5 Reasons Why Social Media Stalkers Stalk (#5 is the most relatable, we bet!)

Social media has turned our life upside down. 

Sometimes it is useful, and at other times, we get some interesting drama. Often, this spicy drama comes from the joy of stalking. How are you supposed to know that your ex just got married? Thanks to social media stalking. Turns out, social media stalkers can even leave the FBI run for the money. Stalkers tend to know everything. They have their own “ways”. While some people are a lesser pro at stalking than others yet everyone is a stalker. We want to know others and what they are up to. We wish to dig into their personal lives and compare ours. Who’s the cooler person? 

Of course, it has to be you! How are you going to find it? Let’s stalk the cool people you think are cool enough. Well, there can be plenty of reasons for stalking, brace yourself because we have covered the top 5 in this article. 

Why Social Media Stalkers Stalk?

Image Credits – Unsplash

Have you seen the recent wedding photo of your friend whom you are no longer friends with? Well, I have and I am sure you must have too. Turns out, when it comes to social media stalking we all are the same. 

In the earlier days, we had to rely on gossip or rumors spread by Sharma aunty (no offense). However, in the age of social media, we all have turned into one. Today, it is more like people are presenting their own lives on a platter to be stalked. Sometimes we give in to this relentless feeling and run wild in the most surprising ways. For instance, sometimes you might accidentally click on the like button which you were not supposed to. What next? Pack your bags to China and hope nobody finds out.

Jokes apart, whether cyberstalking is adoration, fascination, hatred, or something else, we can decide by reasons why people stalk. Let’s have a look. 

It Feels Somewhat Empowering

When you scroll down the Instagram feed of an ex-lover or a new friend or a colleague, you are invading their personal lives without offering anything in return. Now, the lives shown by them on social media might be far from reality (it mostly is) but the power dynamics are important in every relationship. Also, you get to know more about the person. 

Pro tip: Have some privacy settings on your profile because the other person is stalking you too! Also, to be on the safe side, learn how to create strong passwords for your email and other social accounts!

A Tool to Seek Validation and Self-evaluate 

How are you supposed to know yourself when you don’t have anyone to compare to? 

To know ourselves, we tend to observe others. When you try to know yourself on the grounds of being funny, attractive, or successful, your brain automatically categorizes and ranks your traits against others. 

While comparing yourself to others is something we should shy away from, thanks to Social media that it is now turned into a habit. 

To Decode the So-called Social Norms

We are humans (yes, we are!) and we tend to make connections with others. To your surprise, a study has found that lack of human connection leads to obesity, smoking, and blood pressure. However, a lot of people lack the communication needed to create connections.

On the other hand, social media stalking gives you a lightweight practice for social interaction. 

Out of Addiction! 

social media stalkers
Image Credits – Pixabay 

Well, we all have been there. We get a tinge of dopamine when someone likes our social media posts. That happy feeling is extremely addictive and it causes you to spend more time on social media. 

So, the never-ending cycle starts and you keep on talking like there’s no end. 

To Find New Juicy Facts to GOSSIP About!

The most important reason out of all, GOSSIP!!

The little gap which you share with your ex-friends or lovers is filled by social media. Sharing your views on social media, posting too much, and scrolling through it like a hawk is allowing others to stalk (remember, our platter?). So, folks, this was all about stalking. We hope you didn’t find us from your stalking ritual. If you did, you did a pretty good job. Now, stay in touch with us so that we can give you more such fun reads. Also, let us know if you are one of the social media stalkers and why you stalk?

Feature Image Credits – Pixabay

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