Chakra Healing – Your Ultimate Guide

So, you have just attended a meditation workshop or a yoga session and you hear the word “chakra” or “Chakra Healing” for the first-time. The first thought in your mind would be what are chakras? 

Mainly, in the meditation groups, the instructors focus on the third eye chakra, located between the brows. You might even come across chakra healing to solve various health issues. However, wait, what is this all about?

What is Chakra System and Chakra Healing?

The word “chakra” comes from Sanskrit which translates to “disk” or “wheel”. However, it indicates the spiritual energy center within the human body located from the neck and crown of your head to the spine. In sum, there are 7 chakras in your body responsible for creating a spiritual balance. 

The chakra system came into being in India between 500 to 1500 BC. It finds its reference in the earliest of Hindu scriptures called Vedas. The Vedas are considered to be the most ancient scriptures of Hinduism. 

The seven chakras found in the body relate to specific organs as well as spiritual, emotional, and psychological states of being. In the center of the chakras lies “prana” or healing energy that keeps us healthy, vibrant, and happy. 

With little or no scientific evidence, the benefits of chakra healing cannot be found in scientific literature. However, the study of chakras and chakra healing diet finds its significance in meditation, yoga, and reiki. 

So, here’s all you need to know about these chakras. 

Types of Chakras and How to Balance Your Chakras?

Chakra healing guide
There are seven chakras | Photo by Freepik

The Root Chakra


This chakra is found at the base of the spine and the pelvic floor. 

What is it for? 

Your root chakra creates the foundation of your body. It is supportive, sturdy, and helps in stabilizing your system. 

In general, this chakra is related to your sense of survival. It is connected to your basic needs including food, water, or shelter as well as your emotional needs including feeling safe or a fear of letting go. 

When is it blocked?

When the root chakra is disturbed or blocked, you may experience a variety of ailments including anxiety, fear, nightmares, problems in the colon or bladder, and lower back issues. 

Chakra color: Red

The Sacral Chakra


The sacral chakra is located above the pubic bone and below the navel.

What is it for?

The sacral chakra as the name suggests is the house of our emotions, passions, and pleasures? It includes all those things that satiate us and gives us joy. It is also considered the center of creative and sexual energy. 

When this chakra is aligned you will feel good. You will feel energetic, friendly, passionate, and fulfilled. Furthermore, you will also feel wellness, abundance, and joy in your life. 

When is it blocked?

Sometimes when you feel suddenly downtrodden or can not get your creative juices flowing, your sacral chakra is misaligned. Moreover, this can also translate to sexual dysfunction as well as depression, fear of change, and addictive behaviors. 

Chakra color: Orange

The Solar Plexus Chakra


The solar plexus chakra is located from the navel to the ribcage. It controls your metabolism.

What is it for?

This third chakra on the list is known to be your source of individual power and your self-esteem.  Furthermore, it relates to your willpower, commitment, and personal power. 

When is it blocked?

A blocked chakra can make you suffer from low self-esteem, cause you to have difficulty in making decisions, and clear anger or control issues. Furthermore, it will also lead you to express apathy and procrastination. It will fill you with self-doubt and struggle to come out of it. 

Physically, it will lead to stomach aches or digestive issues. 

Chakra color: Yellow

The Heart Chakra


The heart chakra is located in the center of the chest comprising your heart, thymus gland, lungs, and breasts.

What is it for? 

The fourth chakra found in the center of your body represents a bridge between your physical and spiritual needs. As its origin lies in the heart, it also signifies love. 

When your heart chakra is aligned, you feel love, compassion flowing through your body in terms of both giving and receiving. 

When is it blocked?

A blocked heart chakra can lead to a variety of emotions including anger, grief, jealousy, fear of betrayal, hatred towards yourself and others. 

Chakra color: Green and pink

The Throat Chakra


As the name suggests, it is found in the center of your throat covering the thyroid, parathyroid, jaw, neck, mouth, tongue, and larynx.

What is it for?

Do you always find yourself speaking what is on your mind? Your fifth chakra is perfectly aligned. This chakra makes you speak the inner truth. It rules your communication. When this chakra is aligned, you will be able to speak and express yourself freely. 

When is it blocked?

A block in the throat chakra can lead to difficulty in expressing yourself. You may swallow your own words and feelings while doing so. Also, you will find it hard to pay attention or stay focused. You will constantly be in a fear of getting judged which can further hinder your ability to interact with others. 

Physically, this can lead to thyroid issues, neck and shoulder stiffness, and tension headaches. 

Chakra color: Blue

The Third Eye Chakra


The third eye chakra is located between your eyebrows. It is known to rule the pituitary gland, eyes, head, and lower part of the brain.

What is it for?

This is the chakra you have probably heard about in your meditation class. It is known to govern your intuition as well as your ability to recognize and tap on it. It is also said to be a bridge between you and the outside world. It gives you clarity and the ability to cut through illusions and drama. 

When is it blocked?

When the third eye chakra is blocked, you will find it difficult to access your intuition, trusting your inner voice, and learning new skills. If your other chakras are imbalanced including the root, sacral, solar plexus, and heart chakra, chances are that your third eye chakra will also be misaligned. In this case, you will act more judgemental, introverted, and dismissive. 

The third eye chakra can lead to a broad range of issues including anxiety, depression, and judgemental attitude. Physically, it will lead to headaches, dizziness, and other brain-related issues. On the other hand, an overactive third eye chakra can cause over imagination and a mind that lives in it. With an overworking third eye, you will become so clairvoyant that it will overwhelm and frighten you. 

Chakra color: Indigo

The Crown Chakra


As the name suggests, it is found on the crown of the head.

What is it for?

Also known as the thousand petal lotus chakra, the crown chakra is the center of enlightenment, spiritual connection to our higher selves, others, and the divine. When this chakra is aligned, you will be more aware and conscious of your mind. You will feel your mind is bigger than yourself and a tiny part of the giant universe. 

When is it blocked?

When this chakra is blocked, you will feel apathetic, numb, and disconnected from others. You will lack direction in your life. Or you will feel like your regular self and not aligned with the spiritual energy. 

Unlike other chakras, opening this chakra is difficult. You will need to perform specific yogic or meditative exercises. It is only through daily practice that you can sense silence and gratitude with the spiritual connection. 

When this chakra is overexcited, it manifests as a desire for material belongings which never seems capable of being satisfied. 

Chakra Color: Violet

How to Heal Your Chakras?

Tips to clear your chakras | Photo by Freepik

Healing your chakras is important to lead a happy and healthy life. Here are the ways you can do it.


Do you find yourself in confusion about what to wear? Let your intuition guide you. Our energy centers resonate differently with various colors. For instance, if you are feeling insecure your root chakra may be imbalanced and you will be drawn to wear red. Thus, color selection plays a huge role in driving your energy. 


You will be surprised to know that what you eat also decides your energy center. For instance, eating more red-colored foods including watermelon, tomatoes or radish will help in balancing the root chakra. Learn about chakra healing diet and update your eating habits to realize the desired physical and mental health benefits. 

Chakra Healing Sounds

High angle of man with singing bowls Free Photo
Chakra healing sounds cam help you unblock your chakras | Photo by Freepik

Similar to color, energy centers also resonate with particular musical notes. 

Root = C, Sacral = D, Solar Plexus = E, Heart = F, Throat = G, Third Eye = A, Crown = B.

Listening to these particular notes will resonate with that particular energy center and help you in creating a balance. 


You can also use your voice to create a tone and balance your energy center. For instance, place your hand on the energy center that feels out of shape, and begin to sound your deepest possible tone by closing your eyes. Gradually begin in a higher pitch and you will stumble upon a pitch that exactly feels right. Use this tone throughout your day whenever you feel low. 

Essential Oils

Different essential oils also resonate at a specific frequency. You can either apply them directly or inhale. 


meditation for Chakra Healing
Meditation can help you balance your chakras | Photo by Freepik

Meditation is so far the most powerful method of chakra healing. Sit in meditation and visualize your energy from the center of the earth entering your body. You will feel more calm, relaxed, and energetic.

Frequently Asked Questions About Chakra Healing

How do you know if your chakras are blocked?

Any kind of obstruction in chakras can be seen in your day-to-day life. You will feel more lethargic or anxious emotionally. Similarly, your physical health will also show similar signs and symptoms. That’s when you need to check and practice to balance your energy centers.

How do you unblock your chakras?

Meditate. Meditate. And meditate. The more power you give to your mind in feeding the positive energy, the more it will be reflected on your energy centers. This will help you in unblocking the chakra and revealing your inner self.

What does chakra clearing do?

Chakra clearing improves the quality of your life. It works to make you emotionally, mentally, and physically stable so that you lead a happy and healthy life. Also, it is good for your spiritual energy which makes you understand the true meaning of life.

How do you activate your chakra during meditation?

Sit in a calm place. If possible, burn an incense stick and close your eyes. Focus your mind on the particular chakra you wish to activate. Keep your breathing slow and relaxed. Visualize energy drawing from the earth to the specific chakra. Visualize it in the form of different colors and frequencies. Soon, you will feel calmness enveloping you and energy vibrating through your body. 

We hope this was a useful read. Stay tuned with us for more such content. 

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