How to Create Strong Passwords (And Remember Them!)

With the increasing cyber thefts, the majority of the users are concerned over privacy and security of information. It’s easy for cyberpunks to steal any sensitive information, for instance by gaining access to your e-banking account or personal storage space.

One effective way to prevent data breach and cyber theft is by paying close attention to details. Such details include things that you bring in your wallet and how you create your passwords. A strong password is indeed a front-line security tool that helps to prevent unauthorized access to information resources.

To create strong passwords for emails or any other type of account, simply follow the given steps.

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Think of a phrase made out a memorable event

The IT experts do not recommend using common passphrases containing names and dates. This is because people who already have your info can easily crack your passphrase.  A better choice is to use an unforgettable event to create your password rather than using personal information.

The alternative to thinking of a memorable phrase is using automatically generated codes. However, it is really hard to memorize a 16-character password that contains random letters and digits. Thus, think of something that you can actually memorize. It should be something simple to memorize yet complex to crack.

Substitute with non-alphabetic characters

Increase the complexity of the phrase by replacing some characters of the phrase with non-alphabetic characters. In order to make the memorization part easier, try to replace the characters with the resembling non-alphabetic characters. For instance, replace “1st” with “first” to make memorization and recollection easier.

Add the domain name to the phrase

In order to remember and differentiate the passwords for different domains, you may also add the name of the domain to its corresponding phrase. Also, prefer adding a specific name instead of the domain name itself. It will be completely your choice to add the domain name before, after, or wherever in your phrase.

Add numbers to the phrase

Besides adding the domain name to the phrase, you may also add a number to the phrase to make the password stronger. Pick a number that you can easily remember and use it before, after, or between the phrases.

A strong password generally should be longer in length, i.e somewhere between 8 and 14 characters, and must contain both upper and lowercase alphabetic letters as well as specialized alphanumeric characters. A short password is more easily guessed than a longer one.

It cannot be denied that sensitive information can be easily leaked out. However, to prevent intrusions, stay vigilant and do yourself the favor of adding extra protection by creating strong passwords. 

What to Avoid When Creating Strong Passwords?

  • It is vital to avoid using common sequences when creating a password. These include letters in alphabetical order, or using numbers in chronological order (like 123456), and so on. This is one of the oldest tricks when it comes to password creation and probably the initial thing a potential hacker will attempt when it comes to hacking your passcode. Do mix things such as upper & lower level letters, numbers, and several symbols, however, do not make the mistake of making the passwords too similar to basic order.
  • Do not make your password universal. Once it is cracked, the intruder can easily gain access to all your accounts especially if you use a new password across all accounts. In the times of easy identity theft, lock your doors with sturdy and hack-proof passwords.
  • Many users prefer using initials, birthdays, social security numbers, and similar letters and numbers. It is recommended not to do this if you want your password to be strong and secure. Doing this will open up the possibility that your close friend or loved one might easily gain access to your private information.
  • Never share your passwords with other individuals unless you do not mind sharing your private information. It is vital that you store them in a manner that is safe from the watchful eyes of potential intruders. The rule of thumb is to note it down in an area away from the computer where it can be accessed only by you.
  • When creating a strong password, use as much of the keyboard as possible. It’s better to mix things up a bit and avoid using sequences that can be easily figured out. Do not just get into using the number keys on the keyboard, think of something different and complex to figure out.

Strong Password Best Practices

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Keep changing your password frequently

Indeed, changing passwords is a pain; however, it’s a lot more of a pain if you get hacked. It is crucial to ensure that you regularly update your password. Having one password too long, irrespective of its strength can be potentially harmful to you. If possible, try to change your passwords once every thirty to ninety days. Doing this will ensure that you and all your private information is kept completely secure.

Use different passwords

Prefer using different passwords everywhere. This is a crucial step since if a hacker gets access to one password it limits the damage that can cause. If you feel it is hard to remember all those multiple passwords, you can save the passwords in a text file or spreadsheet, or you can use a password manager.

Use a good antivirus program

Having a good antivirus program will stop key-logger programs from stealing your user ids and passwords. You can also use a commercial anti-virus program, such as AVG or Avast for additional security. Do not use more than one, as they can conflict with each other.

Easier is not better always

The majority of people prefer to actually use their birth dates, kids’ names, and even 123456 as their passwords. However, these types of passwords take hackers only seconds to crack. Such simple passwords leave your account open and allow the thieves to take advantage. Also, make sure the password you choose to create is not your name followed by 12345, e.g., John123

The suggestions above are basic steps that can be considered to create strong passwords for your accounts. Stay tuned with us for more helpful posts!

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