even a drop of water into it as it will do the opposite. Now, when your henna is becoming a little dry, take a cotton ball, soak it in the mixture, and dab it lightly on the Mehendi. Here, again make sure that you are not rubbing the cotton ball on the hand as the fibers might stick. Keep this mixture on the henna and let it stick for a longer period. However, do not overuse it as the excess acid might make it discolored. 


Once you remove the mehendi completely, take a small-sized saucepan and heat at least 8-10 pieces of clove until they release the fumes. 

Now, carefully place your hand over the pan. Make sure you don’t hurt it. Keep it for a few seconds and let your hands be exposed to it. Repeat this process at least 3-4 times for good color. The heat of clove is believed to help in dark color or if not fumes, you can also apply clove oil with the help of a cotton ball. 

Apply Mustard Oil

Mustard oil is easily available at home and is one of the quickest ways to make henna darker. Once you remove the dried henna, apply mustard oil to your hands for a darker color. Similar to clove, mustard oil is hot in nature and produces heat in the body. This helps in giving a darker color. 

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Lime Powder or Chuna

Another age-old remedy is applying a thin layer of lime powder or chuna soaked in water to change the color of Mehendi easily. Also, make sure that your hands are not exposed to water before applying this mixture. 

Tea or Coffee Mixture

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash 

Next, you can add some tea leaves or coffee powder soaked in water. The dark brown and black color of tea and coffee gives a deep color to the henna. 

Apply Eucalyptus Oil

After you have removed your henna, wash your hands properly and apply eucalyptus oil to your hands. It will not only make your hands smell good but it will also darken the color of Mehendi. 


After drying your Mehendi completely, scrape it off and apply some Vicks or pickle oil to your hands. Again, it works on the same phenomenon of producing heat and making your henna shade darker. 

Stay Away From Water

Ideally, you should not let water touch your skin for 24 hours after applying Mehendi. This is one of the main reasons why it is preferred to apply at night. Water tends to wash away the top layer of Mehendi and not allow the color to penetrate deep into your skin.


Having a beautiful dark color of henna is probably the dream of every woman. However, it takes time, patience, and some tricks enlisted here to achieve your goals. We hope our tips helped you. Let us know which one worked best for you. Also, we would love to hear what you do to make your henna darker! 

Stay tuned with us

Feature image credits – Photo by Alok Kumar Das from Pexels

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