How to Win a Group Discussion?

Whether you’re applying for colleges or sitting in campus recruitments, you have to appear for group discussions. Group discussions are usually the first elimination level to shortlist the candidates, and hence, one of the most fearsome hurdles between you and the job. 

Group discussion is nothing but a formal round of discussion moderated by panelists. It evaluates your personality and breaks down your attitude and behavior while working with a group.

Typically, panelists give a topic to the candidates, and they need to share their views on it within a timeframe. It can be related to current affairs, technology, socio-economic aspects, and many other topics. 

In this blog, we present a few tips for you to conquer your group discussion confidently. Let’s go!

6 Tips to Win a Group Discussion

  1. Groom Yourself

If the grooming part seems unnecessary to you, you need to give it another thought. The way you dress reflects how you present yourself. Also, remember, first impressions always last. Therefore, groom well – keep your look clean, formal, and professional. 

Do not wear flashy or blingy clothes. Ensure that your shows do not make noise while walking. Female candidates should keep in mind to not put cakey or runny makeup. Also, do not wear jewelry that makes noise, such as bangles or bracelets that clatter when you move your hands. 

  1. Pay Attention to Body Language
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The panelists notice everything about you – from your opinions to your behavior to your body language. Therefore, ensure that you conduct yourselves confidently. 

Maintain eye contact with everyone while speaking and sit in a comfortable, straight, and confident position. You should use an assertive and soft tone. Do not point fingers at other while speaking or sit with crossed hands. It shows that you aren’t open to others’ opinions. 

  1. Speak Well, Aloud, and First

Initiating the discussion is always a win. It shows your confidence and desire to participate. However, do so only if you have thorough knowledge about the topic. If the topic is unfamiliar, let other participants take the lead and gather information through their dialogues. 

Ultimately, when you speak, be clear with your voice. Mumbling or speaking slowly shows that you are nervous. Polish your language skills and speak confidently.

Also Read: Improve Your Communication Skills With These Simple Hacks
  1. Use Relevant Statistics, Facts, and Examples

If you express your opinions with fact points and figures, you strengthen your point. You can also back up your points by quoting famous figures or personalities. Use good quotes or give real-life and relevant examples to express your ideas clearly. It fetches brownie points and prompts panelists to keep note of your cognizance. 

  1. Be a Good Listener
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Participants focus more on speaking skills while preparing for group discussions. Well, you should not forget that since it’s a discussion, others will also put forward their point. You should be able to listen to the points others are making. It not only showcases your team behavior but also gives you points to formulate your next response. 

  1. Avoid Argument

Arguments reflect badly on the candidate. You should never participate in an argumentative conversation. Therefore, do not try to prove others wrong in your discussion. 

Remember, it’s a group discussion and not a debate. Mostly, there is no right or wrong. Panelists only want to assess your skills and your opinions. If you blame others or speak aggressively, you will be rated negatively, even if you present good points.

The bottom line is you should come well-prepared and maintain professionalism all the time. Be calm, composed, and neutral to leave an impression on others.

We hope these tips help you win your group discussion. Good luck!

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Feature Image Credits – Photo by Master1305 on Freepik!

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