Tips to Color Your Gray Hair with Henna And Indigo

Do you remember your grandma applying a paste of henna and indigo on her gray hair in your childhood? Well, gray hair is no longer just our Dadi-Nani’s problems. Many of us have been experiencing the white or gray hair situation since our late 20s or 30s. Sure, the time has changed, but there is still no better and natural alternative for coloring your hair other than henna and indigo.

However, henna and indigo can be risky businesses, especially if you’re a first-timer. Like many people, you may have had a bad experience when you tried it the first time. Or you may be ridden by countless questions, such as does henna and indigo cover gray or how much to apply or when to apply the mix? With the right preparation and planning to color hair using henna and indigo, you can get a new look in no time. 

Both henna and indigo are natural alternatives that don’t cost the earth and leave your hair looking healthier than ever. Hair colors that use chemical dyes can strip much-needed moisture from your locks, leaving them dried out, brittle, and prone to breakage. They can also clog your pores and cause itching or rashes. You don’t want that, do you?

So better not give up on Henna and Indigo. In this article, we will walk you through the tips to color your hair with henna and indigo. 

How to Use Henna and Indigo on Your Hair?

  • First things first – buy the right product. 

The first step is to purchase pure henna powder or indigo from a reputable source. Do not purchase premixed packets as these are often mixed with other ingredients, such as chemical dyes, peroxide, and phthalates (an ingredient found in plastics). You will need some quality powder for your hair. If you can’t find it at a store near you, purchase 100% pure henna from an online store. 

We personally love Godrej Nupur - it is 100% pure henna, apt for natural conditioning and getting rid of dandruff. If you are looking for the best hair color solution, you can buy Godrej Nupur from Amazon easily - suitable for both men & women!
For Indigo, we suggest you to buy Khadi Omorose Indigo Leaf Powder - it is free from harmful chemicals and will make your hair shiny, soft, and healthy!
  • When you are ready to use henna or indigo, make sure your hair is free of conditioners or other products that might counteract the effects of the dye.
  • Wear old clothes and use an old towel while processing the dye because both products can stain. 
  • Be sure to do a patch test on your skin before you begin coloring your hair so you aren’t surprised by how dark the dye will turn out.
  • You will also need lemon juice, water, and a bowl. So don’t use metal bowls or spoons when preparing the henna – they could react with the henna powder.
  • No matter what method you use to color your hair, it is important to remember that it is still your natural hair, and it needs to be treated with care. Henna and indigo are an excellent choice as a natural dye, but you have to be careful not to overuse them. 

Overuse of henna can lead to some problems like excessive dryness and breakage of hair. So it is always better to go in for the natural shade than use too much henna.

  • There are different types of hennas and indigo out there, such as red and black, but one should always opt for the natural form of henna and indigo instead of chemical dyes. If you want some different shade on your hair, you can achieve it naturally. As the color of henna powder varies from bright red to dark brown depending on how long you leave it on your hair, you can even mix different shades or add other natural ingredients (coffee, Kattha) to achieve the desired effect.
  • To get the most out of the products, you should avoid washing your hair as much as possible for the first few days after applying the henna. It will allow enough time for the henna to set deep in the hair shaft.
Also Read: Say No To Sticky Hair – 5 Amazing Reasons To Use Dry Shampoo

How to Color Gray Hair With Henna and Indigo?

  1. Preparing the Mix

The basic ratio is two parts powder to one part water (or lemon juice and water mixture). 

If you have long or thick hair, you will need to use more powder, but short or thin hair requires less. 

  1. Henna Paste Mixing
Image Credits – Public Domain, <a href=”“>Link</a> 

Combine your henna powder with lemon juice water mixture to form a no lump paste.

  1. Indigo Paste Mixing

To create the indigo paste. Mix the indigo powder in another bowl of water. Form a paste with no lumps. Prepare the mixture right before you want to apply it. 

  1. Applying
  • Mix the paste thoroughly until it is smooth and creamy looking. Damp your hair and apply the prepared henna paste to your hair using gloves and a wide-tooth comb or plastic applicator. Work on small sections at a time, starting at the roots and working down to the tips. Try not to get any on your scalp, as it might stain your skin.
  • After you have applied the mixture, leave it to set for 3-4 hours. Some people like to keep henna overnight. You can decide your resting hours as per the color intensity you want.
  • Clean the paste with a wet cloth from around your head and ears if applied accidentally.
  • Now wash your hair with warm water till the water runs clear from your hair. Do not shampoo your hair.
  • Now apply the indigo paste. Wrap the towel or shower cap on your hair. Wash your hair with water and conditioner the next day. Do not shampoo them for the next 2-3 days. 

FAQs on How to Color Hair Using Henna and Indigo

  1. Can we use henna and indigo together? 

Yes, as both are natural products so you can use them together. 

  1. Can henna and indigo cause hair loss?

No, they do not cause hair loss when applied rightly.  

  1. Are henna and indigo good for your hair? 

Yes, you can color hair using henna and indigo – they are good for hair as they contain no harmful chemicals.

  1. How long does henna and indigo hair dye last?

They may last for about four weeks or less. 

We hope this blog on how to color hair using henna and indigo was useful for you. Stay tuned with The Glam Lives for more such blogs!

Feature Image Source – <a href=””>Woman photo created by svetlanasokolova –</a>

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