16 Ways to Relieve Menstrual Cramps

Curled up on a cozy couch with a hot water bag, complaining about being a girl every 28 days!

Ugh! Those days of the month- cramping, thigh pain, lower back pain, mood swings, bloating, and heavy bleeding. 

Dysmenorrhea has been observed to be the most common problem behind all this in menstruating women. According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, period pain affects the daily activities of 90 percent of women.

What is the reason for menstrual cramps?  

Know reasons to relieve menstrual cramps – Photo by Pexels

During the menstruation cycle, it is common for women to feel discomfort around their abdomen, thighs, pelvic, and lower back. 

Cramps are caused by a compound in our body, prostaglandins. The level of prostaglandins increases in the lining of the uterus before the period starts. The level of prostaglandins is highest on the first day of the period. To shed the built-up lining, the muscles of the womb contract and relax. These muscles at work cause cramps. With the progress of the period, the prostaglandins levels decrease as the lining sheds. That is the reason why cramps are worse on the first day and get better day by day. 

Is it normal to have bad period cramps?

Usually, period cramps do not signify any severe health issues. But in some cases, painful cramps can be an indication of the medical condition. 


A disorder in which tissue similar to the endometrium, the tissue that forms the lining of the uterus grows beyond the uterus. It often grows on the bladder, ovaries, bowels, and tissue lining the pelvis.  


A condition in which the endometrium breaks and grows inside the muscle wall of the uterus. It results in lower abdominal pressure, period cramps, bloating, and heavy bleeding. 

Uterine fibroids

It is a noncancerous growth in the uterus. Which usually happens during the childbearing years. It causes pelvic pain, prolonged and heavy periods. This condition is also associated with the potential risk of uterine cancer. 

Such period cramps may seem like normal cramps, but they last longer and are severe. 

It is important to consult your doctor if you experience this type of menstruation pain. 

How to relieve menstrual cramps? 

If period cramps are hampering your daily activities every month, this is the right place to know how to relieve menstrual pain quickly. Here are 15 proven techniques and home remedies for period pain. So it’s time to get yourself on track with your busy life. 

Use a hot water bag

Wrapping a hot water bag around the abdomen can relax the muscles of the uterus, which is responsible for causing period cramps. Heat also encourages blood circulation in the abdomen, which lowers the pain. 

A study shows that in primary dysmenorrhea, it is more effective to wrap heat bags than taking acetaminophen or any other over-the-counter pain relievers. It is found that a heat patch at 104 degrees Fahrenheit is as effective as ibuprofen on regular menstruation cramps. 

Not only do heat bags relieve the pain and cramps, but also reduce mood swings and fatigue. 

If you are not spending much time at home, use heat patches at the place of a hot water bag or bottle. The heat patches are easily available at local pharmacies and online. They are easy to use. Just open and stick them to your abdomen. 

Massage to relieve menstrual cramps

Massage to relieve menstrual cramps – Photo by Unsplash

Research on 23 women shows that significant massages reduce menstruation pain immediately and afterward, especially massages with some essential oils. 

Lavender, sage, marjoram, rose, cinnamon, clove, and similar essential oils can boost circulation and help ease period cramps. 

You can easily find these essential oils online or at any food or drug store near you. 

It is recommended to mix the essential oils with a carrier oil like coconut or jojoba oil. Carrier oil helps spread the essential oils to a larger area and get into your skin safely. 

Rub a few drops of oil mixture between your palms and massage it gently on your tummy. 

As per the experts, massaging in a circular motion in your abdomen for five minutes boosts circulation and helps reduce cramps. 

You can also visit a therapist, they press and massage specific points around your abdomen, hands, and back that help lessen the cramps and make you feel relaxed. 

Hydrate yourself more

For many women, menstrual cramps are an uncomfortable part of life every month. Drinking more water helps reduce bloating, which elevates the cramp condition even more. Hydrate yourself by drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water in a day, especially during periods. Add mint or lemon to make the water palatable. 

Avoid the intake of alcohol, excessive salt, and other food items that promote bloating and cause dehydration. This way, one can avoid the menstrual symptoms of diarrhea or vomiting. Drink plenty of water to combat lost fluid. 

If you don’t like to drink water, opt for fluid foods that relieve menstrual cramps. Drink fruit juice after you get up in the morning. Sip chamomile tea or ginger tea (caffeine-free). For a spa-like treat, make a pitcher of lemon, cucumber, or mint water to drink throughout the day. Staying hydrated not only helps you with cramps but also improves your overall health. 

Skip fatty sugary and salty foods

Diet is the key. It is common to crave fatty, sugary, and salty foods when you are on your periods. But remember, these foods are not good for your period cramps. So skip foods like donuts, cake, pasta, and potato chips. All of these food items increase inflammation and promote period pain.

Many women find the right diet to help ease menstrual pain. Tomatoes, berries, cherries, bell peppers, and other inflammatory foods are a healthy choice. Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids are also a good diet choice. Eat dark leafy veggies, almonds, and beans- these foods contain properties to combat inflammation. However, it is best to eat a healthy diet year-round, not just for those days of the month. 


It may sound crazy to you, exercising at the time when you are dying in pain and can even barely move. But the fact is, with exercising, the circulation increases in the pelvic area and releases endorphins and counterbalances prostaglandins. 

During periods, yoga asanas like Shavasana and Pranayama, ease the cramps and help the body to relax. 

Reduce stress 

Reduce stress to relieve menstrual cramps – Photo by Pexels

Stress can make the situation even worse. Try meditating, deep breathing, yoga, or any of your favorite stress-relieving activities. Try guided meditation if not sure how to relieve stress. 

Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and imagine yourself in a peaceful and calm place. Stay focused and think of that place for a few minutes while taking slow and deep breaths. 

Add a sprinkle of cinnamon to your food

In a study, young women who took 420 milligrams of cinnamon thrice in a day experienced less menstrual pain, bleeding, nausea, and vomiting. 

Sprinkle a pinch of cinnamon powder into your hot chocolate cup or cereal. It has no side effects and may help you ease period cramps and symptoms. 

Try pycnogenol supplement 

The plant extract pycnogenol is derived from the maritime pine tree of the southwestern region of France. Pycnogenol contains several potential components of antioxidants. 

In a study, women ages 18 to 48 years who took 60 milligrams of pycnogenol supplement during their periods, experienced lesser pain. 

Dill powder relieve menstrual pain

The researchers tested the effectiveness of dill powder for menstrual cramps on a group of young female students. Women start taking the dosage of dill powder two days before their periods. Researchers found that dill powder is more effective in relieving menstrual pain as compared to over-the-counter pain medicines. Dill can be an effective way of combating period pain with non-drug treatment.


Curcumin is the best ingredient to heal menstrual cramps naturally. Women experienced a reduction in period pain by including curcumin in their diet before and during their menstruation cycle. They have also observed an improvement in their mood, behavior, and physical PMS symptoms. The inflammatory properties of curcumin also help with conditions like inflammatory bowel disease and arthritis. 

Vitamin B1 and fish oil

Two months of continual treatment with vitamin B1 and fish oil lowers the pain significantly. This conclusion is based on a well-conducted study on young women over two months. It reduces pain severity during periods. 

Say no to caffeine 

Eliminating caffeine during periods can help in relieving menstrual pain. Avoid coffee, tea, chocolate, soda, and caffeine-containing energy drinks. If you consume any of these things daily, then you need to control the dose. 

Instead of caffeine, try including smoothies loaded with protein, antioxidants, and other nutritional supplements in your diet. 

Acupressure and acupuncture

Acupressure is a non-invasive eastern healing treatment that helps in various health issues, including menstrual cramps. In this treatment process, the experts apply firm pressure on certain points of the body using their fingertips. 

According to experts, gentle rubbing in circular motions on your calf above the ankle can ease period cramps. 

Process for acupressure is:

  • Look for the fingertips up the inner ankle bone.
  • Rub the area gently for a few minutes.
  • Repeat the process on the days of the period and before it. 

Acupuncture may involve the use of needles to decrease menstrual pain. 

Practice good sleep 

The menstrual symptoms are associated with the quality of your sleep. Women with poor sleep hygiene experience severe menstrual cramps than those who practice good sleep hygiene. Establish and stick to a good night routine. You may get good sleep listening to soothing music, taking a warm bath, and avoiding screens. Getting proper sleep improves overall health and reduces the monthly symptoms of the menstrual cycle. 

Treat with a hot water bath 

Take hot water bath to relieve menstrual cramps – Photo by Pexels

Soak yourself in a warm water bathtub. It keeps your pelvic muscles warm and relaxes them. 

You can enhance the effect of warm water by adding essential oils like lavender, marjoram, or rose to the warm water. To get the most benefit, soak for at least 15 minutes. 

Herbal treatment for menstrual pain

Several herbs treat menstrual pain. Cramp bark, turmeric, and chaste berry are usable to combat period pain. They decrease inflammation and work as pain relief. In Europe, chaste berry is widely used for treating irregular menstrual cycles. Consult your doctor before taking herbs and make them know about your medical history (if any). 

Take a note of these ways and home remedies for period pain. If you find this useful, keep visiting The Glam Lives for more lifestyle and health tips!

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