5 Reasons Why Mosquitoes Love to Bite You (Haha and Sorry!)

Mosquitoes have a special preference for some people. So, if the mosquito is selecting you between your siblings, know that you are the most adorable in the room. 

To your surprise, this is partly true. The person with the most seductive skin excrements attracts mosquitoes in the room. Some people produce specific chemicals which these insects are attracted to in a major way. 

Now, we suppose you are in this article because you always wonder why you are the target when there are other people in the room. So, we are here to help you. By the end of this article, you will know why you are the chosen one. Let’s have a look

Why Do Mosquitoes Bite Me?

why mosquito bite?
Photo by Pexels

Mosquitoes will bite some people more than others because of genetics. Your DNA will decide whether you are likely to excrete skin substrates that are attractive to female mosquitoes. To your knowledge, it is only the female type of mosquito that will be interested in collecting your blood. 

If you get bitten more than the other, a small portion of the reason can be found as indirect factors. If your body is warmer and if you’re someone who moves a lot in their sleep, a mosquito bite is more likely. Taking an alcoholic beverage, doing some sports, or wearing darker clothing will all increase your likelihood of getting bitten.

What Attracts Mosquitoes?

Mosquitoes are born to detect certain chemicals and get attracted to them. They are usually attracted to the following: 

  • Skin chemicals: As we mentioned, your skin chemicals are attracting these insects most. Your skin excretes lactic acid, uric acid, and ammonia. But only 80% of people are “secretors”. 
  • Skin bacteria: The bacterial makeup on your skin will also determine how likely mosquitoes will bite you;
  • Blood type: Mosquitoes prefer O-type blood over people with A, B, or AB blood types;
  • Metabolic rate: Carbon dioxide (CO2) is produced when exhaling. A faster metabolic rate will increase CO2 levels;
  • Motion: If you are moving a lot, insects will pick up on the vibrations in the air and start moving towards you;
  • Mosquito proximity: A mosquito will pick the easiest target. If you’re closer to one, you will likely be bitten first;

Now, you cannot change these factors. However, you can remove the source of the problem. Getting rid of all indoor will lessen your chances of getting bitten. Get yourself some anti-mosquito cream or solution so that you can do your work peacefully. 

Which Blood Type Do They Like The Most?

Yes, even your blood type will decide your fate of getting bitten. People with blood type O-negative and O-positive will both be the most attractive to mosquitoes. Type-B blood places you in the middle of the attractiveness spectrum, while A or AB will help repel mosquitoes the most.

Now, you know why you are the target, right? 

How Do I Prevent Them From Biting Me?

How to prevent mosquito bite?
Photo by Unsplash

You can find many natural and artificial mosquito repellants in the market. However, we have also gathered some methods that can help you to get rid of them

  • Using a mosquito trap: It is the easiest way to get rid of mosquitoes. All you have to do is get a good quality mosquito trap and you are good to go. 
  • Protecting doors and windows: It’s the first line of defense against indoor mosquitoes (see below for more);
  • Using anti-mosquito spray: Use anti-insect substances like DEET or picaridin-rich products to prevent mosquitoes from bothering you.
  • Remove standing water: They lay their eggs in any pools or puddles, remove them;
  • Use scents as a barrier: Certain smells and scents work wonders against mosquitoes, such as garlic or lemon.

Although, these methods will work just fine yet it is difficult to keep all these nasty mosquitoes away from you. Hence, don’t go just for one method out of the above. Try different methods and see which works best for you. 


Troubled by mosquitoes already? Well, most of the people are. However, you are more likely to be the target even with other people around. We believe you must have got answers to why these mosquitoes keep on annoying you. 

We would like to hear more from you. Tell us some funny incidents below and stay tuned with us for more.

Feature Image Credits

Animals photo created by julos – www.freepik.com

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