Bodyweight Can Affect Your Sex Life- Here’s How!

Bodyweight is the most controversial topic nowadays.

You must have witnessed people on various social media platforms talking about body positivity saying, weight doesn’t matter. We agree that all bodies are beautiful until the weight doesn’t bother your health and daily activities. One such thing that can get affected by body weight is your sex life. Let’s discuss this in detail on how body weight may affect your sex life. 

Effect of bodyweight on sex life

Tattooed woman showing overweight belly near brick wall
Photo Credits – Pexels

It lowers self-confidence

You may have a partner who does not care about your weight. However, if you’re overweight, you may not feel the motivation to initiate sexual intimacy. According to a recent study, it was found that particularly females who put on extra weight tend to limit their ability to engage sexually.

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Increased chances of Erectile dysfunction

In men, being overweight can increase the chances of facing Erectile Dysfunction by more than two times compared to a man with healthy body weight. Being obese can also lower the male sex hormones required for a healthy sperm count and the ideal sex life.

It can restrict the positions

Sex includes both emotional and physical connections. To build the latter, you should be physically fit. For every person, the path to pleasure can be contrasting. For you, it can be a particular position. The fitter you are, the more positions you can experiment with. However, if you or your partner is overweight, you may not be able to experiment with every position you desire.

It delays the ultimate ‘O’

Trust us when we say that there’s an effect of bodyweight on sex life.

By ultimate pleasure, we mean the climax. It is a must to reach that climax phase to make it all worthwhile. According to many renowned sexologists, if a partner has an unhealthy body weight, they may find it difficult to experience orgasm. This is because to feel the ultimate pleasure; the blood must flow through your genitals. However, when you’re overweight, it may not happen quickly.

To conclude, it can be said that yes, it is clear that body weight can muddle your sex life. However, the main idea behind physical intimacy revolves around the pleasure and happiness of both partners. If both of you are finding it okay, it’s okay no matter how many imperfections you may have, as, after all, we are all imperfect. For more updates, follow The Glam Lives

Feature Image – Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

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