Back Acne Problem? Here Are Some Tips and Home Remedies that Can Help!

Back Acne Problem? Here Are Some Tips and Home Remedies that Can Help!

Hello, Acne! Now you are setting up your home at my back? Was my face not enough for you? Please bid me goodbye forever!

Are you also pissed from annoying back acne? Here are some tips and remedies to get rid of them.

What is back acne? 

Acne or pimples are skin conditions that usually occur on the face but, in a few unfortunate cases, you can spot them on the back, chest, hands, and legs also. 

These breakouts on the back are sometimes referred to as – bacne!

If you are struggling with bacne, then trust us, you are not alone. Research shows that half of the people who suffer from acne also have back acne issues. 

Bacne can make you feel conscious, especially when you want to flaunt those backless summer dresses.

What causes back acne?

Image Credits – Photo by Matt Moloney on Unsplash

Our body produces sebum in the glands connected to our hair follicles. Sebum makes the hair follicles move up to provide moisture to skin and hair. 

Back acne is the result of an inflammatory response when dead skin cells and excess sebum within the pores of the skin get in contact with the overgrowth of Cutibacterium acnes- a skin bacteria. 

Whitehead acne develops due to the clogging and swelling of the hair follicle wall. And on exposure to air, the clogged pores turn into blackhead acne. 

Some common reasons that trigger this process:

Hormonal Changes 

Hormonal changes in teenagers are the most common reason for bacne. In women, hormonal changes due to menstruation and pregnancy also cause bacne.

Acne Mechanica

Acne Mechanica is a condition where continuous friction with a chair, backpack or tight clothes clogs the sweat and dirt in the skin pores of the back and leads to back acne. 


Bacne can also develop due to some medicinal side effects. 


It can also be the result of a genetic issue.


Stress is also a contributing factor in the development of back acne.


Sweat can make your acne worse, especially when trapped longer on the skin due to tight clothing. 


Certain food items that contain carbs like potatoes, fries, oil, dairy products, etc. can trigger acne developing conditions in the body.

Tips to kiss goodbye to back acne

Regular cleansing and exfoliation 

Beautiful blonde woman taking shower Free Photo
Image Credits – Water photo created by gpointstudio –

Daily cleansing of your back is essential to get rid of accumulated bacne-causing agents- dirt, sweat, and oil. 

Use scrub and cleanser that contains antibacterial ingredients like salicylic acid, tea tree oil, and aloe vera. These ingredients help to eliminate excess oil, dirt, and dead cells from the surface of your skin. 

Use the scrub twice a week. It aids in the process of the formation of new healthy cells. 

Take shower after the workout

Always take a shower after your workout. Cleanse your back with a gentle body wash to remove sweat and grime accumulated on it. Do not wear dirty clothes while working out as bacterias from your clothes can transfer to your skin and elevate the back acne formation. 

Use clean loofah

We use loofah and scrubbers to ease the back cleaning process. However, bacterias can also reside on these cleaning tools. Therefore, we suggest using clean loofah and brushes. It is best if you replace these tools every month. 

Prefer healthy diet

Stay away strictly from deep-fried, excessive sugary, and highly processed food as these are triggers for back acne. Follow a healthy diet that includes leafy vegetables, fruits, anti-inflammatory foods, high protein foods, and fiber-rich foods. 

Keep a healthy sleep schedule

Like food, sleep is also necessary to maintain the inflammation of our body. One should have at least 8 hours of sleep a day. 

Do not wear tight clothes for long

Tight clothes can cause friction and irritate your skin. Sweat and grime on fitted apparel get in contact with pores on the skin and cause zits. So instead of tight and thick material clothes, try to wear breathable material which is a little loose to your body.

Wash your hair frequently 

Dirt and grime in your hair can cause back acne. If you have long hair, tie them in a bun. This way, you can avoid friction and contact between your hair and skin, which triggers back acne. 

Use water-based sunscreens lotions and creams

If you are going out in the sun, use water-based sunscreen lotions and creams. It is because oil-based creams are greasy and heavy, which can cause the clogging of pores and result in back acne. 

Change your bedsheet frequently

Whether you have back acne or not, it is always best to change your bedsheet twice a week and wash it before the next use. Bacteria and dead cells get shed on your bed sheet from your body. These things can clog the pores on your skin and cause back acne. 

Sun protection 

Suntan lotion on woman's arm in sun shape Free Photo
Image Credits – Summer photo created by gpointstudio –

It is important to protect your skin from the harmful UV rays from the sun. Sun exposure can worsen the condition. Make sure you use sunscreen with high SPF (Sun Protection Factor) – we love RE’ EQUIL’s Ultra Matte Dry Touch Sunscreen Gel SPF 50 PA++++ – check on Amazon today!

Bend forward when using shampoo and conditioner

Rinse your hair forward while shampooing and conditioning. When the ingredients of shampoo and conditioner run downwards on your back, it can cause clogging. 

Do spot treatment

Rather than popping and picking on pimples, use OTC cream for spot treatment to get rid of back acne. Popping and picking can do even worse. 

Stress management 

As we have discussed earlier, stress is a factor that contributes to back acne, which means managing stress can help you with it.  

Did you know? Mediation is a great way to de-stress and calm your senses.

Learn how to madidate at home here.

Home Remedies for treating back acne

Baking soda

We all are well aware of the exfoliation use of baking soda but do you know it is also useful in soothing the redness and swelling of back acne. It works by absorbing the excess oil from the skin. It dries out the acne and helps in healing. 

  • Make a thick paste mixing baking soda and water. 
  • Apply the paste evenly on your back. Leave it for at least 20 minutes. 
  • Rinse it off while scrubbing your back gently. 

Do this remedy twice or thrice a day. Make sure you scrub only at the time of the first application of the day. 

Tea tree oil

This essential oil is well known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties, which work to reduce back acne. 

  • Mix a few drops of essential oil in aloe vera gel to form a thin paste. Apply the paste to the problem area. Rinse it off with lukewarm water the next morning.
  • Or you can also add a few drops of tea tree oil to your bathwater. It will also help reduce acne. 

The compounds in tea tree oil calm acne swelling and irritation. On the other hand, the aloe vera gel reduces the dark spots, scars, and provides a cooling sensation. It also moisturizes the skin. 

You can buy 100% Tea Tree Oil from Amazon - we personally love Organix Mantra Tea Tree Essential Oils for Skin, Hair, Face, and Acne Care

Honey and milk

The anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of honey fight acne-causing bacteria and help your skin to heal. Moreover, vitamin B6 in milk works wonders for acne. 

  • Take a bowl of milk and add three tablespoons of honey to it. Mix it well. 
  • Soak the cotton pad into the mixture and pat it all over the back. 
  • Leave it for 10 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water. 

It helps achieve healthy skin.

Epsom salt

High magnesium levels in Epsom salt work as an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. This property helps reduce the inflammation and redness of back acne.  

  • Add one cup of Epsom salt to the water in your bathtub. Soak yourself in it for a good half an hour. For good results, take Epsom Salt bath on alternate days. 

Apple cider vinegar 

The anti-inflammatory properties of apple cider vinegar not only soothe the inflammation but also relieve the bruise. 

  • Take a cup of water and add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to it. Mix it well.
  • Soak a cotton ball in diluted vinegar, and concentrate on the problem area, apply it over the back gently. 
  • Let it work for 20 to 30 minutes. Rinse it with lukewarm water.

Do the remedy twice daily. If you do not have apple cider vinegar ready with you, do not worry. You can buy one instantly from Amazon. Our editors are impressed by the ratings and reviews of WOW Life science apple cider vinegar – check today!

Aloe vera

Aloe vera slices for skin care Free Photo
Image Credits – Leaf photo created by Racool_studio –

The anti-bacterial agents in aloe vera help you get rid of back acne effectively. It helps reduce tenderness and pain. You can use it as a cleanser to prevent breakouts. 

  • Peel aloe vera leaf and extract its pulp using a spoon. 
  • Refrigerate for half an hour.
  • Rub the chilled pulp on the affected area. Let it work for 20 minutes. Rinse with water. 

In case all this seems a bit time-intensive to you, you can also shop for ready-to-use aloe vera gel available in the market. We recommend buying Indus Valley Bio Organic Aloe Vera Gel for Acne, Bacne, and Scars. With regular use, this will help you achieve a healthy and radiant skin. 

Bonus – Aloe vera pulp also helps reduce hyperpigmentation and scars. 

Potato and rice powder

Potatoes help reduce inflammatory conditions and hyperpigmentation. Phytic acid in rice powder is gentle on the skin and helps fight acne-causing bacterias. Antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals in rice powder work magically on back acne. Both the ingredients are the best de-tan ingredients. 

  • Mix two tablespoons of potato juice with two tablespoons of rice powder. Make a paste and apply it to affected areas. 
  • Wash it off gently after 10 minutes, using mild body wash. 

These are some of the DIY hacks for a clean and clear back. If you are someone who is struggling to get rid of those ugly black spots from your back, follow these tips and remedies and flaunt your spotless back.

Stay tuned for more such tips for healthy and flawless skin!

Image Credits – Woman photo created by freepik –

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