9 Amazing Tips to Relieve Morning Sickness

Swollen ankles, sore back, and pressure on the bladder- pregnancy bring about various changes to your body. For many women morning sickness can be the most unpleasant experience for 9 months of pregnancy. They try every way to relieve morning sickness.

It’s mere food disclination- an extreme reaction for taste and smell for some women. For others, recurring nausea often occurs in the morning and dispels after a midday meal. But for some unfortunate women, it’s an unbearable feeling that lasts all day. They have repeated retching punctuated in waking and sleeping hours. 

This morning sickness during pregnancy is common and completely normal. 70 to 80 percent of women experience vomiting or nausea during their pregnancy to some extent. It may result in hospitalization in severe cases.  

When Does Morning Sickness Start and How Long Does It Last?  

Tips to relieve morning sickness | Photo by Unsplash

The symptoms of morning sickness usually start between 6 to 9 weeks of pregnancy.

For the majority of pregnant women vomiting and nausea ease up between 12 to 16 weeks of pregnancy. The morning sickness symptoms are in the most serious state between 10 to 16 weeks of pregnancy. 

Causes of Morning Sickness 

Pregnancy is the reason for morning sickness. No one knows the exact factor, but here are some factors that play a major role:

  • Increased level of hCG (pregnancy hormone) 
  • Increased estrogen and progesterone levels. Make digestion less efficient relaxing the digestive tract muscles. 
  • Metallic taste during pregnancy
  • An intense sense of smell due to increased pregnancy hormones.
  • GERD (gastrointestinal reflux) and burning sensation during pregnancy
  • Production of excess saliva.
  • Frequent travelings
  • Having twins or triplets
  • Stress 

Not all pregnant women necessarily experience morning sickness and not in the same manner. Some experience only occasional morning sickness. Others experience queasiness all day long but do not vomit at all or only once in a while.  

Thankfully, morning sickness is not a 24 hours thing and can be managed usually without any expensive medication. Here are nine amazing tips you can try to lessen the effect of morning sickness. 

Amazing Tips to Relieve Morning Sickness

Breakfast- the first thing to do!

Breakfast to relieve morning sickness | Photo by Pexels

Morning sickness is a way for your body to say- ‘Feed Me’. you haven’t eaten anything for 6 to 8 hours. That is why you feel nausea the first thing in the morning. 


The empty stomach and low blood sugar both result in nausea. Things get worse when you are pregnant. The body needs food at that time, and getting up and moving around does not make things any better.   

Eating breakfast in bed is a simple solution to your morning sickness. Yes, you have heard it correctly, eating breakfast in bed can make things better. 

Try to eat dry food products like toast or cereals. Maybe that is not your first choice, but they work two ways: they provide quick calories to your body and also regulate blood sugar levels. They will absorb the acid that you are wanting to throw out. 

Eat smaller meals more frequently

Most of us have a habit of eating three meals a day- breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 

But things are different when you are pregnant. Instead of eating three standard meals try to eat smaller meals more frequently. Keep some snacks next to your bed so that you can eat a small portion when you feel like it. 

Eating smaller and frequent meals helps regulate your blood sugar levels. This will avoid the feeling of too hungry and too full- the feeling that makes morning sickness worse. 

Include anti-nausea food in your diet

Include anti-nausea food in your everyday diet | Photo by Freepik

Eating is the best thing when you feel morning sickness. But the food you choose to eat also matters. When you include anti-nausea foods in your diet throughout the day, it will help reduce the discomfort associated with morning sickness. 

A high protein and complex carbohydrates diet is not only good for nausea but also good for the baby. Choose to eat foods like peanut butter, hard cheese, crackers, grain toast, fruits, and anything ginger. Eat at least three fruits and vegetables every day. 

Nutritious food is a great addition to your diet whether you experience morning sickness or not.

Avoid eating hard-to-digest foods like fast foods and processed foods, it can make morning sickness even worse. 

Avoid unpleasant and strong smell

Strong and unpleasant smells act as the environmental triggers for morning sickness. Even the smell of your favorite food and perfume can become intolerable. Keep yourself away from cigarette smoke, perfumes, and other smells that make you feel uneasy. Open the window while cooking to reduce the cooking odors. 

When you encounter such smells move away from the room as soon as possible to some fresh air. 

If you can’t avoid the smell then try to breathe through your mouth instead of your nose. You are pregnant, excuse yourself without thinking for others. 

Get enough sleep

Fatigue and stress increase the symptoms of nausea. It is because your body needs the energy to make you work when you are tired and to keep calm when you are stressed. So get plenty of sleep to avoid nausea due to fatigue and stress. 

To deal with it:

  • Head to bed early.
  • Turn all the electronics off at least 20 minutes before you want to sleep.
  • Lowers the temperature of the room. 

When done together, it gives rest, relaxation, and repairments to your overworked body. 

Hydrate yourself

Hydrate yourself to relieve morning sickness | Photo by Pexels

Hydration is necessary for the health of you and your baby. But during pregnancy, you need to do more than drinking water to stay properly hydrated. But your first choice of liquids may not be the best. 

Your most loved coffee and sodas contain caffeine that makes you dehydrated. Even milk can upset your stomach. And sports drinks are also too sugary to drink. 

So to stay hydrated during pregnancy, the best way is to drink plenty of water. Drink at least ten 8-ounce glasses of water per day. You can also try sipping water with a bottle all day. 

To prevent nausea, avoid drinking water 20 minutes before and after you eat and also while you eat. 

Stay physically and mentally active

Light exercise like walking is the best cure for morning sickness. As it is good for pregnant women and does not require any equipment. Also, it is low impact exercise that keeps the blood moving. If you cannot stretch walk for long go for smaller 5 to 10 minutes walks. 

You can also join a parental yoga class or swimming. But, it is strongly recommended to consult your doctor before incorporating a new exercise routine. 

Include a minimum of 15 minutes of meditation session in your everyday routine. 


Aromatherapy with essential oils might be a helpful treatment for morning sickness, vertigo, gastrointestinal reflux, stomach irritation, and other pregnancy-related symptoms. Essential oils have properties to relax muscles, improve digestion, alleviate pain, and heal nausea. Aromatherapy with these essential oils is becoming a popular remedy for morning sickness. 

Place the essential oil-infused cotton ball under your nose instead of spraying it in your room, as you can discard the cotton ball if its smell nauseates you. 

Wear sea-band wristbands

Sea-band wristbands help to relieve morning sickness using acupressure. Wear the band before you feel nauseous or anytime you feel the symptoms of nausea. It is helpful when you feel nausea during travel. 

Sea-band wristbands are made up of natural elastic and are comfortable to wear. It has a plastic knob inside, which implies pressure gently on the Nei Guan point in your wrist to restore the body balance. 

It is a drug-free formula that helps you get relief from morning sickness, nausea, frequent queasiness, upset stomach, and motion sickness.

While there is no permanent solution or remedy for morning sickness relief, changing your habits does have a positive impact. You can try anything from the given tips to lessen the frequency of morning sickness and its intensity. 

Remember, this too will pass, but it seems worthy once you have your baby in your arms.   

Hope these tips are helpful to you! 

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