Proven Tips to Get Rid of Anxiety

The world is chaotic and so is the mind. Looking at the current lifestyle, anxiety has become a constant part of life. Instead, you do not need to get rid of anxiety as it is no longer even considered a threat. If we look at the silver lining, anxiety is not bad at all times (sorry to say that). It makes you alert of consequences, motivates you to push yourself harder, and helps you to take calculated risks. 

However, what if someone is unable to see the silver lining? Yes, it is now a problem.

When anxiety becomes a daily part of your struggle, it is time to find a solution before it snowballs as it can take a huge toll on your life. So, if you are someone dealing with anxiety daily, we’re here to guide you. 

Here are some ideas which you can consider to get rid of anxiety. Let’s have a look

Tips to Get Rid of Anxiety

Keep Yourself Active

Content young ethnic female athlete in sportswear with curly hair working out while looking away on sunny street
Image Credits – Pexels

The worst part of anxiety is that it can make you feel lethargic. However, lethargy is the last thing you want for your anxious mind.

Regular exercise is not only good for your physical but also emotional wellbeing. It releases happy hormones or endorphins that ease anxiety for some people. Surprisingly, exercise is not a short-time fix. You can experience anxiety relief for hours after a strenuous workout. 

Don’t Give in to Alcohol

Of course, it might look tempting. Also, it is a natural sedative. So, why not?


Drinking a glass of wine or whiskey can calm your nerves in the beginning. You will feel relaxed. However, once the buzz is over, anxiety can return triple-fold. Furthermore, if you continue to rely on alcohol to cure anxiety, you may even develop alcohol dependence. 

Do Not Smoke

Believe us when we say, it begins with “just one puff” and before you realize you are already dependent on it. 

It is a common habit for smokers to reach out for a cigarette during stressful times. However, similar to alcohol, taking a drag when you are stressed is again not a good idea. Why? Because it can worsen anxiety symptoms over time. 

Wanting to quit smocking? Experts suggest that trusting Nicotex Nicotine Sugar Free gums can be of great help. You can buy Nicotex Nicotine Sugar Free Gums From Amazon easily.

Get Rid of Caffeine

Okay, now it might sound too much for some. However, if anxiety is your constant companion, caffeine shouldn’t be your pal. 

Contrary to popular belief, caffeine may cause more nervousness and jitters which is not good for you if you are anxious. Research has shown that caffeine intake can worsen anxiety disorders. Furthermore, it can also cause panic attacks in people. On the other hand, giving up on caffeine can improve anxiety symptoms in people. 

Get a Good night’s Sleep

Insomnia is one of the common symptoms of anxiety. However, you can make little changes in your routine to sleep well. 

  1. Try to sleep at night just when you are tired.
  2. Do not read or watch television in bed
  3. Stay away from your phone, tablet, or computer in bed.
  4. Do not toss or turn on the bed if you can’t sleep. What you can do is go to another room or take a brisk walk until you feel sleepy.
  5. Avoid large meals, caffeine, and nicotine before your bedtime.
  6. Keep your room cool and dark.
  7. Keep a sleep journal
  8. Write down your worries before hitting the bed
  9. Try to sleep at the same time each night
Friendly Tip - Consider reading Sleep Smarter Now - An amazing book unveiling some practical ways to beat insomnia and other chronic sleep problems.  You can also get 25% cashback on your first purchase by using the code B2B500 - Shop now! 
Must Read - 7 Tips to beat insomnia


The main goal of meditation is to calm your mind by getting rid of toxic thoughts and replace them with positive ones. Meditation gives you a sense of calm and mindfulness of the present moment. It is known to soothe anxiety and stress. A regular 30 minutes of meditation can alleviate anxiety symptoms in some people.

Must Read - How to meditate at home?

Keep Your Plate Healthy

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Low blood sugar levels, chemicals in processed foods including artificial sweeteners, preservatives, colorings, and dehydration can cause your mood to go from north to south in a jiff. 

A diet high in sugar can also affect your temperament. Keep a track of your mood after eating. If you feel more anxious after eating a specific food, you need to change your diet. 

Keep yourself hydrated throughout the day, avoid processed foods, and include a healthy diet rich in complex carbohydrates, vegetables, fruits, and lean proteins

Practice Deep Breathing

Breathing shallow and heavily is a common symptom of anxiety. It may further lead to increased heart rate, lightheadedness, dizziness, and even a panic attack. However, deep breathing is a deliberate attempt to take slow and even breaths. Doing this can help restore normal breathing patterns and reduce anxiety. 

Give Aromatherapy a Try

Photo by Jopeel Quimpo on Unsplash

Aromatherapy is about using fragrant essential oils to promote good health. You can either use these oils directly or add them to a warm bath or a diffuser. For instance, you have ample options including lavender, bergamot, clary sage, grapefruit, and so forth. 

Research has shown that aromatherapy can help you relax, sleep, reduce heartbeat and blood pressure, and uplift your mood. 

To get started, shop for essential oils of your choice and use a good-quality diffuser. TGL editors personally love the OliveTech Essential Oil Diffuser – it looks great and comes at a very pocket-friendly price. You can buy OliveTech Essential Oil Diffuser from Amazon.

Drink Chamomile Tea

A cup of chamomile tea is known to calm frayed nerves and promote sleep. Furthermore, chamomile is also considered a powerful ally against generalized anxiety disorder. 

Give yourself a much-needed break from the humdrum by making yourself a good cup of chamomile tea and listening to your favorite music. It will work just right on your anxiety levels. 

Shop for the best-quality Chamomile Tea from Amazon to get rid of anxiety. 


It is sad to note that anxiety is common among people these days. However, not everyone knows how to deal with it. If you are anxious most of the time, try the above ideas to calm yourself down. Please note that these are not replacements for professional help. So, if you do not find yourself improving even trying these tips to get rid of anxiety, you may need therapy or prescription medication. Seek your doctor at the earliest. 

Stay tuned with us for more such tips!

Feature Image Credits – Photo by Kat Jayne from Pexels

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