Top 10 Easy Ways to Burn Calories

We know staying fit can be a chore, but guess what – it doesn’t have to be. Especially when laughing, shopping, or even Netflix binging could become your secret weapon against calories! Yes, you read that right – these are legit and easiest ways to burn calories.

Most of us think shedding calories means endless diets and gruelling workouts. But we’re here to show you that burning calories can be a blast. 

Say goodbye to the monotony of traditional fat-brining methods and join us as we explore unconventional yet fun ways to torch those calories. Let’s add these ten exciting calorie-burning ways to your exercise routine!

10 Everyday Simple Ways to Burn Calories You Didn’t Know 

Laugh Away – It’s the Easiest Way to Burn Calories!

Are you ready to add some laughter to your fitness routine? Brace yourself for this exciting revelation: laughing can help you burn calories! In a fascinating study, researchers at Vanderbilt University dug into the connection between laughter and calorie burning; the results are enough to make you happy.

The study involved showing participants funny video clips and closely monitoring their emotional responses. The findings left everyone in splits – those who had genuine bouts of laughter experienced a whopping 20 per cent increase in calorie expenditure. Imagine that, turning your laughter into a calorie-burning machine!

And that’s not it! According to Fox News, even a mere 10 to 15 minutes of genuine giggles can zap away the calories found in a square of chocolate. That’s like waving goodbye to around four and a half pounds each year. So, chuckle your way to a lighter you. It’s the easiest calorie-burning exercise to ever exist!

Add Singing to Your Shower Routine

In another episode of “quick calorie-burning exercises”, it’s time to turn your morning routine into a calorie-burning concert! Embrace your inner rockstar and belt out your favourite tunes in the shower – your vocal prowess just got an upgrade! 

According to Health, this melodic session can help you burn 136 calories per hour. That’s like adding a twist of fitness to your shower routine! And guess what? Your singing concerts do more than just melt calories. As reported by TIME, it triggers the release of endorphins, those lovely mood-lifters, and even tames the stress hormone – cortisol. 

So, let your shower stage be the arena where you rock out, burn calories, and wash away the stress! 

Burn Calories Easy by Skipping Rocks

Do you remember skipping rocks by the water’s edge during your childhood? Well, it’s time to revisit that playful activity, as it’s a calorie-burning gem!

Skipping rocks engages your core, lower legs, and glutes as you squat to pick up the perfect pebble. And the throwing motion? It works your upper body muscles too! And if you try tossing rocks with your non-dominant arm, you’ll give both sides of your body a workout. So, next time you’re near water, make rock-skipping your go-to calorie-crushing adventure, as it’s the easiest exercise to burn calories.

Chew Gum to Burn Face Calories

You might not believe it, but chewing gum is an easy way to burn calories while sitting. While it might not be healthy, chewing gum surprisingly has a few tricks up its sleeve for your waistline! It does more than just freshen your breath – it actually burns calories. How, you ask?

When you chew gum, you’re giving your facial muscles a mini workout, which means you’re expending energy. And here’s the bonus – it helps keep those snack cravings at bay! So, before you dive into that bag of chips, consider grabbing a stick of gum instead. Plus, it’s like a face and neck workout too! Talk about multitasking for a toned look and a trimmed tummy.

Get Cozy Under the Sheets With Your Partner

Imagine losing weight while simply enjoying some quality intimate time in bed with your partner. Yes, you read that right! Researchers from the University of Montreal found that during intimate moments, women can burn about 69 calories, while men can use around 100 calories. It’s like a mini workout without even leaving your cosy spot.

So next time you’re snuggled up, remember that intimacy not only spices up your relationship but also gives your metabolism a little boost. So, go ahead and embrace the cosy calorie-burning adventure that intimacy offers. It’s a delightful reminder that losing weight doesn’t always require a treadmill or a salad.

Knitting – Lose Calories With Every Stitch

Are you looking to pick up a new hobby? Well, we have the easiest answer for you – learn knitting! It might sound unbelievable, but those creative knitting sessions could double as a calorie-burning extravaganza. Yes, you heard it right!

Before we dive in, remember that factors like age, weight, heart rate, and time influence calorie burn in any activity. That being said, for an average 150-pound individual, knitting can burn around 100-150 calories in an hour. Believe it or not, that’s roughly equivalent to half an hour of light callisthenics.

So, if you’ve been dreaming of a cosy scarf or a charming sweater, you will be knitting something beautiful while chipping away those calories. It’s like art with a bonus! And to put it into numbers, if you’re that 150-pound person, you’re bidding adieu to 103 calories every hour of knitting.

Go for a Grocery Run – It’s the Easiest Way to Burn 100 Calories

Believe it or not, your trip to the grocery store can become a calorie-burning adventure – especially if you’re stocking up on wholesome goodies. Yes, you read that right – those aisles of health can be your secret weapon for a toned physique! Let’s break down the slimming magic of grocery shopping.

Here’s the deal: while you’re gathering your shopping essentials, you’re unintentionally working those muscles. Those lifting and pushing motions as you reach for items give your shoulders and core a little workout. It’s like turning a routine chore into a mini fitness session.

So if you want to burn 100 calories quickly, spend around 22 minutes scooping up those food staples that contribute to a flat belly. It’s like turning your grocery list into a calorie-cutting magic wand!

Let Horror Movies Melt Your Calories

Who would have thought catching a scary movie could become your calorie-crushing strategy? 

According to a study from the University of Westminster, dedicating 90 minutes to an edge-of-your-seat movie can burn around 113 calories on average. And here’s the thrilling part – movies like “The Shining,” “Jaws,” and “The Exorcist” are the real heroes when it comes to burning calories. Move over, popcorn – it’s time to let your nerves do the calorie-busting work!

Moreover, experts say that the rush of excitement from these spine-tingling movies brings you not just one but two awesome perks. First, it might help put a cap on your hunger, making you eat less. Second, it cranks up how much energy your body uses up while you’re just sitting around, so you’re burning calories even when you’re not moving much. Imagine that!

Turn Vacuuming Into a Calorie-Burning Activity

Guess what? Your vacuum cleaner isn’t just for cleaning – it’s your ticket to a mini workout as it’s one of the easiest ways to lose calories at home. Who would’ve thought that vacuuming could be a double whammy for chores and calorie-burning?

Here’s the lowdown from Dr. Robert G. Silverman, a nutritionist and HardStyle Kettlebell Certified instructor. While you’re holding onto your vacuum, step forward with one leg, lifting the heel of the other foot. Bend your knees, lower your hips, but don’t let that back knee touch the ground. Rise back up and bring the back foot forward with another big step. Repeat this lunge pattern while vacuuming, and voila – you’re multitasking like a fitness champ!

So, the next time your carpets need cleaning, remember that vacuuming isn’t just about tidying up – it’s also about tightening up! 

Assemble Ikea Furniture for Quick Calorie Burn

Who knew your next furniture assembly project could turn into a calorie-burning bonanza? Yes, you read that right – putting together or fixing up your Ikea furniture isn’t just about creating a stylish space; it’s also a fantastic workout!

Here’s the calorie scoop: for every hour you spend assembling or repairing your Ikea pieces, you’re waving goodbye to a whopping 288 calories. It’s like your toolkit is now a calorie-torching secret weapon!

How great is it? As you tighten screws, lift parts, and piece things together, you’re also toning your muscles and boosting your energy expenditure. It’s like a DIY-meets -calorie-burning session.

Who knew grocery shopping, singing in the shower, or even having sex could become your secret weapons against calories? Here’s to a healthier and happier you – keep the calorie-burning magic alive!

And if you want to keep getting more such fun content, stay tuned to The Glam Lives.

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