World Health Day – Embrace These Healthy Habits to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Every year we celebrate World Health Day on the 7th of April. 

This year, we are celebrating World Health Day 2022 with a beautiful theme – Our Planet, Our Health. The motive here is to embrace healthy habits that can positively impact the well-being of Mother Nature and all living creatures around. 

This initiation further aims to encourage everyone to contribute to reducing their carbon footprint through small everyday changes so we can together have a significant impact on reducing global warming.

Habits to Reduce Carbon Footprint- World Health Day 2022

In order to reduce carbon footprint and make the world a better place, we can adopt some healthy habits as listed below:

Have an insulated home

Better insulation reduces energy consumption, which in turn reduces carbon emissions. 

Good insulation can help you save your energy bills – by keeping the hot air out during summers and trapping the warm air inside in winters, you can create a cozy living space while saving a big chunk on your monthly energy expenses. 

Further, insulation is also a great way to improve your indoor air quality, as it prevents leaks and prevents pollen and dust from entering your home through ducts or cracks.

Save electricity

Photo by Artem Podrez: 

In urban areas, electricity consumption is high because we have many gadgets and electronics in use. Owing to this, many people claim that it’s difficult to save electricity – but we’d like to differ. 

There are simple ways of making our homes energy efficient. From maximizing the use of natural light to buying energy-saving appliances, many tips can help you minimize energy consumption at home. Here are our top tips to reduce carbon footprint with small lifestyle changes – 

  • Switch off appliances when they are not required, 
  • When buying products, look for BEE5 Star Rating
  • Use energy-efficient light bulbs, 
  • Unplug chargers when not in use,
  • Wash your clothes at a lower temperature, 
  • Cut down on taking long showers,
  • Consider investing in smart devices

Reduce your consumption

Excess consumption leads to wastage of resources, which is harmful to the environment. 

You can try something new this World Health Day and take on a ‘No Spending’ challenge where you do not purchase anything that is not necessary for 30 days. It could be challenging, but it will help you become conscious about what you consume. 

Eat local, seasonal food

Photo by Megan Thomas on Unsplash

Transportation over long distances can lead to more pollution and wastage of resources due to poor storage facilities and packing methods. 

When you consume local food you will not only help reduce carbon emissions due to transportation but also support small farmers and local economies. 

Moreover, eating seasonal foods is also healthy because it is comparatively fresh, contains fewer preservatives, and has higher nutritional value than those that use artificial fertilizers.


When we recycle all household waste rather than sending it to landfills or incineration, it lowers greenhouse gas emissions. If you cannot recycle at home, make sure wherever you go, you put recyclable items into their respective bins so that they can be processed correctly at recycling plants.

Stop smoking

No tobacco photo created by freepik –

Tobacco farming contributes to deforestation, soil erosion, and pesticide pollution. The production and consumption of tobacco is also a contributor to climate change. By kicking this bad habit, you will not only be improving your health but also helping the environment.

Our planet is under constant assault from human waste. But there is hope we can make a change — it is up to you and us! This World Health Day 2022, encourage your friends and family to make one small change in the way they live. Trust us – one small action can turn the tide of climate change.

Keep following The Glam Lives for more such trending stories. 

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