How to Improve Your Handwriting?

In the world of digital media, the comfort of pen and paper is still a lifelong romance. There is something about writing on paper with a perfect pen that brings calm to the mind. Handwriting is not just about communication. Good handwriting is an art. It is a part of your identity and your being. For instance, you can easily decipher your handwriting from the others. That is why you want to know how to improve your handwriting.

You would be surprised to know that a lot of handwriting experts can tell a lot about you by simply going through your handwritten note. The way you cross Ts and dot on Is tells a lot about you. Hence, if you wish to create a mark on people, your handwriting is surely an area of improvement you should look for. 

To be honest, no one pays heed to their handwriting in a hurry but it matters when you are distressed and wish to jot your feelings down. If you are someone who wishes to transform their handwriting, we are ready to offer help.

We are here to hand over some tips to improve your handwriting. So, when it comes to writing you need to focus on three main things,

  • Slow and steady wins the race (might be cliche but it’s true)
  • Aim for consistency in your letterforms
  • Practice and more practice

The thing about slowing down is that you become more mindful of putting pen to paper. When you are aware of what you are writing, you try to do better. Secondly, if you pay close attention to how you scribble, you try to be consistent. For instance, try to write every letter in the same pattern. Lastly, it always comes down to practice. There is no substitute for practice whether it’s formal or informal handwriting. 

These were the three nitty-gritty to warm up your mind. Let’s dive into more details.

Learn with Us How to Improve Your Handwriting 

Try Changing Your Work Surface

Check surface if you are looking for how to improve your handwriting | Photo by Unsplash

Okay, pardon us to disappoint you as you must not be expecting this as your first tip. However, the surface on which you write plays a major role in your writing. For instance, writing on a more stable surface will improve the way your letters curve instead of writing on the knee or other surfaces. 

Furthermore, your choice of pen is also important. A fountain pen will produce a different handwriting style as compared to a ballpoint pen. Although there are a few experts who can replicate the same form with both pens (we can get there with practice). 

Let us tell you one secret; the flowier your ink, the greater is your challenge in controlling the letterforms. Also, the way you hold your pen plays an important role. 

Too much, isn’t it? 

Well, relax!

The way you wrap your fingers around the pen is something to look for. A firm, controlled grip on the pen and a light wrist are crucial. Your elbows should be as an anchor point along with relaxed shoulders (no, this is not a yoga form. Maybe handwriting yoga?)

Keeping the fun at bay, move your hand across the page with your elbows pointed like a pivot point. If you move your hand from the wrist, it will result in hand fatigue and cramping. So, keep your shoulders relaxed to yield a good curve on the paper. 

Back to Basics

Want to know how to improve your handwriting? Why not go back to basics?

Remember the time in kindergarten when you were taught to write big bold letters? Exactly, it’s time to revisit it all together.

Write bold letters using crayons or markers- if you are too tired of relaxing your shoulders with the pen. Writing big letters can help you in reshaping them and train your handwriting muscles for writing on a smaller scale. Most importantly, don’t forget to date your lettering to check your progress. 

Keep in mind that it’s not about writing perfectly. It’s about making constant progress and improvement. So, be kind to yourself in the process. 

Practice New Ideas

Practice new ideas is a tip on how to improve your handwriting | Photo by Unsplash

Do you know the beautiful part about writing? It gives you a whole lot of ideas. Your avenues to practice are endless. Here are some!

  • Song lyrics: Which is your favorite song? Why not write its lyrics on the paper? Sing and write. Sounds fun, right?
  • Quotes: You can start a collection of your favorite quotes in a journal and re-read them whenever you feel like. 
  • Pangrams: A pangram is something that uses every alphabet to create a sentence. You must have heard about “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”. This way, you will be practicing every letter without any fault.
  • Crosswords: If you are finding fun in doing these exercises, you can also make your morning crossword routine more exciting and neat.
  • Completing forms: Next time you are filling any form, fill it with a little awareness. Instead of hurrying, allow yourself to write clearly.
  • School handwriting workbooks: These are inexpensive and easily available. Or you can also download them.
  • Journal: Make it a habit to spare some time out of your day for the journal entry. Simply write your thoughts or how your day went by in the journal.
  • Everyday list: Are you heading to the grocery store? Create a list of items you need to buy and write them on a piece of paper. You might not get a chance to write this list every day unless you are a huge grocery shopper. Although it will be fun whenever you do!
  • Snail mail: Simply write a small snippet or quote or a letter where you can focus more on the consistency. Even a short thank you note will do the thing for you.
  • Handwriting challenge: You would be surprised to know that there are a lot of handwriting challenges you can find on social media. If you want, you can create your challenge and ask people to compete.
  • Practice randomly: Honestly, you don’t need a journal to practice handwriting. You can do it easily in a book or magazine. Turn to a random page, close your eyes, and place your finger on a paragraph. Write it out. 

So, it’s not that difficult after all, right? Now you know how to improve your handwriting. Get yourself going and let us know your progress. Wish you the best!

Stay tuned for more such posts!

Feature Image Credits – Photo by from Pexels

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