Your Bridal Diet Plan to Look Fab on Your Special Day

How do you want to see yourself on your wedding day? 

We are guessing energized, strong, and fit! And in the perfect body shape, you have ever been in. 

Sure, you would get beauty treatments, and your perfect makeup will make you look the most beautiful. However, a bride aces the bridal look when she glows inside out. Is it possible just by counting your calories? Not at all! 

Every bride wants a size zero waist to look gorgeous in her bridal lehengas and sarees. She wants to have a toned and slim body. However, remember, slim does not always mean healthy. 

As a bride, you are supposed to look glowy, energetic, and beautiful all the time, which is hard when you have the burden of never-ending wedding chores and stress. You prepare for festivities by staying awake late at night and packing your weekend afternoons with shopping and planning for your wedding. It is a hectic schedule, to say the least. To get through it and prepare for even hectic wedding days, you need to have a healthy lifestyle, and your bride’s diet plan should help you with it. 

Here are a few guidelines for you to plan a diet for the bride to be for the months leading up to your wedding. 

Pre-Wedding Bridal Diet Plan Secrets You Need to Know

Free Vegetable Salad on White Plate Stock Photo
Photo by Markus Winkler from Pexels

Make Coconut Water a Habit

The number one tip for a bridal diet plan for glowing skin is to have coconut water every day. It is easy to follow, as nobody minds having a yummy and nutrient-packed beverage for great hair and skin. 

You may already know that a soda can contains ten tablespoons of sugar. A high amount of sugar consumption not only causes your skin to break out but also lowers your energy. Thus, you should have a glass of coconut water instead of any other soda or sweetened beverage. 

Drink Enough Water

Nothing can be more problematic than forgetting to drink water. It is recommended to drink six to eight glasses of water. For a more glowing, you should at least have 12 glasses of water. 

Water helps your skin stay hydrated and suppresses your appetite which reduces your overeating. The water you drink is known to flush out toxins from your body and prevent acne, blemishes, and marks on your face. Your daily water intake also counts the liquid food, such as soups and sugar-free fruit juice. 

You can always keep a water bottle with a “Bride To Be” label on it. Take some sips of water from it every time you feel thirsty. It is the best option for all the lazy brides to be (Aren’t we all?) who delay quenching their thirst with the lazy thought of not wanting to get up and walk to the kitchen. 

Say Yes to the Browns

Choose browns over whites, whether bread or rice. By brown bread, we mean multigrain bread (sometimes you may find white bread with added brown color to it). Use brown multigrain bread instead of white bread to make your sandwiches and toast. It has more nutrients and supports healthy digestion. The same goes for brown rice.

Munch a Handful of Nuts

Include handful of dry fruits in your bridal diet plan
Photo by Maddi Bazzocco on Unsplash

Fiber, antioxidants, vitamins (vitamin A, C, E), calcium, zinc, copper, healthy fats – you need every nutrient to power your health for your D-day. Nuts have all these and more. 

Nuts are a must-add food item in your bridal diet plan. They give a healthy boost to your collagen production, making your skin look healthy and youthful. To get that bridal glow on your face, eat nuts daily. However, ensure you do not binge eat as they are a source of fat, and nobody wants to have a potbelly at their wedding. Also, you should eat those nuts that help suppress your cravings and keep the sugar level maintained. 

Do Not Miss on Tomatoes

Tomatoes have a plant chemical called Phytochemical or Lycopene. It is the pigment that gives the bright red color to tomatoes. This lycopene boosts collagen production (a protein that builds the texture and structure of skin) that makes your skin supple, soft, and youthful. Isn’t it exactly what you want on your wedding day? Also, the antioxidants in tomatoes keep your skin healthy and glowing by speeding up the process of cell renewal. 

Eat Raw Veggies 

Raw vegetables are known for providing good health as most vegetables are high in minerals, vitamins, and fiber and low in fats. Also, some raw vegetables, such as carrots, beetroot, cucumber, and gooseberries have additional proven health benefits. They nourish the skin and make it rosy pink. You can have raw vegetable salad or make a quick smoothie. Either way, it will work to bring a natural blush to your face.

Include Leafy Spinach 

Include leafy spinach in your bridal diet plan
Photo by Jan Sedivy on Unsplash

Spinach is known for its high iron content, which helps improve skin texture. It produces and circulates hemoglobin in your skin which maintains the red blood cells in your body. It results in a good flow of oxygen in your system and provides your pale-looking skin with a healthy, rosy glow. 

The best part is that you can include spinach in your bridal diet plan for weight gain

Drink Chia Seed Water

It is not a secret that chia seeds are great for the skin. They are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids that helps your skin get nourished and glowy. They also make the cell membrane strong and help your body get rid of toxins. Moreover, they lower the stress hormone in your body, which is a must during your wedding preparation days. 


Take yogurt in your bridal diet plan
Photo by Sara Cervera on Unsplash

Yogurt, an anti-aging food, helps in reducing wrinkles, sunburn, and acne. Most importantly, it helps you shoo away your stubborn dark circles and make your eyes look beautifully luscious. 

Include a cup of yogurt in your daily diet and keep your skin clear. Even lactose allergic people can include yogurt in their diet for the well-being of their skin and stomach. 

Grab Delicious Dark Chocolates

You read it right! Who would have thought that a pre-wedding diet plan can be so much fun and chocolaty! 

Dark chocolate contains cocoa in abundance, which is rich in antioxidants and flavonoids that reduce the stress hormones and decrease collagen breakdown. In short, a power bite to make your skin healthier. Flavanols also protect your skin from sun damage by improving blood flow in the body and increasing hydration and skin density. 

Eat Apples

Green apples are rich in antioxidants and have less sugar. Even red apples are good for your weight loss. They contain quercetin, a fortifying flavonoid that has a calming effect on sensitive skin. It will surely help you keep skin inflammation at bay during your wedding days.

It is better to eat organic apples so that you can eat them without peeling, as the skin of apples contains more nutrients. 


Healthy Eating Habits for the Bride

Have Frequent, Small Meals

Instead of three big meals, eat small meals every two-three hours. It will help you keep up with your metabolism for the entire day. Plan your meals smartly so that you can avoid overeating as well as under-eating. This eating habit can help you burn your fat faster. Carry some snacks with you whenever you go out for a long time. They will help you avoid eating junk food in the name of frequent eating. 

Eat Slow

Did you know that your stomach does not send the signal to the brain that it’s full? Yes, our witty brains take a while to do that. 

For that reason, chew slowly and eat slowly, so that you will know that you are full before you overeat. When you eat fast, you will end up overeating as the signal of your stomach to your brain goes slow. Also, it is good to chew your food more. 

Keep Your Diet Plan Simple

You do not need to get tangled within the bridal diet chart with complicated recipes and unfamiliar ingredients. There is already so much stress in wedding preparation and adding more to it is not at all fair. The diet plan is to keep you healthy, not stressed and busy. Try to go with a diet plan which is not only healthy but also more convenient. Opt for healthy quick-cook foods that won’t take much of your time.

Stick to Your Mom’s Food

Free Person Using Fork While Eating  Stock Photo
Photo by Vivaan Rupani from Pexels

You are surely going to miss it post your wedding, thus it is best to stick to mom’s homemade food. Strictly avoid eating junk and processed food, at least till your wedding day. It will help you with your bridal diet plan and exercise plan

Choose Healthy Options When Eating Out

Sometimes you cannot avoid eating out in restaurants. However, even then, you can keep yourself on track with a health-conscious diet. For example, you can have a whole wheat base pizza. It will feel light on your stomach. Or a bowl of caesar salad with leafy greens will satiate your taste buds.

We know, it can get difficult. Food is the love of our life. However, your body loves healthy and nutritious food more than anything. Push yourself for a few days till your special day arrives. Trust us, following a bridal diet plan, will be worth controlling your taste buds when you look your elegant self in your wedding lehenga. For more wedding-related tips and advice, explore The Glam Lives.

Feature image credits- Food woman photo created by freepik –

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