Workplace Conflicts are Real. Here’s How to Deal With Them!

How many times have you found yourself fighting with your teammate over a creative idea? Quite often, right? 

Do you remember how that issue was resolved? 

Well, your case might not have been justified every time, but we’re sure that your team leader has taken the decision, bringing his/her conscience to work. If you were inspired by your team lead then, or are looking forward to managing a team soon, here are some tried and tested tips that successful leaders use to deal with workplace conflicts. Keep on reading and you’ll find every instance similar to that of your case, back those days. 

How to Handle Workplace Conflicts? 

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Here are some efficient tips on how you can avoid a conflict resulting from a difference in POV, without jeopardizing workplace peace. 

Source of Conflict

According to the Team lead of Edu Jungles writing company- Kevin smith, finding the source of conflict is the primary step to solve any problem. Finding the root of the problem will let you know the opinions/thoughts of both parties and the leading cause of their disagreement. Simultaneously, you can understand the demands of both parties. When you get complete information from both parties, finding a middle ground will be easy. 

Place of discussion matters

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Find a safe and private place for the discussion if you want to solve the problem without causing havoc at your office. This will help in having a constructive conversation with honest inputs from both parties. Do not choose places like the office/department of either party or location near any of them. Do remember to give adequate time to each party to express themselves. 

Effective listening

Make sure to provide private space for the meeting of both parties. Let each of them have enough time to express or say their perspective of the topic. Each party should get equal time to air out their thoughts without considering or favoring the other side. 

Hence, one should have a positive and assertive approach during the meeting; should avoid any violence. If necessary, set some ground rules to be followed during the session. This will help both parties process their thoughts in an open, honest way and find the root of the problem.


Investigate the situation after taking the inputs from both parties. Take proper time during an investigation. Stay unbiased and dig deeper before jumping to any conclusions with the information known. Find everything regarding the involved parties, the issues, and people’s feelings, perspectives regarding the statements and replicate them back. Also, try to find any underlying problem or conflict which is not easily evident.

Find a Common Objective

Try to find a common objective, which will help provide a permanent solution that can avoid the recurrence of the problem. You need to be aware of the stages of the conflict to solve the problem. This will help in finding the ideal ways to meet the common goals. Try to sit and discuss with both parties for a common purpose or solution, which will help manage and resolve the problem. Try out all the possible solutions till you reach a common one that satisfies both parties. 

Evaluate and Prevent

Practical evaluation is vital for the efficient working of the workplace. No problem is persistent. Effective Communication is one of the significant aspects of the functioning of the organization. However, let the employees know that they are working together in harmony to meet the organization’s goals. 

Keep a regular check on issues and problems and simultaneously assure the solution is effective. You must consider imminent actions if the issue resurfaced in the future with effective measures to avoid workplace conflicts.

Now that you’ve been familiar with this conflict, ensure to take measures so that the same doesn’t arise again. Every team member is different, he/she comes from a different background and carries a unique thought process. As a leader, you need to nurture their potential so that they complement the team. There’s no surety that conflicts won’t arise, however, you should be prepared to be the listening ear and an unbiased decision-maker. You will definitely improve your conflict management skills over time.

Workplace conflicts are a part and parcel of our lives. You will continue to disagree with your family, friends, or colleagues. However, dealing with them need not be tough. These tips will help you resolve problems more quickly and effectively.

Stay tuned to this space for more such content! 

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