We Bet You Do Not Know These Bizarre Facts!

Do you remember the famous Aristotle quote “The more you know, the more you realize you don’t know.”? Even in the age of the Internet where we have access to all kinds of information, there is an abundance of surprising facts and trivia that we don’t know.

Did you know that humans are the only animals on this planet that can enjoy spicy foods? Or that worms eat four to six times their weight each day? Or that the first orange wasn’t orange in color but was green? We were pretty stumped when we found out. The quirkiest one for us was that every ‘c’ in the Pacific Ocean is pronounced differently. Did you say the word out loud slowly? Well, we did too!

As you can tell, we went down the Internet hole and looked up the weirdest, most fun, and mind-blowing facts for you. Go on, enjoy reading these mind-racing and bizarre facts – 

10 Fun, Weird, and Bizarre Facts to Blow Your Mind

Only Humans Blush!

Yes, you read that right. 

We are believed to be the only animals that blush or feel the need to do so. Charles Darwin explained blushing as quite a peculiar expression. He also said it is the most human expression of all the expressions. We now know why.

Not only this but humans are believed to be the only animal that feels embarrassed. We are quite unique, aren’t we?

“But wait”, you’re probably thinking, “I find my dog blushing quite often”. Well, that could be your assumption or you might be mistaken. Because there is only one breed of dog that blush or can blush – The Pharaoh hound. Unless you this Maltese breed, you’re in the wrong. 

Must Read: Crazy, Hilarious, And Strange Things People Do (You Are Not Alone!)

River Turtles Talk While They Are in Still In The Eggs

Beautiful closeup shot of a large turtle swimming underwater in the ocean Free Photo
Reef photo created by wirestock – www.freepik.com

Seems like baby turtles are smarter than human babies!

Turtles do not have vocal cords. Therefore, for the longest time, scientists believed that turtles are deaf and do not communicate through sounds. However, recent research changed this narrative. There is a device called a hydrophone which is a microphone used underwater. With its help, scientists got to know that turtles have an extremely low sound frequency. They communicate in sounds like clicks, clucks, and hoots, which can be heard only through a hydrophone. 

The device showed that turtles can’t only talk, but they produce such sounds even when they are in the egg, unhatched. Researchers believe that this is how all the turtle siblings hatch at the same time. 

You Can’t Hum While Holding Your Nose!

You can talk, sing, whistle, or laugh ( in a weird sound ) when you hold your nose. However, you cannot hum while pinching your nose through your fingers. 

Try it for yourself. 

It’s because to make the sound of humming, you have to pass air through your larynx. You can’t exhale out of your nose since you’re holding it. Also, since you’re trying to hum, you can’t exhale air out of your mouth too. If you can’t exhale, no air passes through.

Sunsets are Blue On Mars

Elon Musk is hell-bent on making humans a multi-planet species. Even scientists are designing a master plan to colonize Mars. 

Here’s a bit of intra-planet trivia. We know sunsets are fiery pink or mellow yellow. However, on Mars, sunsets are blue. 

Scientists have seen this in the images snapped by NASA’s Curiosity rover in 2015. The reason behind this is the fine dust particles on Mars. Because of their size, the blue light penetrates the atmosphere slightly more efficiently. Hence, making the sunsets dripped in the magical blue!

Eiffel Tower is Even Taller in Summers!

bizarre facts - Eiffel Tower is Even Taller in Summers!

One of the most bizarre facts is that the Eiffel Tower gains a few centimeters every summer and shreds them again in winters.

We didn’t know the most iconic love landmark of the world has such bizarre powers!

Well, it’s all about science. The iron body of the tower goes through a natural physical phenomenon called thermal expansion in summers. Therefore, as the temperature rises, the iron particles absorb heat and move faster, taking up more space and changing the dimensions of the tower. It becomes 15 cm taller and gets back to its original height – 324 meters – once the summer ends. 

The Chef’s Hat Has Exactly 100 Folds

All of us get so busy with our food that we rarely pay any attention to the chef and their appearance. However, next time you go to dine out, do not miss to look at the chef’s traditional white hat called a toque.

The toque contains exactly 100 folds. The number is not random or used because it’s just a balanced number. 100 represents the number of ways to cook an egg. 

That’s crazy, right? Even we didn’t know we could cook an egg in 100 ways!

Your Taste Buds Aren’t as Efficient When in a Flight

According to a 2010 study conducted by Germany’s Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics, we lose our sensitivity to taste buds by about 30 percent while flying. It’s because of the high elevation and low pressure which makes us experience dryness. It affects our taste buds, mainly sweet and salty foods. 

Well, at least this explains why food in airplanes is so bad!

Pringles aren’t Potato Chips!

Free Person Holding Pringles Potato Chips Bottle Stock Photo

This one felt a bit too personal for us as well! How can Pringles not be potato chips – we all have been eating that crispy flavored snack under the impression that it is chips.

Well, that’s exactly what Pringles are. Potato crisps! 

If you look closely at the box of Pringles, you will not find the word potato chips but the word potato crisps. It is because Pringles are made of dehydrated potato flakes pressed into their signature parabolic shape. It is the reason why they are less greasy.  

However, Pringles only changed its name when other potato chip manufacturers complained about it, and the Food and Drug Administration made it do so. 

Super interesting and bizarre facts, right?

Well, thank us later because now you are all set for the trivia night. You can be the smartest geek in the group.
For more such fun content, keep following The Glam Lives!

Feature Image Credits – Through photo created by wayhomestudio – www.freepik.com

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