How to Burp a Baby?

Does your baby feel uncomfortable after having a feed?

Are you unsure of how to burp a baby with reflux?

Do you often wonder what happens if you don’t burp a baby?

Newborns require constant attention to grow physically, emotionally, and intellectually. Whether it is breastfeeding, playing, or even burping the baby, parents need to remain on the edge of their seats and do things the right way!

Babies often swallow a little air along with their regular feed, which results in irritating air bubbles getting trapped in their bellies. This makes the newborn uncomfortable and can lead to a spit-up even before their meal finishes. Burping your baby is essential to get rid of all the extra air and relieve the child of this gassiness.

How Often Should a Baby Burp?

how to burp a baby
Image Source – Pixabay

If your child fusses or gets immediately cracky after a feed, it is an indication to burp your baby right away. It is vital to teach your child how to burp correctly and release all the internal discomfort. 

How often your baby burps depends highly on its feeding habits. It is the perfect time for a baby to burp when he switches from one breast to another to drink milk. You can also burp your child during mid-feed on the same breast. Burping a newborn after breastfeeding can effectively set him into a routine and develop a habit. 

When bottle-feeding, ensure your baby burps at least once halfway through the bottle. If your baby acts strange or stops taking feed, consider it your clue to make the baby burp!

How to Burp a Baby After Feeding?

When it comes to burping a newborn after breastfeeding, it is crucial to opt for the correct positions. Trying out different techniques can help you find the way that is best suited for your young one. 

If you wish to explore the most effective positions to burp your baby— we have got you covered! Here are some of the best positions to make your baby burp:

  1. Hold the baby upright against your chest with his chin over your shoulders. Support your child throughout this position by gently patting his back with one hand. 
  2. Another technique you can try is placing your child on your lap and then slowly patting his back and head. This will comfort him along with releasing the necessary gas. 
  3. You can also try laying the infant on your lap with his belly facing down. All the while, you must support his head to keep it higher than the chest and then make efforts to pat his back. 

Top Tips for Burping Your Baby

Baby on a Woman's Lap
Photo by Keira Burton from Pexels

Apart from the positions, you can also try specific tips to burp your baby. If you often think about how to burp a baby that is hard to burp, these practical tips can be of great help:

  1. As compared to a flattened palm, try to curve your hand while patting your baby. This technique plays a significant role in comforting the child. 
  2. Don’t go the harsh way and gently pat your baby’s back. This will assist in getting a faster burp.
  3. While burping, children can also spit up at times, so make sure to protect your clothing. 
  4. You can try leaning, laying, and sitting as burping methods to burp your baby. Make sure you gently pat them on the back to help your little one coax out the burp. 

Wrapping Up

Burping your newborn is undoubtedly not a cakewalk, but with the correct guidance and enough practice, you can easily ace it. While being a new mom can be overwhelming, remember to trust your instincts and find your inner connection with the baby to go the right way!

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Feature Image Source – Pixabay

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