How to Get Rid of Acne Scars

You are all dolled up for a special event and BAM! there’s a pimple on your forehead out of nowhere. It happens to all of us, doesn’t it? Just when you are ready to look your best, at least one pimple will be all set to ruin the show and the thought of how to get rid of acne scars come to your mind.

What’s worse are not pimples or acne breakouts but the scars they leave behind that take an eternity to fade from your body. These can be frustrating as well as painful for some people. However, acne scars are not permanent and these can be cleared by trying out some home remedies or medical treatments.

Here we are to help you in knowing what you can do to get rid of the scars.

Get Rid of Acne Scars

Get rid of acne scars | Photo by Pixabay

Your Options to Fight Acne Scars

Home remedies to get rid of acne scars | Photo by Freepik

Salicylic Acid

Acne is not the worst but the scarring caused by it. Salicylic acid is one of the main ingredients you will find in any skincare product meant for combating acne. It is quite useful in getting rid of dirt, dead skin cells, and other impurities causing acne. Furthermore, it also helps with swelling and redness in the area. 

This miraculous skincare ingredient can be used for all types of acne scars. Instead, you can also add it to your daily skincare routine if you are always dealing with acne. 

However, if you are someone with sensitive skin, make sure to test the product on a small area of your skin before applying directly to your face. 


Topical retinoids are useful in reducing acne scars. These are also known to reduce inflammation, acne lesions as well as speed up cell regeneration for healthy-looking skin. 

Moreover, it can also help in lightening hyperpigmented scars in darker skin tones. The only thing you need to be cautious about is the sun. As retinoids turn skin sensitive to the sun, you should ensure to avoid going outdoors or wearing sunscreen. 

Alpha Hydroxy Acids

Alpha hydroxy acids or AHA help in fighting off the dead skin cells and prevent clogging of pores. These are a milder form of acids that scrapes away the outer dead layer of skin to reveal the fresh skin underneath.

Lactic Acid

If you are looking for a face peel, lactic acid is a good choice. Lactic acid acts as a gentle peel to remove the dead skin cells as well as reduce the scars to reveal the smooth texture of your skin.

These are also known to lighten the scar tissues. However, overuse of lactic acid can lead to hyperpigmentation. Hence, test any product containing lactic acid on a small portion of the skin before applying it to your face. 

Organic Remedies

Aside from using chemicals on your skin, you can help your scars by trying out some natural remedies. Although these are beneficial for some, they can also irritate others. Hence, use them with caution.

Some known natural remedies include:

Medical Treatments

If your acne scars are getting worse and not helping with the above treatments, it is best to visit a dermatologist. A professional will evaluate your skin and recommend different procedures based on your skin type and level of acne scarring.

Here are some medical treatments that your dermatologist might recommend 

Chemical Peels

Chemical peeling to get rid of acne scars | Photo by Freepik

A dermatologist will recommend a chemical peel after fully evaluating your skin type and the level of acne scarring. 

Different types of chemicals can be used for peeling including trichloroacetic acid or glycolic acid to reduce the appearance of acne scars. 


Injections containing corticosteroids are used to help people dealing with acne scar tissues. These are mainly used for people with hypertrophic or keloid scars. 

The treatment includes a series of injections given to a specific area of your face. The length of the procedure can take up to a few weeks depending on the severity and your results. 

Derma Fillers

In other cases, your dermatologist can recommend using soft tissue fillers to get rid of the scars. Your doctor will mainly go for a filler containing collagen. Alternatively, he may also try removing fat from another part of the body to use as an option. 

Aside from this, the use of commercial fillers including polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), hyaluronic acid (HA), and poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) is also very common.

Dermal fillers are not suited for every type of acne scars. These work best for atrophic scars. The treatment duration can last between 6 to 18 months depending on your situation. 


Microneedling is another dermal procedure that includes inserting tiny needles into the skin surrounding the scar tissue to speed up collagen formation. The collagen thus produced can help in reducing the appearance of acne scars by smoothing out the skin.

Although effective this procedure also has some side effects including redness, pain, and inflammation after the treatment, but these effects subside over time.

Laser Treatment 

If you want a procedure that involves no use of chemicals or scrubs, the laser can be the best option for you. Lasers get rid of the uppermost skin layer to reveal the fresh and younger-looking skin underneath. This further reduces the appearance of scarring on your face. 

However, laser treatment is not suitable for everyone as it can lead to redness in some. Hence, people with sensitive skin should watch out before heading with laser treatment. 


Acne scars are frustrating.  

But do you know the best part – these are temporary! You can fight off this temporary condition by trying out different treatment options. Various home remedies are also known to cure acne scars. However, if your skin condition is getting worse, go for medical treatments to have younger-looking skin.

Stay tuned!

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