Toxic Beauty Habits You Need to Ditch NOW!!!

The irresistible urge to itch that pimple on your chin and pop it!

Or peeling your nail paint and leaving chipped color on your nails!

Or the worst – sleeping with a face full of makeup!!

We have all been there. 

On one hand, we go all out to take care of our hair and skin. And on another, we don’t think twice before indulging in habits that harm our hair and skin. 

We are equally guilty as you to pick on such toxic beauty habits. However, it’s high time we ditch those toxic beauty habits. They do not do us any good and cause damage to our skin in the long term. 

We have compiled a list of the most common toxic beauty habits that we are all helpless about. Recognize them and get rid of them NOW!

8 Toxic Beauty Habits You Should Quit

Picking Pimples

There is hardly anyone who can say they are not guilty of picking pimples. Also, it’s not like you didn’t know of it. Our mothers always warned us. We didn’t listen and pimple scars are best friends for life. (facepalm)

Squeezing a pimple is tempting, we agree. But this is something you should never do. Squeezing a pimple causes the bacteria to spread, which can lead to inflammation or even a scar. It is better to keep it under control with products such as the Neutrogena on-the-Spot Acne Treatment Vanishing Formula. It helps to reduce the appearance of pimples in just one hour.

Moreover, if pimple-popping becomes a habit, it can lead to deeper cystic acne or future scars. Remember, picking is never okay!

Touching Your Face

toxic beauty habits- touching face
Photo by Ana Francisconi from Pexels

We are sure many of you weren’t aware that it was a problem!

Touching your face repeatedly is a big no-no. It’s a mistake most of us make subconsciously. You may not even be aware of doing it. 

It is a toxic beauty habit because our hands are not always clean. Even after you wash them, they get dirt and oil on them. When you touch your face or hair with your unclean hands, it transfers oil and dirt. You can also develop acne and other skin problems due to it. It also spreads bacteria or germs. 

To help ensure healthy skin, limit the amount of time you spend touching your face. Wash your hands before and after touching any area of your face or neck, and use a gentle moisturizer on problem areas.

Must Read: 11 Anti-Aging Tips that Work

Cleansing Your Face With Hot Water

Most of us know that splashing too hot water on the face is harmful. However, the dipping temperature makes us not care. After all, who wants to touch the cold tap water in winter? 

Hot water dries out your skin. It makes it vulnerable to wrinkles and fine lines. Hence, use lukewarm water as it won’t cause any damage to your face or skin. 

Not Washing Your Makeup Brushes

toxic beauty habits- not washing makeup brush
Photo by Dids from Pexels

How many of you have never even thought of cleaning your makeup brushes?

That’s true. Most of us either don’t know any better or forget to wash them.

However, think – You have been brushing your face with dirty makeup brushes all this time. It is disgusting, right?

Makeup brushes are one of the dirtiest things in your entire house. They are probably so laden with bacteria that they are making your skin worse. And it’s not just them — the same applies to makeup sponges and even your hands, which you probably use to apply your foundation.

The result? Acne breakouts, redness, irritation, dry patches, and more.

To keep your skin clean and prevent premature aging, take the time to wash your brushes every once a week or two weeks.

Towel Drying Your Hair

We all do this on our wash day. 

If you are wondering how else one can dry their hair, keep reading.

Towel drying your hair can cause split ends and breakage. The towel pulls your hair, causing splits in the shaft. Also, when you dry your hair with a towel, you are rubbing it with sandpaper. You are opening the cuticle of each strand and causing it to become frizzy. But when you dry your hair naturally, you will notice that you have fewer split ends and less frizz.

So what can you do instead? 

After showering, place a microfiber towel around your shoulders to catch any excess water. Then gently blot your hairline with a second towel until it’s completely dry. It prevents tangles and eliminates the need to comb through wet strands after showering.

Sleeping With Makeup On

toxic beauty habits- sleeping with makeup on
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

All of us are guilty of doing this. A long day leaves us with zero energy. All we want to do is lie down and sleep.

However, sleeping in makeup is one of the worst toxic beauty habits. It clogs up your pores and causes premature wrinkles to appear on your face. The overstay of makeup also invites acne. Therefore, do not ever skip washing your makeup before going to bed. Also, be sure to cleanse and moisturize your face after washing it. If you wear makeup every day, invest in an oil-free cleanser specifically for nighttime use.

Not Wearing Sunscreen

Wear sunscreen! We cannot stress enough the importance of sunscreen.

The harmful UV rays of the sun can harm or kill your skin cells. It can give you wrinkles and makes your skin leathery. You can even begin suffering from skin diseases if your skin exposure is high.

Applying sunscreen regularly will keep your skin looking younger for longer. Remember that no amount of anti-aging cream can fix sun damage. Sunscreen is the only and most effective barrier. 

Your skin does a lot for you, protect it!!

Using Makeup Wipes

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

Ah, another lazy girl hack that is costing all of us our healthy skin!

We conveniently replace washing our makeup with makeup wipes. However, there is no good alternative to washing your face with a gentle face wash. 

Makeup wipes may seem harmless, but they are not! Wiping off your makeup without washing your face first causes major problems. Wipes don’t clean all of your makeup, which means you’re leaving behind dirt and oil on your face. As we learned, it can clog pores and cause breakouts. Your wipes might also contain alcohol, which dries out your skin and causes irritation.

We understand that we live in a world where we need to save every single second possible in our day-to-day life. However, beauty isn’t about how quickly you can get your hands on everything—it’s about achieving long-term results. Do not let laziness get the best of you, and adopt healthy beauty habits!

Stay tuned with us for more beauty hacks!

Feature image credits – Photo by cookie_studio on Freepik!

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