STD Symptoms – 10 Signs You Need to Get Tested ASAP

Amongst the few issues still bothering humans, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) are one of the foremost. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has published a survey report which enlists about 20 million people worldwide who are affected newly by STDs. These numbers are alarming enough to keep in track and control. Some things need to be treated at the earliest to prevent upcoming catastrophes.

It has also been observed that the percentage of asymptomatic STD-affected patients is way more than that of the ones with vital symptoms. Generally, the visible STD symptoms amongst the asymptomatic patients are either neglected or have been mismatched with some other common causes, which are not at least fatal.  

It’s all about the conscience and the proper measures which can decrease the spread of such infections. There are several signs observed amongst the affected patients which are not a major indication but need to be treated as early as possible. Why don’t we take a look at 10 of those signs which are likely to be ignored at their early stages.

Common STD Symptoms Suggesting When to Test

1) Urinal pain

It has been observed in several people that they feel uncomfortable feelings while peeing. Some feel pain during their urination. This is one of the primary symptoms that can be an indication of an STD. 

Generally, people affected with gonorrhea, chlamydia, parasitic STD, etc., feel uncomfortable and in pain during their urination. Each type of pain may not lead to STDs, but difficulties while peeing shouldn’t be left untreated. According to the World Health Journal, 98 million people affected with STDs have been enlisted annually, especially gonorrhea. 

2) Pain during intercourse

If you are experiencing pain during your intercourse, it can be one of the primary STD symptoms. Consultation with a specialist is urgent if you are experiencing some pain and uneasiness while having sex. 

It has been observed that people affected with STDs are not experiencing pain during their urination. But a detailed survey found that those people are having difficulties in their sexual life, and they have reported that it hurts while engaging in intercourse. Painful sex can also be an indication of human papillomavirus.

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3) Itchy vagina

Photo by from Pexels

Itching is common in the human body, and not every itching may lead to something worse. But as it is related to skin and some private parts, it is not of much wisdom to take it gently, leaving it untreated. 

Vaginal itching can be the primary symptom of STDs, including gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, pubic lice, scabies, and much more. It has also been reported that 8 out of 10 women visit doctors with such symptoms and uneasiness. 

4) Redness in the genital region

Universally red is the sign of danger, and reddishness on the layers of the skin indicates a malfunction, precisely, infection on that part of the skin.

Redness of skin can also be the effect of being affected by STDs. This symptom is often neglected as many other causes may lead to such reddishness on the skin. Whatever it is, it is always recommended to consult a skin care specialist to find out what exactly has happened and follow the consequent protective measures as prescribed by the specialist.

5) Discharge from vagina or penis is also one of the STD symptoms

Amongst the list of men and women experiencing odd discolored genital discharge, only 25% to 50% turn out to be affected. Even if the sum appears to be under control, the ratio is still alarming. These symptoms are mainly caused by chlamydia, an infection caused by certain species of bacteria. 

6) Cauliflower shaped Warts

HPV is regarded as the sole cause for warts appearing in the human body especially in genital areas. It has been found that not all variants of HPV can cause warts, but if the affected person is found with warts mainly cauliflower-shaped, then he requires immediate consultation with some specialist. 

Medicines are not effective in removing the specific strain and curing the patients fully. Rather, it has been found that the human body usually immunes itself of its own. A study shows that it takes not more than two and a half years to fully get rid of warts and the virus causing them. 

7) The appearance of sores

Sores on the human body can be caused by various infections. Alarmingly, sores or blisters can also be caused by stage one syphilis and herpes simplex virus. 

Sores in such cases can mainly be found either around the mouth or around the genital regions. These blisters or sores are found to be filled with fluids. While the sores caused by the herpes virus are found to be painful, the sores appearing from syphilis are in general painless. Unfortunately, these are not common to a large group of people, but if those are left untreated; they can cause difficult medical conditions, including organ damage, paralysis, and even death.  

8) Flu-like symptoms

Flu has become a general occurrence amongst humans. Fever, headache, fatigue after sex, are common happenings. But this can also be the outcome of your body’s immunity system fighting with STDs. HIV (acute HIV infection), hepatitis C is mainly to be mentioned with such symptoms. The flu-like symptom is followed by some additional diseases including nausea, darker colored pee, and a yellowish appearance on the layers of the skin. 

9) Pelvis pain

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

If you are experiencing pelvic pain, consult with the specialist as you have the chance of being affected by an STD. Pelvic pain is amongst those common factors that can happen to anyone and also has various reasons apart from STD. But as no one’s sure about what is happening, it is better to let the specialist decide and follow whatever instructions are prescribed. 

Pelvic Inflammatory disease or PIV in short can be regarded as the sole and prime cause of pelvic pains. Such symptoms are caused by gonorrhea, or by some bacterial STD. It has been found that amongst the four patients with pelvic pains, one is sure to be found as affected with PID. 

10) Weight loss, diarrhea, night sweats

Some most common symptoms followed by the primary ones are sudden weight loss, diarrhea, night sweats, and skin rashes. If you feel any genital inconvenience with these common symptoms, you should get ready for thorough screening and be under medical supervision.

Thus, if you want to have a long and prosperous life with your loved ones, get tested for STDs. You should also inspire others to do so.

We hope this list of STD symptoms will help you prevent serious health problems. Want more off-the-record life-saving tips and more? Subscribe to our daily dose of wellness, beauty, and more at The Glam Lives.

Original Feature Image Credits – Pee photo created by wayhomestudio –

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