Newborn Baby Care Tips – Everything new mommas need to know!

As new parents, you can be anxious about taking care of the newborn and the circumstances you might have to face along initial days. It is a big task and an emotional journey. Read on to find all you need to know about newborn baby care and enjoy this beautiful experience.

Preparing yourself early helps you solve a few initial problems of starting your life with the little one—for example, Comfortable clothes to support feeding, diapers, towels, baby essentials, etc. After your family and friends welcome the newborn with showers of happiness, flowers, and gifts, you and your partner are now up with the task of bringing up the baby all by yourselves.

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Newborn Baby Care Tips

The first few weeks

There you are, home again with your baby in your arms. What a precious moment! Though it is a beautiful time, it is with moments of anxiety as well. Take your time to adjust to this whole new beginning. 

Start at ease

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After the confident care at the hospital, it can be not very comforting to look after the baby all by yourself. You and your partner together can make this transition easier.

The 1st month of the newborn is the settling time for both the baby and parents. Once you are home, additional responsibilities can be overwhelming. Go easier on the house chores and let your little one dictate your routine. Your newborn may not require as much milk as you think. The size of the newborn stomach on the first day can be as big as a cherry. A tiny bit of colostrum is enough for the infant. It slowly increases as the days pass.

Do not stress yourself over whether to breastfeed or bottle-feed your baby. Your baby needs to be nourished well. In the end, it is all that matters. If you have a pet, have someone else hold the baby and greet the pet yourself when you arrive home. Sit down with the baby and allow the pet to sniff but never leave your baby alone with the pet. This way, the pet will understand that the baby is part of the family.

Newborn care and safety

Be extremely gentle in the way you handle the baby. Especially the first few months, neck muscles do not have the strength to bear the head’s weight. Ensure to cradle the baby’s entire body while holding or putting the baby down. Maintain a moderate temperature where the baby sleeps and keep the environment germ-free. 

Baby’s sounds and cries can be different for different needs, for example, diaper change, hunger, discomfort, tummy ache, or even just for attention. You can understand the needs slowly. Feeding and getting the babies to sleep might seem like a difficult task for the first few weeks. Most babies learn to feed and sleep on time within 12-14 weeks. Enjoy and live these experiences. 

Never leave your baby unsupervised or step out, leaving your baby alone. Watch out to do the restraints when the baby is in the pram or stroller. Avoid your baby staring at the sun; it can damage eyes permanently. Do not have hot drinks while holding your baby, and store dangerous items securely. Time goes by so swiftly, you may not even realize when that phase has gone by. Your life becomes easier as the baby grows. Babies change or grow faster during this phase. Bring in a variety of dresses of different colors. Take pictures and create memories for a lifetime.


Ensure you have only healthy visitors to visit you and entertain visitors only if you feel up to it. You can let them know what days work best for you and how much you have for the visit. Insist on visitors to sanitize before meeting the baby. 

Usually, babies sleep 14-16 hours a day, but they wake up every 2 hours for the feed. Not all mothers can go back to sleep after the meal. Ensure you have help around so that you can share your responsibility if the baby cries. 

Mother care

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Post-delivery it is essential to look after yourself along with the baby. Rest your back as much as possible and make up for the sleep you miss at night. Do not worry about being the perfect parent. Your recovery is faster if you rest yourself enough in the first few weeks after delivery.

As a new mother, you will undoubtedly get newborn baby guides from many people. Be confident and trust yourself as only you can know the best what your baby’s needs are. Although you have young mothers as friends who have babies of a similar age, you can learn from their experiences.

Involve your partner, allow him to handle some duties. He can be of great help. Postnatal depression occurs due to hormonal changes post-delivery. It is prevalent these days. Consult your doctor if you feel depressed.

Do not worry about losing pregnancy weight right after delivery. Eat a balanced diet and start your postnatal exercise as recommended by your doctor. You will be back in shape in a few months. Use protection once you get back to your partner. Women tend to conceive more quickly after childbirth. Two weeks before the menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs. It is possible to conceive without having periods at all.

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Pampering, feeding, talking, singing, and seeing the baby grow are the most beautiful experiences of motherhood that a mother can go through. That is the reason the parents need to spend more time with the baby. 

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Feature Image Credits – Photo by Pexels!

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