Amazing Morning Rituals to Feel Active, Every Single Morning!

Let’s face it- the most difficult goodbye is to the bed. Waking up out of the comfy blanket can seem an impossible thing to do in the morning. Unless you are some superhuman who can easily wake up at 6 am. It’s the amazing morning rituals that make them feel active.

Starting your sluggish day may not seem crazy for you at all. After all, you are working and doing all those things you are supposed to do, anyway. However, tell us one thing? Are you doing all of it with your heart or just for the sake of doing it? 

Well, that’s exactly what the superhumans waking up in the wee hours understand more than us. The early hours of the morning set the tone for your entire day. Instead, waking up before everyone gives you time for yourself to prepare for the day, think about your goals, life, or simply just be at peace (which is life-changing). 

So, if you feel like you are doing stuff just to get it done or lacking motivation, you need to recharge your morning energy. Sounds pretty good, right? Let’s see how you can do it 

Healthy Morning Rituals You Should Follow Religiously

Get Enough Sleep

sleep enough for active morning ritual
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First things first, the reason why getting out of the bed becomes difficult is that you are not sleeping enough in the first place. The human body needs a good 7-9 hours of sleep every night to set up a routine. If you are someone who has not yet aligned the sleeping and waking up routine, you need to do it right away. 

For starters, you can try different ways to get adequate sleep. For instance, set up an alarm and try to wake up at the same time every day to build up a circadian rhythm or wind up your evening chores a little earlier or take away screens from your room including mobile phones as it can interrupt your sleep cycle. 

If you are facing problems sleeping altogether, consider sleep aid supplements including melatonin, or avoid exercising within four hours of your bedtime or listen to calming music before hitting the bed. 

Must Read: 7 Hacks to Get Ready Faster in the Morning

Create a Routine

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It is not just about doing all the right morning rituals but also making sure that your evening routine is synchronized for a good night’s sleep. What you do in the evening plays a determining role in your morning mood. For instance, if you make it a habit to clean your mess before going to the bed, you will automatically wake up feeling refreshed and empowered.

If you can, try reading before you go to sleep (there’s a reason why bedtime stories are crucial) as it will help your brain to disengage from the day. Additionally, you can also start your day with a book and a cup of hot coffee to set a routine. Or create a scrumptious breakfast and have it with a good book each morning. 

Work Out to Stay Fit and Active

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Working out is good for you in every way- whether mental or physical. A good amount of exercise boosts the production of neurotransmitters including serotonin and dopamine that decrease the risk of depression and uplift your mood as well as long-term memory. Working out in the morning forces you to wake up earlier, improves your mood, and gives you the energy you need for carrying out the day.

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Regular exercise in the morning releases happy hormones which starts your day on a positive note. So, if you have been skipping the gym lately, it’s time to get started in the morning. 

Start Your Day With “WHY”

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“He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how” – Friedrich Nietzsche.

Getting out of bed when you have nothing to be excited about can be difficult. On the other hand, getting up can equally be difficult even if you love your job (the daily grind is lethargic). We all have been there, isn’t it?

Nevertheless, we can also overcome it by changing our perspectives. The key factor is our intrinsic motivation which is a behavior that is driven by enjoyment of a task and which also keeps us going. While extrinsic motivation including small goals or rewards can push us to a certain level, intrinsic motivation is what keeps us consistent and dedicated in the long run. 

Now, your intrinsic motivation can be anything from buying a property to helping others, and so forth. What you can do is create a list of all those things that matter to you and keeps you going. Fix this list to your bathroom mirror and reach for it at the start of each day or you can also write down one thing you are excited about every night to read the next morning. 

Remind Yourself of Your Successes

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Things are all fine with work until you deal with rude prospects or get reprimanded by your boss or lose a big deal you have been chasing for months. This can sap all of your energy including your will to work.

In this case, keep a list with you by adding all the good and bad incidents that come along your way. While going through the list, you will realize how quickly the ‘right things’ outpace the ‘wrong ones’ and this will give you a tool to lean on during difficult times. 

What you can do is create a ‘master list of your biggest achievements to date and keep it on your nightstand or someplace it is easily accessible for you to refer to in the morning. Take a look at this list whenever you don’t feel like showing up at work. 

Meditate to Calm Your Mind

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Meditation activates the parasympathetic nervous system and gives you a feeling of relaxation. Even on the days when you feel like you haven’t had enough sleep, the happy hormones or endorphins released by meditation can give you the boost you need to take on the day without the need to run for the fifth cup of coffee. 

Must Read: How to Practice Mindfulness

Additionally, meditation is also known to reduce the pain associated with headaches, fight off stress and filter negative thoughts. Overall, it’s a win-win situation. 

Your morning rituals should be such that give you energy for the day and recharges your mind. We hope the above tips will help you in feeling the same. Also, let us know what is your morning routine? We would love to hear from you.

Till then, stay tuned with us for more information. 

Feature Image – Pixabay

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